Changing menu items in DVDA Pro 5 at
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Old November 18th, 2009, 01:35 PM   #1
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Changing menu items in DVDA Pro 5

OK, I have my Blu-ray project all done and outputted to disc and it looks great. DVDA worked beautifully for what I wanted, but I have another problem I can't seem to figure out. All the clips that comprised my BD project (64 of them) have been rendered to SD widescreen format to a different folder. I want to use my same DVDA project so I don't have to recreate the entire multipage menu structure from scratch. I have resaved the original DVDA project with a different name and correct DVD properties so I don't mess up my original BD project. How can I now change the video files each object on the menu pages points to so that it now points to the SD file (same name as the original, but different extension)? I can't seem to find a way to do this without deleting each object individually and reinserting the new media file on the menu page and then going back and recreating the playlists. This is basically starting from scratch, almost, and with a project of this size would be very tedious. Any ideas how to do this? Thanks.
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Old November 18th, 2009, 02:05 PM   #2
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OK, I put my thinking cap on (I wasn't wearing it earlier) and came up with a simple workaround. I simply changed the name of the folder where my original BD clips were. Upon opening the original DVDA project it informs me that the file is missing and asks what I want to do. I selected "Choose New File From Different Location" and then navigated to the correct SD clip. I had to do each individually, but it wasn't too bad. Once done selecting all the clips I changed the project properties accordingly and saved the project to a new name thereby preserving my original BD project file. Renamed the folder back to what it was and now both projects open correctly with their proper files. Simple fix, but there should be a way within DVDA to simply do this on an individual level from inside the project without having to delete and recreate the menu item.

Another solution pointed out to me was to just change the project properties and DVDA would rerender the entire project. Since I already had both BD and SD files rendered from Vegas, I didn't want to use this time-consuming method, but it would work.
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Old November 18th, 2009, 04:51 PM   #3
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You came up with what sounds to me like the only fix for your situation.
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Old November 18th, 2009, 06:33 PM   #4
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Someone sent me a fix on another forum, but I haven't tried it yet. He said:

If I have this right... you're simply asking how to replace the original media with a different media in the same project?

If that's the case then....

Go to your PROJECT OVERVIEW window (defaults on the upper left of your screen) and double click the media you want to change.

Then go to the MEDIA PROPERTIES window (defaults on the upper right of your screen). Click on TRACK MEDIA

Click on VIDEO and you will see an arrow pop up on the right side... click on that and a drop down list will appear.... On that list will be a REPLACE option.

(You may also have to "replace" the audio too depending on how you imported you project to DVDa)

When finished just take a glance at the time line and make sure you 'mark out' is properly set at the end of the new time line. If not then adjust accordingly. Every thing else SHOULD stay the same.
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Old December 16th, 2009, 09:59 PM   #5
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I was recently working on a similar issue, and a question came out of it that I thought I would raise here for input.

After I replaced the media, the project size approximately doubled - does Replace not delete/replace the other track(s), or does this add to current filespace? After I did it the first time, it appeared the file size doubled. I redid it, removing each clip as I went and going back to replace, and the changed file came out about the same size.
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