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Old February 27th, 2010, 07:14 AM   #1
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Everything is messed up on timeline

Hi everyone,

Big problem here.

I have a wedding video that I had close to being done. Lots of track, both video and audio.

I made a few changes to the film and when I went back into it this morning, BAM, it's apparent that things went completely crazy.

Vegas still has my splices there, but in some areas they are way off meaning it looks like Vegas is calling to the wrong parts of video files or it moved some video files on the timeline, etc., the master sound is too high (it now maxes out when, before, I had everything set to a good non-clipping volume), the cutaway shots are calling to the wrong video file, etc.

Believe me, it's not because I added or deleted a few things. This looks like a massive F-up on the part of Vegas.

While it's wide ranging, it looks like some tracks are okay in some spots and not in others.

Holy crap, what happened? Does anyone know?

Thanks for any information.

I checked the messed up spots on the timeline. It appears Vegas is calling the right video files, but the wrong ones are showing up. When I click properties of the video track it says "Ceremony Part B" which is what should be there. But it has shots from the reception instead.

OK, more investigation shows that it is one video file that is being referenced wrong. During the ceremony section, the file that should be called to is "Ceremony Part B" and instead, Vegas plops in "Cake Cutting and Boquet Toss" along with its audio track.

So, I create a new copy of the project to mess with. Move the "Ceremony Part B" file to a new location on my drive. Open Vegas and specify a new location or file when it asks me. I direct Vegas to the "Ceremony Part B" file in the new location. Vegas still plops the Cake Cutting file in its place with the Cake Cutting audio.

OK - So...Close Vegas and rename the Cake Cutting file to "A Cake Cutting and Boquet Toss" and reopen Vegas and go through the step of specifying the new location for "Ceremony Part B" and Vegas then plops in the newly renamed Cake Cutting file in its place.

Any ideas?

I've moved all the affected files to new locations and deleted their sfk extensions. Still wrong outcome. I've opened a new project and loaded those clips and Vegas plops the right ones on the video timeline.

Makes no sense whatsoever. None.

Last edited by Mike Hammond; February 27th, 2010 at 08:06 AM. Reason: New Information to Add
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Old February 27th, 2010, 09:05 AM   #2
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I would try right-clicking the file in Project Media, choose "Replace" and then try picking the correct file.

It might also be worth dropping the correct file in the trimmer and then verify it IS still correct.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 11:11 AM   #3
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Thanks for the advice Ed.

I took a look at my project media window. The correct file previews when I hit it. I tried to replace it anyway to see what would happen. Vegas completely deleted the file from the project media bin as opposed to replacing it. To further explain, my project media window went from a total of 31 files to 30 files.

I also found that when I right-click on the rogue media event on the timeline, the Video Event tab lists the correct file name. But the Media and General tabs list the rogue file that should not be in that position.

I'm at a loss.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 05:19 PM   #4
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Just to make sure.... Have you rebooted?
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Old February 27th, 2010, 07:38 PM   #5
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disc issue?

could possibly be a MFT issue on the disc. Have you done a chkdsk?
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Old February 27th, 2010, 08:43 PM   #6
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If possible, try copying and pasting into a new project.
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Old February 28th, 2010, 12:25 PM   #7
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Thanks for the replies and advice guys.

Ed: Yes, tried rebooting with no effect.

Steve and Michael: Didn't see your replies before reaching my solution. I just decided to copy and paste from another project I had which were the parts that were screwed up. There was a lot of work done to those parts so I had to cover a lot of old territory. It was a PITA but necessary. I also ended up having to go through the whole movie and make sure everything still lined up - which things did for the most part.

I come from Pinnacle Studio land and if this had happened with that program it would've been a major obstacle and I would still be dealing with it. With Vegas it was pretty quick. Even though I wish something else would've worked, it was a huge improvement over Studio in the same situation.
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