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Old October 28th, 2005, 02:24 AM   #16
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Gearshift Error

Hi. I am posting this here because there are no support forums at VASST. I have just finished editing a short project. I captured my m2t clips. Put them on the timeline. Did a rough edit. Used gearshift to convert them to dv proxy with the color correction. Edited the rest of the project. Applied MB Film look and Misfire. Went to swap out my proxies for the original m2t and got an "errors were found when replacing media" message. I am using the latest version of Gearshift. I have tried closing down my project and reopening it. Closing vegas and restarting. Removing all the MB filters. Has anyone had this problem? I just need to know if there is a fix for this or am I SOL and have to start over. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Sorry if I sound kind of PO'd but I just spent 10 hours doing this project and I dont want to start from almost scratch.
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Old October 28th, 2005, 06:57 AM   #17
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GearShift only looks at the file name of the proxy and filename of the actual media. If either of those change at any time in the editing process, then you can lose a file. Or, if you move a file from its current location to another location, GearShift won't know where it is; it does not search. It knows where the file was when it created it, and remembers that value too.

Changing file names or locations is about the only way I can see you getting this end result. More information about whether you've moved a file's based location/folder/name would help.

Also, if you look on the GearShift help pages, you'll find a link to active fora on just scripting.
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Old October 28th, 2005, 08:43 AM   #18
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Thank you for your response. I didn't move any of the files from their original locations or changed any names etc. When I had Gearshift make the proxies I had them sent to the source folder too. I tried a test project and I got the same result with me doing nothing but putting the media to the timeline and using the time line source function on gearshift. It rendered out the proxies and replaced the original m2t files on the timeline. Then I tried to get Gearshift to switch out the proxies for the real media and I got the error message. Now when I did the same experiment but I used the make proxy from source files function and not the from timeline function It worked fine and I had no problem switching back and forth. Any suggestions? I used the link on the Gearshift page to that forum before but there were not any similiar problems when i searched and I know that I always get prompt responses from this forum. Thank you again for any help.
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Old October 28th, 2005, 09:22 AM   #19
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Douglas - How about if you use "create subclips" from within Vegas. Is that considered altering a filename by Gearshift's definition?

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Old October 28th, 2005, 03:54 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Mark Duckworth
I used the link on the Gearshift page to that forum before but there were not any similiar problems when i searched and I know that I always get prompt responses from this forum.
Hi Mark, The reason Douglas told you about using the official support forum is because we moderate that forum. So I get an email every time someone posts. That means as the developer of GearShift you are sending me a direct email with your support question simply by posting. ;-)

I have recreated your problem and I’m looking into why it didn’t work.

For now, all you need to do to fix this is run GearShift again only this time, take the M2T files from the filesystem and render them to DV Proxies. This will restore the proxies to the full length of the original source. Then when you shift gears, everything should work fine.

Sorry about this. I’ll get GearShift updated as soon as I formulate a fix. Let me know if my workaround worked for you.

Originally Posted by Jim Montgomery
Douglas - How about if you use "create subclips" from within Vegas. Is that considered altering a filename by Gearshift's definition?
No, GearShift has been tested with SubClips and it works correctly. A SubClip is just a “view” on the actually media and GearShift deals with replacing the underlying media, not the clips.

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Old October 28th, 2005, 07:27 PM   #21
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Thank you for your response. If I have a problem like this again (I hope not). I will post in that forum. I did what you suggested and it worked fine. Thank you again.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 03:32 PM   #22
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Network rendering mpegs with other file types

edit*sorry wrong vegas forum I reposted this in the SD forums.*

So I am about to set up network rendering on my second box and was reading that I cannot use it to render either mpeg2 or ac3 files. My question is, will vegas direct those rendering jobs to my main box and send the other jobs to the second box, or will it try to render them on the second box and then barf because of licensing issues with the second box.

I generally render 5- 10 minute shorts into a couple different .wmv files (higher and lower bitrates), an mpeg2, and and .ac3 (for DVDA). Normally I'll open 3 instances of vegas (with 3 different shorts) and use the batch rendering script and do it, either overnight or while I watch a movie. If I enable network rendering will I still be able to do it that way or will I have to use "non-distributed network rendering" for the mpeg and ac3 jobs.

Also, can I run "non-distributed" and "distributed" network rendering jobs at the same time.

Thanks, I hope I was clear enough. Mark
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Last edited by Mark Burlingame; December 20th, 2005 at 04:18 PM.
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Old December 26th, 2005, 09:04 AM   #23
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DVD architect burn to another PC?

Last time I used Sony Vegas and DVD Architect I borrowed a DVD burner to make some DVD's.

I now have a laptop with a DVD burner. Can I burn a DVD from the video-editing workstation onto the DVD device on the laptop? I didn't want to install DVD Architect on the laptop...
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Old December 26th, 2005, 10:55 AM   #24
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As long as you can get the prepared Video_TS and Audio_TS files to the laptop, there should be no problem at all in burning on the laptop. Just use whatever burning program you have and point it to those two folders.

Why don't you want to install DVDA on the laptop?
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Old December 26th, 2005, 11:16 AM   #25
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First I wasn't sure that the Sony licence would allow me to put DVDA on two machines...

Plus that laptop really isn't used for editing - it's got other purposes...

But the biggest reason, I thought anyway, was that having the media and files and all on the editing workstation with all it's bells and whistles (canopus advc110 with tv monitor...) just made the most sense.

But from what I think I'm hearing you say is that DVDA can not only burn to the DVD like I did previously but also produce the video and audio files and I can copy them to the laptop and use Sonic Recordnow and put the two files onto the DVD as if they were going on in "Data Disc" mode?
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Old December 26th, 2005, 11:39 AM   #26
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The license will allow you to install on both machines as long as you don't use it on both at the same time. However, I understand the desire to build everything on the editing machine.

You can certainly copy those two folders to the laptop and then use Record Now to burn the DVDs using those two folders. I haven't used that particular program for burning a DVD but you typically have to tell it you want a VIDEO DVD and then point it to those two folders.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 11:33 AM   #27
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Widescreen titles

Everytime I create titles in vegas and render them to widescreen they end up boxed in. Why is this and how do I fix it? I want them to match my widescreen 16:9 DV footage.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 11:51 AM   #28
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Convert 4:3 to 16:9 in Vegas 6.0

I am trying to take original 4:3 DV footage that has been imported into Vegas 6.0 and convert this to a 16:9 look (for eventual playback on DVD over a 4:3 size TV). I don't want anything squeezed, just a black bar crop on the top and bottom of the picture to appear upon eventual playback on a 4:3 TV. I'll pan and scan to make sure everything is framed properly.

How do I do this in Vegas 6.0? So far, I've switched off the "maintain aspect ratio" on each event after putting it on the timeline. When "panning and scanning," I've used the 16:9 ratio aspect and locked that when panning. When rendering, do I set it for NTSC DV or NTSC DV Widescreen? Is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks for the help.

-- Keith
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Old December 27th, 2005, 05:14 PM   #29
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If you want a 16:9 look on a 4:3 display, I'd keep the project and final render in 4:3 and use the 16:9 preset in the crop tool.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 10:14 PM   #30
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The minute I see "pan and scan" it makes me think you are starting out with 16:9 original source video, but other comments make me feel like you have a 4:3 source.

So, are you trying to take true 16:9 source video down into a letterboxed 4:3 output? Or do you want to take a full 4:3 source into a cropped letterboxed look back out on 4:3?
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