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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old January 19th, 2006, 09:43 AM   #211
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edl export

Seems like Vegas doesn't have the ability to export edl's. I did an HD offline in Vegas 6c and now need to get the online done. The online guy wanted an .edl to import but Vegas doesn't support that. Anybody have any tricks to match up edit points without having to print a decision list and manually rebuild the edit?

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Old January 19th, 2006, 10:20 AM   #212
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Vegas can export both CMX EDLs and AAF, with legacy Avid support as well. Have you tried either of those options? Exporting to FCP and Avid are no issue for cuts/dissolves only work from Vegas 5/6 for us.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old January 19th, 2006, 01:18 PM   #213
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How do you do that? I thought you go to SAVE AS and select the file type. My only options in 6C are edl.txt, aaf and aaf for avid. I caled Sony support and they said there is no support for exporting edl. Help Quick! I'm just about to sit down and manual list timecodes!

Thanks DSE

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Old January 19th, 2006, 01:30 PM   #214
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CMX is done via a script. Look under Tools - Scripting - Export EDL
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Old January 19th, 2006, 01:33 PM   #215
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To what application are you exporting? I'm doing aaf to FCP and Avid.
The .txt EDL should be importable by most any app, it's just a CMX listing.
From Sony tech support:

Quicktime, & by extension FCP, can open/convert a Vegas YUV .avi- it'll turn it into a Quicktime file that can be read by FCP if the Decklink QT codecs are installed on the Mac. (Vegas 4:2:2 YUV files can be read by BMD 4:2:2 YUV, close level match all around, just let QT import/convert).

Project interchange:
Automatic Duck (cool product, cool guys) provides an AAF interchange tool for FCP 5 (plus some legacy versions of FCP). This will let you transfer an n-track project to/from Vegas, Premiere Pro, Avid (all), PT (all modern w/ digitranslator), and lots of other platforms. As of today AAF is the best project interchange method in terms of broad app compatibility. Save out the AAF with media, import into Vegas, when done, save out the AAF with media, send to the Duck, open in FCP.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old January 19th, 2006, 01:46 PM   #216
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Great service!

Thanks guys,

This is all new to me but the online program he's using is called Speed Razor. I never heard of it before and all he needs is a simple CMX file to build the edit and the folks at Sony actually told me that Vegas doesn't support exporting this file type. I actually spent 99.95 for a 6 month tech support for that info. I will try the script.

Thanks guys.

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Old January 19th, 2006, 03:20 PM   #217
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Reinstalling Vegas trial


This probably sounds really dodgy but it's not. I installed the 30 day trial of Vegas 6 about 2 months ago with a view to comparing it to Premiere - I'm fairly new to higher end packages. With the recent Christmas holidays I didn't really get chance to use it - now it's expired and I can't reinstall the trial as the installer is aware that there has already been a trial installed even though I've uninstalled it (probably a registry setting?). I've emailed Sony to see if they can help but thought I'd also check on here for any tips.


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Old January 19th, 2006, 03:38 PM   #218
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My best advice would be to install it on a different machine and test it there.
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Old January 19th, 2006, 04:31 PM   #219
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Yeah - that was my last resort - thing is only other computer is a not very powerful laptop - but if I don't try and do anything too demanding it may be OK.


PS - You got an excellent web site by the way - very very helpful
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Old January 19th, 2006, 05:16 PM   #220
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Vegas and DVCPRO-HD ?

Is anyone aware of whether Sony plans to upgrade Vegas in the future to handle the 100 MBps data stream from the HVX-200 in DVCPRO-HD ?
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Old January 19th, 2006, 08:17 PM   #221
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I use both vegas and premiere pro.. and have no financial interest in promoting either.

The Adobe Production Pro package is far more powerful as a complete production solution than Sony Vegas + DVD production suite. Go to each site and compare features. Each has its own learning curve. In terms of scope, the Adobe package rules.
John Hartney
Elgin, Illinois USA
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Old January 19th, 2006, 09:00 PM   #222
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make sure your TL doesn't have layers and layers of compositing .. and you didn't split the sync audio tracks ... also you didn't use allot of fancy transitions .. try to keep the offline SIMPLE for a smooth roll over to your online editor ..

what NLE are they using ?
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Old January 19th, 2006, 09:12 PM   #223
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Realistically, I wouldn't expect Sony to tell you a way to reactivate the demo. Just install it on the laptop and play with it there. It runs amazingly well on modest hardware. I even play with it on a Pentium 3 300MHz!
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Old January 19th, 2006, 09:26 PM   #224
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Vegas 6 cheaper than Vegas 5??

Not sure if this is the correct forum... but I was looking at some prices for Vegas 6, and I spotted a Vegas 5 on Amazon for $499, while Vegas 6 was only $399??

What's the deal? It's not the Vegas + DVD or whatever it's called, it's just the stand alone Vegas.
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Old January 19th, 2006, 09:27 PM   #225
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to be honest, PP2 is really pushing to keep up with V6... no seriosuly.. with the HT and GPU support, its abotu tiem adobe set that function as oppsed to relying on dedicated HW cards (like the Matrox RTx100) to get this kind of work out.. then again i saw teh demo video from total training and teh "realtime GPU transitions are all very cheesy cubes, balls, ripples and curls... doesnt change the fact that the Aliasing in PP is probably still dirty...

Look, BOTH apps are good, both have their uses, and both have their respective prices. If your one of those people that needs everything to talk to everything else, then its a good package to have.. but with the amount of money invested in al this, you could easily save afew bux, grab a copy of Ulead PhotoImpact10 (as opposed to PS) for less than a hundred bux (and does everythign PS does... even plugin support)
Now if u need Adobe to hold ur hand while u work on stills for your videos, then so be it, but theres nothing the adobe bridge can do that a little btit of manual labour and media management cant take care of anyway.

AE7.. cool program.. but u dont need PP to use AE..

"Am I alone in thinking that development of Vegas has stalled since Sony bought SonicFoundry? "
From what ive seen (and ive been using Vegas since its inception when it was a music only app) Vegas only seems to grow SIGNIFICANTLY with every update. Some people dont see this as they take what they have for granted, but from what ive seen, Premiere is the app which hasnt made significant crossroads. not until recently... hear me out before mouthing off guys....

The only time Premiere really started to evolve was when Vegas was bought by sony and V5 was launched.. this was when PPro was released and most of the Vegas workflow was copied across into premieres "new" singular timeline interface, and their buy out of Cool Edit Pro which was to go up against SoundForge.
It was when Sony bought Sonic Foundry that Adobe STOPPED being complacent with Premiere (they sat on teh P5 up to P6.5 for a stupid number of years... the only thing holding the ap together an in check was the fact that it had myriads of HW support from a variety of HW acceleration cards.. without these cards, P6.5 would be nothing.. Digisuite was prolly the major benefactor of this "professional" mentality. When Vegas went hard, all i heard was that "it was professional enough" when asked why.. the answer was realtime..
well now V6 is FASTER than realtime... this shut up afew non believers..

But since V5, Adobe actually did something for their users.. Before this, Premier users were on Canopus and Matrox cards.. THESE elements helped make Premiere rule the roost, but with the faster than relatime rendering in vegas6, these cards are now obsolete. With PP2, Matroc RTx100 is now also obsolete, considering u can access some of AE filters in PP2 now.. matrox fx are also a non event... compared to AE, Matrox fx look like poo...

THIS is how much of a threat Vegas is to Premiere.. you normally wouldnt see one company sideswipe a buddy company like this (ie, Adobe killing off the need for a Matrox RTx100) unless there was a threat..
The only way to get matrox and Prem to be friends now, is with the AXIO, and that aint cheap.. until matrox release a HDV unit, like Edius SP or sumfin...

Also Adobe have made ANOTHER sacrifice with the launch of P2, and thats by killing off the need to purchase united medias Multicam... this company created a mutlicam utility which created multicamed projects for importation to premiere. It was the only tool of its time when it was launched.. cost a fortune but did a good job.. Now these guys are out of business..
Thng is, Vegas has quite afew different choices of multicam from a variety of different sources, such as VASST and Excalibur.... and its all done with scripting and its dirt cheap.. Hey VASST have a brilliant (and FREE) 2 cam multicam script.. if that aint cheap enough i dunno what is..

Like i said, each app has its pros and cons.. i would persoanlly grab both and use each one for each respective project. If you stick with ONLY one tool, then your creating a tunnel for yourself and your workflow. I mean hows this.. u can go out and buy magic bullet for $400 bux jsut so u can use MisFire... OR u can go out and grab a copy of Edius Pro3... whos inbuilt film effects filters are on par (and are MUCH faster) than Magic Bullet. Edius makes for a great effects box, and a not too shabby editor either... and it wont screw up ur system like Liquid can...
The choices out there are extraordinary for the prices now.. and considering most of use these tools to make some form of cash, then the toold themselves will usually pay themselves off... ))

I adore the Vegas UI, but Premiere seems a whole lot more powerful,

((what is it that you want to do in premiere that Vegas cant?? THIS is the 6million dollar question u should ask yourself..... anything prem can do, vegas can do and vice versa.. (oh apart from embeded video in PDF format... )
Look at YOUR WORK and see what difference it would make.. then throw in the factor that editing with Premiere is a little slower in pace than what it would be to edit with vegas, as there are hardly any menus u need to sift through.Dont get me wrong, Premiere is great.. but its overated and always has been... ))

especially when paired with After Effects 7.0. When is Vegas 7.0 due anyway?
((Vegas 7 will prolly see the light of day in April at NAB. As for After effects, irrespective of whether or not AE is paird with Premiere, AE stands on its own as a formidabble app. Theres no doubting that, but in this game, if you restict yourself to ONE tool, then your shooting yourself in the foot..
Peter Jefferson is offline  
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