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Old February 2nd, 2006, 07:18 PM   #361
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You are doing a Tools - Print Video to DV Tape? If you are on the timeline and simply press "play", you will get no audio via firewire (this is normal). Also, unless you've rendered the entire timeline you'll get stutters when you've added effects or other things that are too complicated for the cpu to keep up in real time. By doing a Print Video to DV Tape, you'll get both video + audio via firewire and, if you get stuttering, there's a good chance that something else is going on in your system.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 07:31 PM   #362
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I don't think it's Vegas.
Given that I use Vegas for large multitrack audio projects along with HDV every day....
Are you capturing to your boot drive? That would be one cause.
are your hard drives in DMA mode?
Do you have your capture preview screen enlarged? What about other system resources? Sound card or firewire card sharing IRQ with other devices?
Outputting to a 24p project? Or are you using a 29.97 project with 24p in it?
Are you working with a rendered project file? or trying to play the timeline and print to tape at the same time without rendering of any kind?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 08:21 PM   #363
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Here is the exact wording. I hope this helps.

Audio should be mixed on Channel Two only. No audio should be placed on Channel One. Audio levels should be consistent throughout the show and should peak at 0 dB VU. Levels should be referenced to the tone in the slate. All speaking talent should be properly miked, preferably with a lavalier style microphone, on the talent’s chest. Audio should be mastered so that each speaker’s dialog is clearly understood, free of noise, pops, static, dropouts, or distortion. The Outdoor Channel reserves the right to reject tapes if talent audio is unintelligible. In certain hunting situations, talent may need to whisper in an attempt to prevent game from detecting their presence. In these cases, the use of sub-titles to support the dialog is expected.
"Chew On This Saltwater Fishing Show"
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 09:06 PM   #364
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Doesn't help much. Usually Channel two is reserved for everything but dialog.
Channel 1 usually is a Mix with Channel 2 containing M&E this means that Channel 1 includes all audio - VO, interviews, nat sound and M&E. Channel 2 will include everything but the VO.

That's a I guess in your case, you mix everything to channel 2, which would be left only. Kinda weird, I'd be calling them on the phone to clarify, because that makes no sense to me. Are they expecting that you won't have nat sound? Music? Effects?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 09:39 PM   #365
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I thought it was weird to. I just found out that HDV does not have to be done that way but DV does. I sure am glad I am not doing DV. I guess I could manually go through every track until they were all on Left.
"Chew On This Saltwater Fishing Show"
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 04:02 AM   #366
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24p advanced to 60i, my brain hurts

Okay, I'm using Vegas 6.whatever the latest is, and I'm assembling a new demo reel. This reel has frame mode footage (pseudo 30p) from my XL1s, 60i footage from same, and some 24p Advanced from the DVX100a.

So. . .

I'm in a regular 29.97 timeline, and it didn't occur to me 'til I watched my first rendered file of the reel that the 24p footage looked a little wacky.


How does one convert 24P advanced footage back to 60i, keeping the look? What project properties, render settings, etc.? Thanks.

did a search for this on here, could not find it.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 10:53 AM   #367
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You can render out the 24PA stuff to a separate file inserting 2:3:3:2 pulldown, then just cut those clips into your 29.97 timeline.
Hope this helps.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 11:10 AM   #368
Slash Rules!
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Is that as simple as it sounds? Just rendering, and then 24p with blah blah blah pulldown?
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 11:37 AM   #369
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Yup, it's *that* simple. If you start with a 23.976 timeline, Vegas sees the pulldown automatically.
If you right click the file in the Project Media tab, you'll be able to instruct Vegas to always auto-remove pulldown (it should anyway) by setting that property, and clicking the small floppy disk/save icon.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 01:26 PM   #370
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DVD Architect Fails

Well, I did my first project with Vegas and a render. I used a template that is for DVD Architect. When I run DVD Architek I can load the AC-3 file with no problem but when I try to load the MPG file I get an exception error and then after closing the dialog box I get the dialog box to send an error report to Microsoft, which I do.

With this, I am unable to finish my first Vegas project. :( And I don't want to spend another 5 and one half hours rendering it again.

The details of the error are as follows:

Sony DVD Architect
Version 3.0c (Build 133)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x710E980 IP:0x30873FF
In Module 'mcplug.dll' at Address 0x3080000 + 0x73FF
Thread: RenderThread ID=0xEA8 Stack=0x443F000-0x4440000
EAX=000005a0 CS=001b EIP=030873ff EFLGS=00010203
EBX=06e8a694 SS=0023 ESP=0443f5dc EBP=0443f604
ECX=03124560 DS=0023 ESI=06dcbb08 FS=003b
EDX=fffa0e70 ES=0023 EDI=0710e980 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
030873FF: F3 0F 7F 37 F3 0F 7F 47 ...7...G
03087407: 10 03 7D 14 83 E8 08 0F ..}.....
Stack Dump:
0443F5DC: 00000001
0443F5E0: FFFFE980
0443F5E4: 001D3628 00150000 + 83628
0443F5E8: 000005A0
0443F5EC: 00000000
0443F5F0: 00000B40
0443F5F4: FFFFD300
0443F5F8: FFFFA600
0443F5FC: 0000021D
0443F600: 03124560 03080000 + A4560 (mcplug.dll)
0443F604: 0000043A
0443F608: 030895EE 03080000 + 95EE (mcplug.dll)
0443F60C: 000005A0
0443F610: 00000000
0443F614: 07700280 07110000 + 5F0280
0443F618: 00002D20
> 0443F658: 0308A249 03080000 + A249 (mcplug.dll)
0443F65C: 00000000
0443F660: 00000000
0443F664: 00000000
0443F668: 00000000
> 0443F694: 004B41C9 00400000 + B41C9 (dvdarch30.exe)
0443F698: 001D3628 00150000 + 83628
0443F69C: 00000000
0443F6A0: 00000000
0443F6A4: 0443FD04 04340000 + FFD04
> 0443F6D0: 004500F7 00400000 + 500F7 (dvdarch30.exe)
0443F6D4: 00000000
0443F6D8: 00000000
0443F6DC: 0443FE60 04340000 + FFE60
0443F6E0: 04D3FF20 049B0000 + 38FF20
> 0443F798: 7C919513 7C900000 + 19513 (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F79C: 7C919551 7C900000 + 19551 (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F7AC: 7C97C080 7C900000 + 7C080 (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F7B0: 7C911970 7C900000 + 11970 (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F7E0: 7C90EE18 7C900000 + EE18 (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F7E4: 7C910570 7C900000 + 10570 (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F7EC: 7C91056D 7C900000 + 1056D (ntdll.dll)
> 0443F7F0: 7C80FEFF 7C800000 + FEFF (kernel32.dll)
> 0443F7FC: 7C80FECF 7C800000 + FECF (kernel32.dll)
> 0443F800: 7C838F36 7C800000 + 38F36 (kernel32.dll)
> 0443F81C: 01701462 01700000 + 1462 (stl2plg.dll)
- - -
0443FFF0: 00000000
0443FFF4: 7C3494F6 7C340000 + 94F6 (MSVCR71.dll)
0443FFF8: 013B4070 013A0000 + 14070
0443FFFC: 00000000
Danny Fye is offline  
Old February 3rd, 2006, 02:07 PM   #371
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Rename your m2v file to mpg and see if it plays in Windows Media Player. Be sure you have the latest DVD Architect installed.
You may want to reinstall DVD Architect, it looks like there is a MainConcept error there. You're registered, right?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 02:23 PM   #372
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Rendered HD Jumps

I have been searching posts and testing, testing, and more testing, and I can not seem to solve this problem.

Here is the scenario.

I am filming on a Sony Z1, HD 1080 60i 29.970 fps at 1440x1080

I download footage by using Data Capture in Sony Vegas 6 via firewire.

I can preview the footage in Vegas and other media applications (such as realplayer or windows media - by renaming the mt2 to mpg).

Here is my problem. I want to render some footage to maintain the HD quality and preview on computers and/or HD TV's, but depending on the clips that I render, the video jumps or skips quit a bit.

I have tried mpg, avi, and wmv codecs (including wmv9).

Not all of the footage jumps, but a lot of it does. The "jumping" occurs at exactly the same points regardless of the codec. However, if I view the mt2 source, no jumping. Also, if I render to a non-HD format, no jumping. For example, If I create a ntsc for dvd architect, (720x480), no problem, or wmv 256k, no problem. It is only the HD renderings.

It has occurred to me that the computers that I test this on may not have enough horsepower to render, but I have tried on a variety of machines.

My final product will be viewed on televisions, initially non-hd, however, I would like to have the final product in hd so that it can be viewed in hd when required.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here ? Is it the codec, sony vegas, or what ?

Also, is there a better way to render the HD ?

I appreciate any thoughts and can post examples of what is happening if anyone would like to see it.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 05:22 PM   #373
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re: rendered HD jumps


Being completely new to video editing I probably cannot offer anything that would help, however I have a HDR-HC1, I capture HD using the Sony utility.
I have had good results with several rendering settings but I am partial to Windows Media 9 (wmv) at 3Mbps. In "Vegas 6" by Douglas Spotted Eagle, he cautions to capture onto a non-operating system disk. I never had a problem but have taken his advice to heart just in case. I have increased my PC memory to over 1gb on a two-year old $400 Dell special. I believe large file sizes need NTFS partitions. My virtual memory is set to 1536mb for all disks. When I added an additional disk strictly for rendering and capturing, I had severe "jumping" on all video (DV+HD), until I updated the PC bios to accept the new disk. If DV renders fine, perhaps the large HD files have something to do with it. I can't think of anything else. Good luck.
Paul Carlberg is offline  
Old February 3rd, 2006, 05:35 PM   #374
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Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
Rename your m2v file to mpg and see if it plays in Windows Media Player. Be sure you have the latest DVD Architect installed.
You may want to reinstall DVD Architect, it looks like there is a MainConcept error there. You're registered, right?
The file is .mpg it was not m2v. Should it have been?. I have version 3.0c (build 133). I just got it yesterday from VideoGuys.

Interesting thing is a file I rendered from MSP8 will load but no audio or chapters because it is not compatible.

When I play the .mpg file rendered from Vegas it will play but is very choppy when there is motion such as panning. The MSP8 rendered file is also choppy but not as much. I used a slightly lower bit rate for it.

I used VBR for both the Vegas and MSP8 files with 8,000,000 max 7,000,000 average and 6,000,000 min. I used 1,000,000 less on each of the above values with MSP8.

The original file is crys0001.mpg as captured using MSP8. I did not have Vegas yet when I made the capture. This is a Church service so I can't go back and capture it again. This file is what I used in similar projects in both MSP8 and Vegas.

I captured direct to hard drive from my Sony HC1. There were no dropped frames. I did not use tape. This is a HDV file not a DV file.

Editing system has a Pentium 2.8 giggle hertz with hyper threading and 1.5 giggles of ram. Working hard drive for video is ATA 160 giggles and the boot drive is SATA 120 giggles. I am using Windows XP home edition with SP2 and DirectX 9.0c. Drivers and software are all updated including the bios on the motherboard. There are no 'yellow' !'s in the hardware devices.

I installed Vegas and DVD Architect last night after watching the excellent DVD I got that you did. Well, actually half of the DVD because I fell asleep in the chair while watching it. Oops... ;) I registered both Vegas and DVD Architect.

Best I can think of to say at the moment.

By the way, Vegas is a joy to use. For the first time since I have been doing video editing I actually had fun! I started way back in the early 1990's with a software called VideoWave with a 300 mhz celeron computer. Talk about slow rendering and editing. And I did an hour long project for Singles with it.

In spite of my current problem, I love Vegas.


Danny Fye
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 07:41 PM   #375
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Posts: 318
Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
Rename your m2v file to mpg and see if it plays in Windows Media Player. Be sure you have the latest DVD Architect installed.
You may want to reinstall DVD Architect, it looks like there is a MainConcept error there. You're registered, right?
Update: I have a theory as to what might have caused the problem. I will re-render the file and see if my theory is correct and then let you know what the results are and what the theory is.

Meanwhile I need to backup this thing and spend another 5.5 hours with the re-render.

Thanks again,

Danny Fye
Danny Fye is offline  
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