Add Clips to existing multicamera track? at
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Old October 21st, 2009, 04:19 PM   #1
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Add Clips to existing multicamera track?

Is it possible to add clips to an existing multicamera track? I've just got the end of a video I'm editing and discovered I forgot to add a clip to the end of one of the tracks. :( I've been working almost 2 days on this so adding the clip and redoing everything isn't an option.

If not possible in Vegas does Ecalibur or Vasst Ultimate (or infinitiCam for that matter) enable you to do this?

I'm using Vegas 9b.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 12:26 AM   #2
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What I would do, is just add another video track on top of your combo-track, then add the clip you forgot to that. You'll have to sync it up, but you can then just lock it in place, and cut away the parts you don't want. Hopefully that makes sense. Leave the takes you wanted from that forgotten clip, and cut away the parts where the take is from the other angle.

It's a little clumsier, but it would save you having to combine them all again and re-edit from scratch.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 01:20 AM   #3
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I made a script for this task: "Add New Take To Multicam Project"

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Gilles Pialat is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 22nd, 2009, 07:18 AM   #4
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Are you wanting to INSERT the clip? Or REPLACE a clip?

INSERT: Just add the clip and ripple edit to let everything else move down. Or "insert time" for the length desired and drop the new clip in. Or select everything right of where you want it inserted, move it down, and then drop the new clip in place.

REPLACE: Do as mentioned. Just add a new track and drop the clip in the proper place on the new track. You can then add fades as appropriate.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 10:36 AM   #5
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Thanks guys.

Gillies, the script only seems to work if I have the event at the beginning of track 3/4. Is this how it works? I need to add the clip at about the 1 1/2 hr mark of a 2 hour project. When I run the scirpt with the event in the appropriate place I can't find the new take on the multicamera track.

Edward, will this work adding a clip to a mulitcamera track or am I just not understanding what you suggested? I'm trying to get a clip added to a take on a multicamera track or somehow get it added as a new take if that is the only way to do it.

I originally had three tracks, Cam1, Cam2 and Cam3. I created the multicamera track using these three tracks. When I got to the end of the video I realised I had forgotten to add the last clip to end of the Cam3 track before creating the mulitcamera track. At the point where the clip is missing the Take menu shows, Cam1, Cam2, (no camera). I tried dropping the forgotten clip in the appropriate place directly onto the mulitcamera track. It allowed me to do it but the Take menu still showed the smae takes as indicated above.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:19 AM   #6
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Darren ,
No need to place the new clip at the beginning of the track.
However, the new take will be added to events located after the new event (you have to split multicam event if you didn’t start your editing)
French Vegas Addict.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 02:44 PM   #7
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Ahh... so you didn't add one of your camera angles. That's an entirely different story.

Using one of the scripting multi-cam options, it would simply be a matter of adding the new clip to that camera's track - nothing else to do.

With the built-in version, the biggest problem I see is getting everything properly added as a take AND it being IN SYNC. Looks like you'll need Gilles' script for that. Unless manually dragging the clip and adding as a take will work as well.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 05:12 PM   #8
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I got the script working but something weird is happening that I hope you might be able to explain. Repeating myself here but, I have three takes (camera angles) in the project each with three events. I forgot to add the second and third events to take 3 before creating the multicamera track.

About 10 seconds after the second event needs to be added there is a cut in the multicamera track from take 1 to take 2. I made the cut and saved before I noticed that the extra event was missing in take 3 and I cannot find a way to undo the cut. The script adds the second event to the mulicamera track but only up to the point of the cut. So I only get about 10 seconds of the new event added (the event is about 1/2 an hour). I tried splitting the new event after the cut, deleting the section that had already been added and running the script again but nothing seems to be added to the multicamera track. I even made a copy of the file in case the problem was with the same file being added twice.

I was able to add the third event in the correct place without any problems.

Do you have any suggestions? Nice little script you have there. :)
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Old October 27th, 2009, 12:32 AM   #9
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I’m not sure to correctly understand your problem, so I’ll try to explain how this script works:

NewTake Track:.............HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

After running the script, the new take should be added to events: C,D,E,F,G

If you want to add new take to event B, you have to split it at the beginning of event H.
The script don’t add new take to the first part of the event B since the new take will be out of sync.

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Old October 28th, 2009, 02:56 PM   #10
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I thought I understood your explaination but what I tried didn't work. Sorry but I either am not fully understanding how to properly use the script or I have something weird in my project.

This is what I am trying to do.
New take: ..........EEEEEEE.....

B & C were the same event but I made a cut from take 1 to take 2 at that point. After running the script E shows up as a new take in B but nothing I've tried will get it to be available in C.

This worked fine. Event F was added as a new take (third) to the two takes that existed in the Multicam track event D
New take: .................FFFFF

Does anything obvious stand out to you or should I find another workaround. Many Thanks.
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Old October 28th, 2009, 03:30 PM   #11
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I made an error in my first example:
New take is not added to event G (because new take is not long enough).
So check if the out point of your new take (event E) is equal or higher to the out point of the event C.
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Old November 4th, 2009, 11:30 AM   #12
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Thanks Gilles. I will have a closer look and do some more testing when the dust settles. A deadline has gone whistling by so I found another work around. I deleted all the events that comprised B,C and D from the multicamera track in the timeline example of my previous post. I re-created another multicamera track with events C and D (B was a cut) for all three takes then appended the new track to the end of the original multicamera track.

Bingo!!! Thanks for the script Gilles, I have added it to my library.
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Old November 5th, 2009, 01:09 PM   #13
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I had a similar issue wrt having the audio of one of the multi-cam takes out of sync with the other. I figured out a way to fix it, but your solution is much more elegant. I decided to try your script on my project, but could not get it to work since I had more than 4 tracks. (I often have as many as 4 audio tracks since I end up using mono audio from both cameras.) As a test I deleted the extra tracks and the script worked fine.

Is there a way to use it with the extra audio tracks?

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Old November 5th, 2009, 01:53 PM   #14
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Sorry but actually there is no way to use this script with more than 4 tracks.
You have to add your extra track after the multicam editing.
French Vegas Addict.
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 09:32 AM   #15
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This worked for me yesterday

I had a problem yesterday with having to tweak a multicamera trak, but thank the Lord for this fairly easy solution that worked.
I'd already edited 3/4 of a 2 camera multicamera trak (m/c trak).
I'd forgotten about a tape change on camera 2 when i originally made the m/c trak, so there came a point when my 2 cams became 7.2 sec's out of sync., but after much editing before that point.
create enough new, empty video traks (ctrl-shift-Q) to accomodate all your takes.
move your (in my case remaining) m/c clip to an empty trak (to isolate it from other previous edits on that existing trak)
copy and paste it to each of the remaining new traks (as many times as there are takes in the existing m/c clip)
use keyboard shortcut "t" to change the "take" on each of the tracks to a different take, thus "disassembling" the multicamera trak to its seperate components.
**In my case to resynchronize rather than adding a take, i just resynhed my 2 clips at this point**
add any new clip(s) to the remaining new empty track(s)
select each of the tracks, and recreate a new multicamera track.

Last edited by Sam Houchins II; May 22nd, 2010 at 08:15 PM.
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