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Old February 8th, 2006, 12:51 PM   #406
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DVD Architect - No Themes

I have DVD Architect installed on my Computer. When I open the "Theme" tabs - it is totally empty. When I look at the DVD architiect directory with the "explorer" tab, there is a Themes sub folder under the DVD Architect main folder, with many theme folders and files in it.

How do I get them to show in the "Themes" tab?

I appreciate the help, as I've wated over an hour trying to figure this out, so Thanks in advance for the help
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Old February 8th, 2006, 12:53 PM   #407
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The Button and Background tabs are also empty
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Old February 8th, 2006, 01:33 PM   #408
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thank you douglas! good to hear. then I'll do one file for the audio and one for video, and dont worry about sync problems.

earlier today i rendered a 24p file and my dvd could show it.
I suppose you mean that european dvd:s doesn't support "progressive scan" or?
I think that is becoming common here too.
was it that you meant?!
Fredrik, Sweden "Please excuse my english!"
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Old February 8th, 2006, 01:42 PM   #409
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It should have been totally automatic.

Do you also have a _Themes folder? The _Themes folder is actually used to show the various themes. Basically, the contents of the thm files in the Themes folder are extracted to separate folders in the _Themes folder. There's a whitepaper somewhere on Sony's site explaining how themes work.
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Old February 8th, 2006, 03:50 PM   #410
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a continuation of my previous post
douglas: there is nothing in the manual whether my dvd supports 24p or not. it only says "progressive scan" nothing more detailed then that. but I found on an internetpage that it supports 480p and 576p.
so it might be that it speeds it up to 25p and that it therefore is no point in doing it 24 p then, since many other european dvdplayers are the same, was it that you meant?
Fredrik, Sweden "Please excuse my english!"
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Old February 8th, 2006, 06:20 PM   #411
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thanks, thats what i need
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Old February 9th, 2006, 07:22 PM   #412
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I thought DVD players were capable of recognizing the progressive flag in the MPEG-2 stream and interpolate the PAL or NTSC video from the 24P source. Isn't this how Hollywood DVDs work?
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Old February 10th, 2006, 12:25 AM   #413
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Thanks Edward, After monkeying around with it I got them to work. Mind you, I don't know exactly what I did, but there there now, so all is good :)
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Old February 10th, 2006, 01:17 AM   #414
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Actually i have one more question.How can i insert a clip, instead of overlaying it? And how do i overlay without crosfading it with the event on the tineline?
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Old February 10th, 2006, 08:10 AM   #415
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Experience with WMV encoder in AVI

I have been working on developing a workflow for working with HD from my Z1.

It seems as if the usual "best practices" with vegas are:
1. Download m2t from camera.
2. Create an intermediate format in AVI (usually using cineform).
3. Do post production.
4. Render from the AVI to whatever format is required.

In my case I wanted two final formats, DVD (NTSC for standard telivisions), and the best quality that I can get for viewing on computers and potentially for HD TV's when some media is available for the masses.

I was wondering if anyone had an opinion or experience with a slightly different work flow. Here is what I had in mind.
1. Download mt2 from camera.
2. Create the intermdiate format in AVI. Instead of utilizing cineform, use the latest Windows Media 9 VCM. With this format I can deinterlace.
3. Do post production.
4. Render for DVD architect, by first replacing the intermediate avi with the original mt2 in project media window in tab. I do this to get full original quality of image with interlacing (good idea?).
5. For computers / HD TV render to WMV from intermediate avi files using a CBR.

Point #2 is the one that I have been experimenting with. When I select the AVI format, for render as... I use the 1080-60i template and choose the Custmize option. From here I change the video format from Cineform HD codec to Microsoft Windows Media 9. By the way I got the encoder from:

Next I click the configure button, I make sure that the One-pass quality VBR is selected (under compression control), change my performance slider to "Better Quality", and my quality level to 100. I then go to the pre-processing tab and select the "De-intelace frames and encode.

I then render. In my tests it seems as if the resulting avi file is usable for edits in vegas, and the final rendered image is very crisp and clear when rendered to a wmv 1440x1080 file.

Also, the dvd produced for ntsc seems to look very good.

Does this seem to be an acceptable method for getting the best quality for both outputs (hd and standard ntsc) ? Or am I missing something ?

Does anyone have any experience with the de-interlace with with the WM9 VCM ?

Any other thoughts ?

Thanks for the review...


Last edited by Bruce Broussard; February 10th, 2006 at 09:16 AM.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 08:32 AM   #416
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If you have Ripple Editing turned on, you can just drag a clip between two other clips and the clip on the right will "ripple" down the timeline.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 08:49 AM   #417
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I SRCUB the piece in TRIMMER with the MOUSE > one graceful sweep of the wrist drag it up to t/l! DONE! No keyboard . .That's me! Scrub 'n Dump! Scrub 'n Dump! . . Scrub 'n Dump! - Keeps the feeling going and makes for lightning editing.

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Old February 10th, 2006, 04:48 PM   #418
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Parents and Children

It's not possible to have Parent and Children act like a collapsable tree is it? Like your windows explorrer. It would make it easier to navigate. Or am I missing something.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old February 10th, 2006, 05:07 PM   #419
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you didn't mention what format it was shot in(?)... if we assume interlaced, i'm not sure that the wmv encoder you are using(circa 2003) will encode in interlaced mode... interlaced would require vc-1, aka wmv9 advanced(??), which is not intended for playback on a non-interlaced computer monitor.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 06:26 PM   #420
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Killer 6.0c surround bug - HELP.

Okay, after trying in vain to post on Sony forums and exchanging a series of unhelpful emails with Sony Support, I'm going to try once more before rebuilding 4 film projects from scratch.

First, I have tried the usual - uninstalling, reinstalling Vegas, drivers etc. Second, I have been successfully creating surround projects since version 5. I have a eMu Emulator X setup audio.


Most of the surround projects I created in 5 are now not working in 6.0C. What occurs is that all 6 channels go the LR of the sound card. Vegas Mixer indicates correct surround channel playback but eMu mixer only show LR.

Here's where it gets weird. Close project, start a new surround project without changing anything and surround works correctly, every time. Furthermore, if you add a new track in the problem project and attempt any surround panning, you get the same problem, only LR output. 've verified and re-verified project settings are identical. Also, I have a couple of simple surround projects created in 5 that are working correctly.

There must be some data in VEG file that is corrupted or someone is mapping output incorrectly. Otherwise, the problem would happen with both files. I also confirmed that mix-down to stereo was not engaged, though curiously, engaging it on and off in the problem projects changes the sound slightly, although both are LR only.

Any help or insight would be much appreciated.
stephen v2
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