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Old May 24th, 2006, 04:32 PM   #1666
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Finally..I am up and running full speed with Vegas again. I ended up downloading the updated Vegas 6d from sony's site and was able to install. Lesson learned: Becareful when downloading/deleting free triall version plug-ins for your Vegas!!!!
Fred Foronda is offline  
Old May 25th, 2006, 12:12 AM   #1667
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HELP - AC-3 Rendering

I have Vegas 6.0D. I rendered a Mainconcept MPEG-2 file for use in DVD architect. Now, when I try to encode the Audio in dolby digital AC-3, it wants me to "buy" the AC-3 encoder - for $200!!. This comes with Vegas+DVD, doesn't it? I even re-entered my registration online and serial #, but it still wants me to buy the AC-3 encoder. I've used it before, but I recently traded in a defective mobo with ASUS - under warranty. While I was waiting for this, I relaced my 160g IDE with a new 500G IDE and used Norton Ghost to copy software (including Vegas) over to the new drive. I have a SATA raid for the Captured Video files. Are the new mobo or HardDrive the problem?
How do I fix this?

Paul Kepen is offline  
Old May 25th, 2006, 06:20 AM   #1668
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Real time preview?

I am a Tech director of a youth center and we are intending to teach kids video production this summer.

I use Vegas and we have 2 FX1's.

I am ordering a computer for this task. I am looking at an Alienware workstation configured as follows:

dual amd opteron 270s (quad core!)

4 gig ram

250 gig system drive

1 tera raid 0 media drive

Nvidia quadro 540 w/ component breakout

Dell 2405 system monitor

probably a Dell 32" HD for preview

also getting a g-raid 1 tera external firewire

I intend to capture most inhouse stuff with a laptop running dvrack w/ hdv pack.

I currently convert to cineform and intend to continue with the new system.

So, the main question is: Can I expect full frame preview with this setup?

Any other comments?


OT - Just for those that might be interested, we are a concert hall, skatepark, cafe, and game room. We have 3 50" HD plasmas and a 6000 lumen Sony projector on a 14" wide screen in the cafe area, and a game room with 4 40" lcds with Xbox 360's and gamer chairs with builtin sound.

We are intending to live switch and record our skate competition this summer. We are getting a Datavideo SE-800 to switch the HD to the displays in the cafe, and live web stream everything out via a Viewcast Niagara.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 07:07 AM   #1669
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The AC-3 encoder is installed when you install DVD architect, but it has a separate registration step.

I suggest to make note of your registration number, and re-install DVD-architect.

Mark Bryant is offline  
Old May 25th, 2006, 09:21 AM   #1670
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Perhaps I'll resize it then. I'm showing my customers the samples on my laptop so I really hope to let them see the amazing difference of HDV.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 10:16 AM   #1671
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Thanks Mark, I re-registered DVD Architect, and now the AC-3 encoder in Vegas works again. Boy, they can confuse a simple boy like me. It just never occured to me that if the ac-3 encoding in Vegas 6 was inop, that the problem was in the registration of a different program - dvd architect. I'm sure glad guys like you are around:) - Thanks Again - PK
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Old May 25th, 2006, 10:44 AM   #1672
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First of all, congrats---I mean "centers" normally dont have the kind of budget that you have to work with! Your machine should offer you top of the heap performance.
Red #97
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Old May 25th, 2006, 11:58 AM   #1673
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Fist Bursting Through Text

Hey hey. I have a question about making a fist punch through a wall of text, blowing it to smithereens, in Vegas. I'm no expert with track motion, though I can manipulate it to a degree - nonetheless, if it requires it, I can do it.

I was thinking on using or creating some sort of preset that simply transitioned with an explosion effect - but that does not answer the question about the fist, which is necessary.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to create this effect, I would be very grateful. Thanks a lot in advance.

~Loggie B
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Old May 25th, 2006, 12:37 PM   #1674
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Wow! Most youth centers around here would probably have an Iomega Buz hooked up to an eMachines iMac clone.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 12:42 PM   #1675
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If you're using cineform anyways, you should be able to get RT performance with a much cheaper system. By real-time, I mean that you can see the HD footage play back real-time. For effects, more CPU is better.

2- You can get the same machine for a lot less from outfits that don't charge such a high premium on the parts... i.e. Colfax, Monarch Computers.

At the same price, you could likely get better support from going with a vendor that specialises in video production... BOXX and Promax come to mind.

You can save money by getting a different video card. Vegas doesn't do GPU acceleration, so any dualhead/dual-monitor video card will work. Some other applications do (i.e. MBE, After Effects, etc.)... see their recommended specs.

3- If the point is for the students to learn, you don't necessarily need a high-end machine. For SD editing, a 600mhz Celeron will be fine for learning. Not that it would make any sense to get a machine like that now, but that might put things in perspective.

For the same price, you could probably almost get another camera + 2 single CPU dual core AMD systems (a dual core dual Opteron might only be 40% faster than a single CPU system). It might be better because there's more kids who have their hands on gear. Not that having very nice toys is a bad thing... but maybe more toys for boys, you know what I'm saying?
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Old May 25th, 2006, 05:56 PM   #1676
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Seattle Vegas Users Group

This post sorta has a short shelf life, but I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with the Seattle VUG? Supposedly, they have a meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month (tonite) but their website only goes to October of last year. I've tried e-mailing them, but there has been no response to my inquiries.
I could REALLY use this, but I hate to go into town tonight, pay for parking, etc, if nothing is going on...


Bill Zens is offline  
Old May 25th, 2006, 07:48 PM   #1677
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I have the same drive and went thru a process with Sony Support. They eventually developed a new set of 3 *.dll files that enabled the drive - with no problems subsequent. Contact Sony Support.

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Old May 25th, 2006, 09:28 PM   #1678
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Thanks! I will contact sony for the.dll files.
Canon C100, 5D3
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Old May 26th, 2006, 06:28 AM   #1679
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To clarify a bit, this system will not be just for teaching. It will be used heavily for regular production outside of the clinic times. We intend to create an in-house video network where we show mostly our own stuff. So we will be creating new stuff rapidly.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 03:16 PM   #1680
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Graphic cards

Did a search couldn't find answer so thought I would ask. What role does the graphic cards will play in Vegas and in HDV. Any recommendations? Simple terms are greatly appreciated.
Fred Foronda is offline  
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