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Old June 14th, 2006, 03:24 PM   #1906
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Thanx for the great advice. I've reduced the black and the white slightly - and as you've suggested - it still looks black and white - but jitters gone and I can still keep the rectangles a decent size.

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Old June 14th, 2006, 03:43 PM   #1907
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I just love this stuff -thanks!
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Old June 14th, 2006, 04:00 PM   #1908
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Who's the man?

E T...that's who...thanks Edward...that was it...Jeff Harper
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Old June 15th, 2006, 12:44 AM   #1909
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Put that tiny section in a LOOP and keep playing it WHILE adjusting the transition. It helps me get that kinda *BANG* urgency.

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Old June 15th, 2006, 08:27 AM   #1910
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5.1 Surround and LFE

So I'm working on a project with 5.1 surround sound and the only way I could direct anything to the LFE channel was to make copies of the appropriate audio tracks and mark them for LFE. Is this the "right way" to utilize LFE, or am I missing a way to configure an audio track for both (example) front L/R and LFE (using cutoff frequency).


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Old June 15th, 2006, 05:32 PM   #1911
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Themes - Buttons - Background Tabs are all empty? I went to make a DVD and those 3 folder were all empty so I couldn't have any menu's. When I look at the directory that DVD arcitect is in there two themes folders. One is "_Themes" the other is "themes". Why do I have 2 ? Why does the program not show any in the tab themes, and why no buttons or backgrounds? I don't even see a folder in the directory label buttons or backgrounds. Are they located somewhere else? Thanks - PK
Paul Kepen is offline  
Old June 15th, 2006, 08:20 PM   #1912
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Vegas .sfk files-Saving to specific location?

Is there a way to direct where Vegas saves it's .sfk files?

They get kind of cumbersome and clog viewing of folders.

Thanks in advance.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 08:49 PM   #1913
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They will always be saved in the exact same folder as the file they are created from. There's no way to change that behaviour. Besides, what if you had two files with the same name in two different folders? One would overwrite the other if you were able to direct them somewhere else.

When I delete an AVI or WAV file (or any other for that matter), I always try to also get the associated SFK files too.

Plus, they're safe to delete as well. They'll simply be recreated as needed when those files are next accessed.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 08:51 PM   #1914
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There's supposed to be two (_Themes and Themes). These should automatically have files in them upon the installation of DVD A. If those two folders are empty, I'd reinstall DVD A.
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Old June 16th, 2006, 12:02 AM   #1915
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Originally Posted by Edward Troxel
There's supposed to be two (_Themes and Themes). These should automatically have files in them upon the installation of DVD A. If those two folders are empty, I'd reinstall DVD A.

Thanks Edward. That is what I did, and after reinstall - all is good again, but it is strange; Where, or why they weren't there all of a sudden?
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Old June 16th, 2006, 12:46 AM   #1916
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VOB to MPG conversion -re-editing already produced material


I am looking for a professional (no loss of quality) solution to read back alrady produced DVD-material (VOB) files. I am using Sony Vegas and Sony DVD production software but they do not support reading VOB files.

A VOB file is acually MPG video and audio, with some additional info added, as subtitles...

I have noticed that you CAN convert a VOB file to MPG just by renaming it accordingly!!! I found this idea in the Wikipedia. The file then plays and imports into most applications that reads the MPG format.

However, this works only if the project is a single VOB file. Since VOB files have a size limitation (about 1GB) a longer than 15 minute project is split in multiple VOB files on a DVD.

Converting the remaining VOB files (those that do not start at timecode 00000) does not work. They come out just as short unusable clips.

So - I am looking for a application or method that could simply convert the VOBs to MPEG without loss in quality. No re-encoding is necessary since the video is already MPG within the VOBs.

Please anyone - please enlight me in this matter. Any help is more than appreciated. Additionally, I think that this question is of bigger general interest. I cannot be the only one that needs to re-edit material that I have produced into a DVD earlier.


The future does not exist - we must invent it !
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Old June 16th, 2006, 01:09 AM   #1917
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For editing purposes, you are probably better off converting to AVI files. If you Google "Convert VOB files" you will find a pethora of commercial and freeware VOB convertors out there.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old June 16th, 2006, 04:10 AM   #1918
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there ist always the possibilty to join the 1 GB - VOBs to one big VOB - File. Some VOB - Rip Tools offer the possibilty just to do that. Check the preferences in Your Rip - Tool.

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Old June 16th, 2006, 04:57 AM   #1919
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Originally Posted by Christian de Godzinsky
I am looking for a professional (no loss of quality) solution to read back alrady produced DVD-material (VOB) files. I am using Sony Vegas and Sony DVD production software but they do not support reading VOB files.
If you're using Vegas 6, this feature was added in the 6.0c update and it works great. I've had to use it a few times for the same reasons you do. There is a quality drop when you do another DVD though because Vegas has to re-encode everthing. Apparently this can be avoided with software such as Video Redo and Womble MPEG2VCR as they don't change anything if all you want to do is cuts.

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Old June 16th, 2006, 08:40 AM   #1920
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vst plugins

Thanks for the reply. That makes sense about the Mtron - though it leaves me with questions as the documentation lists under the requirements needing a 'VST 2.0 or RTAS compatible host application for plug-in operation.' I don't quite understand all this stuff yet.
Dan Barnhill is offline  
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