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Old May 17th, 2006, 01:54 PM   #1576
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You can put your main DVDA window on the right window, and the track view, etc docks on the left window, and then it will open. DVDA only outputs to external via firewire at this time, so you don't have the same selections available for DVDA like you do Vegas.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old May 17th, 2006, 02:06 PM   #1577
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Thanks for the info.

By the way, I would like to personally thank everyone that answers my questions on this forum. I have learned a lot and occasionally have the opportunity to answer questions. This is a great thing. Especially getting help from those professionals like DSE who obviously have other things going on.

Thanks again Chris Hurd.

Jeff Mack
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Old May 17th, 2006, 05:18 PM   #1578
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Pan Crop Help.

Newbie here, I nedd to do some Pan & scan on a few photos. Some of the motion I've done looks great. BUT, on some of the pictures, the result looks as though the borders are just shrinking around the picture. Obviously, I want it to appear that the camera is moving, not the edges of the picture. Could someone please set me straight on or at least get me through this particular bit of stupidity!!
Thanks, John
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Old May 17th, 2006, 05:46 PM   #1579
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I'm not totally sure this is your problem, but make sure you right-click on the image in the pan/crop dialog and set the aspect ratio to your project, rather than to the image. Then it will fill the screen (the edges of the crop box will be the edges of the screen).
Brian Kennedy
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Old May 17th, 2006, 06:29 PM   #1580
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Increasing volume?

How do I increase the volume on my audio track more than 6db (which I get using the volume envelope)? I only want certain portions to be louder than +6db because I can barely here what the people are saying (because I was playing with the audio levels too much and turned it too low on some parts while recording).
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Old May 17th, 2006, 06:57 PM   #1581
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There are many ways to do this. If the volume is really low, I'd open a copy in Sound Forge and edit it destructively, then it comes back as a new take in Vegas when you close the file in SF.

But you certainly don't need a separate audio editor to do this -- the volume slider on the track is probably the easiest way, but you can always also use an audio bus with the volume slider turned up on it, or with another volume envelope on that bus. Also, there's also a plug-in called "volume." There are lots of ways to turn up the volume on an audio clip, and if you use more than one at a time, they compound the effect.

If you only want certain portions to be affected, you might move those portions onto different tracks, or use an audio bus with another volume envelope on it (+6 on the main track, then +6 on those parts of the bus, and you get +12 overall).
Brian Kennedy
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Old May 17th, 2006, 07:02 PM   #1582
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Does the volume slider actually increase volume or does it just make it play louder while editing? In other words, when I render it, will I hear the increased volume caused by the slider?
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Old May 17th, 2006, 07:06 PM   #1583
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The track slider will actually increase the volume-depending on how much louder you need it though you might consider using the VOLUME plugin under NON-REALTIME EFFECTS, raise the levels perhaps about 4 or 5db and then fine adjust with the slider and envelopes.

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Old May 17th, 2006, 08:59 PM   #1584
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So in summary:

1. Normalize - Raises the loudest point to -.1 dB by default
2. Track Volume Level - up to +12 dB
3. Volume Envelope - up to +6 dB
4. Bus track - up to +12 dB
5. Master volume - up to +12 dB
6. etc... (other effects and options are available that can also raise the volume level)
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Old May 17th, 2006, 09:02 PM   #1585
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Right-click the image and choose "Match Output Aspect". I do this on ALL pictures - of course I do it the quick way and do it via a script.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 09:32 PM   #1586
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Originally Posted by Alex Thames
Does the volume slider actually increase volume or does it just make it play louder while editing? In other words, when I render it, will I hear the increased volume caused by the slider?
It isn't just for monitoring, it will affect the volume when you render.
Brian Kennedy
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Old May 18th, 2006, 12:41 AM   #1587
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Masking a white background...

Ok, Im new to Vegas 6, but not to video editing. I have a clip where there's a main human figure in the center and an ALMOST completely white background (due to less than perfect lighting). I want to remove the "almost" completely white background and put a solid white color clip underneath - to simulate a completely white background.

So far Ive tried putting the clip in the first track, copying it and pasting it into the second track as a child track. But when I use "Mask Generator" on either clip, the clips become greyscale. I know that it removes the white background, because I can see both clips. How do I do this but keep my main human figure in its original full color?

Your help is greatly appreciated, thanks...
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Old May 18th, 2006, 12:47 AM   #1588
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Help with motion issues?

First of all thanks for all the great input. Here is my issue. I am experimenting with different settings with my new A1U and Sony Vegas 6.0. I did a 30 second clip, used the trial version of Cineform connectHD and then loaded into vegas. Just cut part of the beginning and end off and then saved with several suggestions from this board. DVD ntsc widescreen, architect widescreen etc and also tried out custom settings. I am still get motion issues (I forget what the experts call them) with certain spots. Kind of a featherd artifact. As I am typing I am thinking that my initial new project setting where not adjusted. This may be the issue, but I would still like some input.

Thanks again

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Old May 18th, 2006, 04:34 AM   #1589
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Use the Secondary Color Corrector filter on the clip. Use the eyedropper tool to select a range of (presumably white) values in the background, and use the color corrector to force the value to white. Alternatively, set the alpha to 0 of the selection, and put a white background on another track underneath. You may need to check the "invert mask" box.

The Secondary Color Corrector is a much more powerful mask generator than the "Mask Generator"... as it allows you to define masks based on luma + hue + saturation.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 08:34 AM   #1590
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Veg file to another computer

Is it possible to take a rendered file and put it DVD Arch on another computer?

If so, by what means? Thanks very much
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