Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9 at
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Old March 13th, 2010, 01:10 PM   #1
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Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9

I'm using Sony Vegas Pro v9.0c Build 896. The track motion is sized for PIP. I have pics on track with "Maintain Aspect Ratio" for each pic check. I've applied a border to the track.

The problem is that the pics PIP are in the aspect ration of 4:3, but the border is not as it is 16:9. The Preview windows shows the border as 4:3, but when I render it is at 16:9.

Perhaps it has something to do with the track properties, but it appears that you can only set the default values, that do not include the aspect ratio.

See attachment for a visual of the issue.
Attached Files
File Type: wmv AspectRatioProblem.wmv (333.4 KB, 154 views)
Ken Olson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 13th, 2010, 04:19 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Open the FX go tow the bottom where the FX timeline is, on the left there is an arrow, click on it. Problem solved.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old March 13th, 2010, 07:01 PM   #3
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Thank you Don for your reply and assistance.

The Track FX Border effect arrow in the time line was pointing to the left with a 16:9 screen border on the 4:3 PIP. If I click it, then it points to the right and puts a border around the enter project (BorderAroundEntireProject.wmv).

PreviewWindowShowingDesiredEffect.bmp is this effect that I'm trying to accomplish.

Please see attached screen shots.

Attached Thumbnails
Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9-previewwindowshowingdesiredeffect.bmp  
Attached Files
File Type: wmv BorderAroundEntireProject.wmv (544.5 KB, 139 views)
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Old March 14th, 2010, 05:23 AM   #4
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Sorry, I misread the original post. Gotta get the eyes checked.

I know it's a PITA but how about taking the BorderFX and applying it to the CLIPS (Events) instead of the track.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old March 14th, 2010, 10:34 AM   #5
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I had thought about that but was avoiding it do to the PITA effect.

You probably already know, but while Vegas allows you to select multiple events to apply an effect to, it does not allow you to apply the desired settings to the effect for all selected events. So it applies the border to all, but not the border size that I select, other then to the event shown in the preview window.

I was hoping that Ultimate S Pro v4 "Visual Effects" tab would come to the rescue, but it doesn't allow you to set the border size either. I also don't see a setting in Vegas that allow you to set the default border size before applying it.

Wonder if anyone has a script to do this? Or, may some tweak of an ini (configuration) file somewhere?

Last edited by Ken Olson; March 14th, 2010 at 11:04 AM.
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Old March 14th, 2010, 11:21 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ken Olson View Post
So it applies the border to all, but not the border size that I select, other then to the event shown in the preview window.
Ken, I just dropped the 4 images shown here on the timeline, went into Pan/Crop and choose the first location (top right), applied a white border at 0.05, clicked the Pre/Post Toggle arrow, copied this FX and then pasted it simultaneously to the other 3.
All I had to do was reposition them and the border stayed exactly the same width.
Attached Thumbnails
Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9-capture.jpg  
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Old March 14th, 2010, 02:29 PM   #7
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I had tried it by selecting all the events first and attempting to apply border and settings to each at the same time. I see that your way of applying it to one event first and then coping and pasting it to the others in one sweep works.

The only draw back here is that I had already applied and gone through the tedious process of Pan/Crop to my 40 pics, so when I do the copy and paste they all take on the Pan/Crop of the original.

A shame that Vegas doesn't allow the adding of FX and tweaking of settings to multiple events. Oh well, I'll know better next time now.

Thanks for your help and guidance.

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Old March 14th, 2010, 02:48 PM   #8
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A shame that Vegas doesn't allow the adding of FX and tweaking of settings to multiple events.

This is a feature that has been asked for numerous times over several versions of Vegas and we're still waiting for it.

Oh well, I'll know better next time now.

It's a painful lesson to learn, isn't it?
Be thankful it was only 40 and not over 100 like my lesson was :-(
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Old March 14th, 2010, 04:26 PM   #9
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This is a feature that has been asked for numerous times over several versions of Vegas and we're still waiting for it.

Just like "Show Event Length", such a basic feature they left to the mercy of a script.

Thanks again.

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Old March 14th, 2010, 04:56 PM   #10
Inner Circle
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Double-click an event to highlight it and look in the box in the bottom right-hand corner for its length.
Attached Thumbnails
Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9-screengrab.jpg  
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Old March 14th, 2010, 10:44 PM   #11
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That's better then nothing.

But it sure would be handy to hover over it to see things like the events length and file name. Also if I drag the event longer or shorter it should show me the length in real time. Can't even right click the event to see the existing length or type in a new length/duration.

This script comes close, although it would be nice if I could just dock it somewhere.

Scripts and Custom Command for Vegas Pro 8 and 9
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Old March 15th, 2010, 12:45 PM   #12
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Just an aside to Mike's comment, you can also use the same technique to check the duration of an empty space between events on the same track. Double-click in the space between two events on the same track and that space will be highlighted, with the locations of the start and end as well as the duration of the gap shown in the same windows as Mike's graphic.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 02:28 PM   #13
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But it sure would be handy to hover over it to see things like the events length and file name.

View - Active Take Information (Ctrl+Shift+I) will give you the event name.

Also if I drag the event longer or shorter it should show me the length in real time.

As you can see in the images below, the "Show Event Length" script on the page you linked to will do this for you.

This script comes close, although it would be nice if I could just dock it somewhere.

Make it a tool bar icon, run it and place it anywhere you want.
It stays on top of the other tabs and, as you can see, it's very small so there's no need to dock it.
Attached Thumbnails
Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9-screengrab-1.png   Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9-screengrab-2.png  

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Old March 15th, 2010, 03:27 PM   #14
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View - Active Take Information (Ctrl+Shift+I) will give you the event name.

I didn't know that.

Make it a tool bar icon, run it and place it anywhere you want.

Yes, I had already added an icon on to the toolbar to the "Show Event Length" script.

BTW, regarding applying the border and its' settings to multiple events, I found this method to be quicker and without changing the Pan/Crop setting for each. I'm sure you guys know this, but I'll list it for the benefit of a newbie that reads this.

1) Select all events
2) Drag and drop desired border to selected events
3) Click on left edge of first clip
4) Open Event FX
5) Make change to setting such as border size
6) Close Event FX
7) Repeat steps 3-6 (in step 3 you would click on left edge of the next clip in line)

NOTE: It is very import to click the left edge of each clip so that the border settings are applied to the start of the clip, rather then to a keyframe in the middle somewhere.

Be nice if there was a macro or script to do this. Odd that Ultimate S, Excalibur, or Veggie Tools don't do this either. I did some searching but couldn't find any.

Thanks again guys!
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Old March 15th, 2010, 07:13 PM   #15
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(Un)Sync Cursor

BTW, regarding applying the border and its' settings to multiple events, I found this method to be quicker and without changing the Pan/Crop setting for each. I'm sure you guys know this, but I'll list it for the benefit of a newbie that reads this.

1) Select all events
2) Drag and drop desired border to selected events
3) Click on left edge of first clip
4) Open Event FX
5) Make change to setting such as border size
6) Close Event FX
7) Repeat steps 3-6 (in step 3 you would click on left edge of the next clip in line)

NOTE: It is very import to click the left edge of each clip so that the border settings are applied to the start of the clip, rather then to a keyframe in the middle somewhere.

Be nice if there was a macro or script to do this. Odd that Ultimate S, Excalibur, or Veggie Tools don't do this either. I did some searching but couldn't find any.
Does deselecting the padlock icon /Sync Cursor, allowing you to click anywhere in the clip to select the clip, and defaulting to the first frame's keyframe within the FX pop-up's timeline from then on, until it's selected again, solve this wish? Do this for the first clip, and subsequent clips will remember the setting. :-)
Attached Thumbnails
Vegas PIP 4:3 but border 16:9-sync-cursor.jpg  
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