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Old November 1st, 2009, 11:56 AM   #1
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Vegas to DVDArch Blu Ray Render question

Hi all.
I am wondering how best to render out from Vegas (9) to DVD Architect Pro (5) as a file suitable for BluRay without DVDA needing to re-render the file. I've tried mt2 files which DVDA is happy with as a file format but it wants to re-render (it says this file type is not compatible with this disc type) which takes hours! I'm shooting on a Sony EX1 so files are native to Vegas. I basically just want to drop the files into ARC and burn a BluRay. All thoughts and help gratefully received!
Regards, Oliver.
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Old November 1st, 2009, 08:13 PM   #2
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Try rendering using one of the Blu-ray templates under MPEG2. The Blu-ray 1920x1080-60i, 25 Mbps video stream (or any of the 25Mbps templates) should work without any re-rendering in DVD Architect. Don't forget to also render your audio separately as Dolby Digital AC3.

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 08:00 AM   #3
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Thanks John. Funnily enough I had rendered out as the 25mbps blu-ray mpeg2 template although the audio was not separate. Would that cause ARC to re-render? Does the ARC template have to match the rendered files' template you used in Vegas? I shoot progressive so would I need to tell ARC that or will it recognise that itself? Alternatively (to save asking far too many questions) where can I get decent reference/training for Vegas?
Again, all help much appreciated!
Regards, Oliver.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 07:50 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Oliver Horn View Post
Funnily enough I had rendered out as the 25mbps blu-ray mpeg2 template although the audio was not separate. Would that cause ARC to re-render?
Yea, it's important to render the video and audio separate so that DVD Architect can just remux them into the format it needs. Otherwise it may have to re-render to get them in the correct format.

Originally Posted by Oliver Horn View Post
Does the ARC template have to match the rendered files' template you used in Vegas? I shoot progressive so would I need to tell ARC that or will it recognise that itself?
No, the project properties in DVD Architect do not have to match the Vegas project. It just controls how the menus will be rendered on the DVD/Blu-ray. You can have a 4:3 DVD Architect project and drop 16:9 mpeg2 media into it and the menus will be 4:3 but the media will play back in 16:9. Likewise you can have an interlaced DVD project and drop 24p mpeg2 media and the media will remain progressive.

Originally Posted by Oliver Horn View Post
Alternatively (to save asking far too many questions) where can I get decent reference/training for Vegas?
lol, It would be hard for me to give a non-biased answer since I'm a trainer at VASST so, of course, I would hope that our VASST Absolute Training Series for Vegas is pretty "decent". ;-) (...but ask around and see what people say)

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 08:30 PM   #5
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The VASST series is good, but know one thing going in... It's version 6.0 that they're using as a demo, so there's a LOT of stuff that they show that's either in a different place, or nonexistent on more current versions of vegas... which would have been nice to know.

Nowhere on the training discs does it reveal what version they're training you on, until you've paid for the discs & popped them in your player. Other then that, it's pretty good.
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