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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old November 20th, 2006, 11:16 AM   #1426
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Thanks for the reply, Rick. I lowered the dynamic ram and pretty much disabled the page file and it seems to be acting much better. Anyone have any knowledge of how Vegas interacts with RAM, virtual or none? I'd like to know why this all happened so I can figure out problems a bit better in the future.
Mathew Kurtz is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 11:31 AM   #1427
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vegas uses RAM primarily when you do a render to "RAM Preview", otherwise it uses RAM in small bits. Unless you do a RAm preview, you're better off NOT allocating more than 64k to RAM
Bill Ravens is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 11:38 AM   #1428
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Thanks! I appreciate it!

Don and Chris, thank you.

I still don't know what it is that was causing my problem, and it does visually look like a parent/child issue (though my other parent child stuff works fine).

AND, since I can create new video tracks in each file that work fine, I think I am going to leave it in the "it's a mystery category" and hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the behind later!

All is good.

Mark Lewis is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 11:44 AM   #1429
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Film panning mode

I am confused about how to pan to the corners. The help file states:
If you're panning fully to a single speaker, you may notice that some signal is mixed to the opposite speaker. This is because the ideal placement for surround speakers does not match the representation in the surround panner. For example, panning to the front-left speaker produces a low-level signal in the rear-left speaker.

This is because your front-left speaker should be positioned 30° left of center and the speaker in the surround panner is located 45° left of center. To produce a true 45° left-of-center pan, the signal is panned between the front- and rear-left speaker.
Should I allow the signal to be mixed into the opposite speaker or not?
Emre Safak is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 11:52 AM   #1430
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changing drive names so vegas automatically finds files

One solution is to assign the drive with the video source files on it the same letter as vegas is looking for. I have done this with several computer moves and backing up to external drives, and it is actually quite simple.

The only trick is that there is likely already a drive assigned the letter that you WANT to assign to your "video data" drive. You need to change the letter of that drive to make the letter you want available for your videodata drive.

right-click the my computer icon and go to "manage."
click on "disk management"
in the right hand panel, find the drive currently assigned to the letter you want to use.
right click the colored bar for that drive and goto "change drive letter"
click "change"
choose a letter that is not currently being used (like "k") and click OK
repeat the process with your videodata drive, assigning it the letter that you just freed up, that is the same letter that your originating computer used so Vegas will automatically find it.

you are done.

if you are into it, you can change the "k" drive back to the letter the computer initially assigned to your videodata drive, (it is free now that you have reassigned the videodata drive to the desired letter) but there is no technical need to.

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Old November 20th, 2006, 11:55 AM   #1431
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Q: Record Time?

Just curious....

In the bottom right corner of Vegas, there is a box that says "Record Time xx.xx.xx.xx" with numbers obviously. What exactly is this a reading of? it has baffled me ever since I bought Vegas.
Bennis Hahn is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 12:52 PM   #1432
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That is the length of AUDIO you could record on the target drive currently set to receive audio recordings direct to the timeline.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 01:35 PM   #1433
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Sound waves Disappear in Merged Clips

I've been merging clips into .avi files by either rendering the clips into a new file or making a movie. Maybe there's a better way to do this. It works fine on the video, but the merged sound clips lose their wave information. I can hear the sound fine, but the sound clips are flatlines. Any help would be well appreciated.
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Old November 20th, 2006, 01:37 PM   #1434
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Awesome, thank you!
Bennis Hahn is offline  
Old November 20th, 2006, 09:25 PM   #1435
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Major annoyance. - Play button

Vegas 6
DVD architect 3.0(c)

I'm creating a simple, menu-based, dvd using an intro file, an animated menu background and two hour and a half video files.

The play button on the remote will not activate the main menu button, yet the Enter button will. In all the options featured on the "remote buttons" menu, "Play" is no-where to be found.

I'm not sure how I did it on the previous disc, but I did finally get the play button to work right, but not before I changed the text on the menu to "press enter," and sent that dvd off with the customer.

What is that extremely simple solution to this problem? I somehow keep missing it.

Thanks for your time.

Last edited by Ryan Laytart; November 21st, 2006 at 07:55 PM.
Ryan Laytart is offline  
Old November 21st, 2006, 12:19 AM   #1436
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DVD Architect 4.0a Exception Error

Dear all,

Everytime i click the "Make a DVD" button, I get an exception error and DVD Architect 4.0a (4.0 does the same thing as well) shuts down. I've tried searching everywhere for solutions but have not been able to find anything. Sony support has not replied even though it's been over a week now.

I'm really desperate especially with several projects coming up. My BIOS, drivers, OS, etc. are all current and up to date. I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction or has any idea as to what the problem could possibly be.

Here're are the details:

Sony DVD Architect
Version 4.0a (Build 147)
Exception 0xC0000094 (integer divide by zero) IP:0x3567B58B
In Module 'sfcd.cdd' at Address 0x35630000 + 0x4B58B
Thread: Main - Run ID=0x910 Stack=0x12B000-0x130000
EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=3567b58b EFLGS=00210246
EBX=0012b340 SS=0023 ESP=0012b2e8 EBP=0012b860
ECX=00000000 DS=0023 ESI=80004005 FS=003b
EDX=00000000 ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
3567B58B: F7 F1 8B D8 8B 44 24 10 .....D: F7 F1 8B D3 EB 41 8B D8
Stack Dump:
0012B2E8: 0012B340 00030000 + FB340
0012B2EC: 80004005
0012B2F0: 00000003
0012B2F4: 35653FE3 35630000 + 23FE3 (sfcd.cdd)
0012B2F8: 00000000
0012B2FC: 00000000
0012B300: 00000000
0012B304: 00000000
0012B308: 0012B4D0 00030000 + FB4D0
0012B30C: 0012B860 00030000 + FB860
0012B310: 00024050
0012B314: 00000000
0012B318: 00000000
0012B31C: 04C76D5C 04920000 + 356D5C
0012B320: 00010000 00010000 + 0
0012B324: 0012B330 00030000 + FB330
> 0012B328: 3565588D 35630000 + 2588D (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B368: 35655178 35630000 + 25178 (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B3A4: 357F434A 357D0000 + 2434A (sfcdix.dll)
> 0012B3C0: 35656F29 35630000 + 26F29 (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B3CC: 7C802442 7C800000 + 2442 (kernel32.dll)
> 0012B3D4: 35656F4E 35630000 + 26F4E (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B3DC: 232B7371 23200000 + B7371 (mcmpegin.dll)
> 0012B3F8: 3565593F 35630000 + 2593F (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B404: 7C802442 7C800000 + 2442 (kernel32.dll)
> 0012B4AC: 3565E78E 35630000 + 2E78E (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B5CC: 35654ACF 35630000 + 24ACF (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B5E4: 3565EED8 35630000 + 2EED8 (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B5FC: 356310AF 35630000 + 10AF (sfcd.cdd)
> 0012B610: 358859CC 357D0000 + B59CC (sfcdix.dll)
> 0012B61C: 357D5881 357D0000 + 5881 (sfcdix.dll)
> 0012B640: 357F4461 357D0000 + 24461 (sfcdix.dll)
> 0012B668: 32008005 31F90000 + 78005 (aviplug.dll)
> 0012B6E4: 02F90012 02E40000 + 150012 (WMVCore.DLL)
0012B6E8: 00342015
0012B6EC: 00000000
0012B6F0: 00168960 00140000 + 28960
0012B6F4: 0000021A
> 0012B754: 7C90EE18 7C900000 + EE18 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B758: 7C931C48 7C900000 + 31C48 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B760: 7C931C41 7C900000 + 31C41 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B764: 7C9106EB 7C900000 + 106EB (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B778: 7C931C41 7C900000 + 31C41 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B77C: 7C9106EB 7C900000 + 106EB (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B7FC: 00C1E9A3 00BE0000 + 3E9A3 (dvdarch40k.dll)
0012B800: 00007D49
0012B804: 00140000 00140000 + 0
> 0012B808: 7C809B8B 7C800000 + 9B8B (kernel32.dll)
0012B80C: 0012FBB0 00030000 + FFBB0
> 0012B810: 7C90EE18 7C900000 + EE18 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B814: 7C9140C0 7C900000 + 140C0 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B820: 7C914146 7C900000 + 14146 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B830: 7C90EE18 7C900000 + EE18 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B834: 7C90E5E5 7C900000 + E5E5 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B838: 7C832022 7C800000 + 32022 (kernel32.dll)
> 0012B844: 7C90D592 7C900000 + D592 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012B848: 7C83202D 7C800000 + 3202D (kernel32.dll)
> 0012BAF4: 00440049 00400000 + 40049 (dvdarch40.exe)
> 0012BAF8: 005C0045 00400000 + 1C0045 (dvdarch40.exe)
> 0012BAFC: 00440043 00400000 + 40043 (dvdarch40.exe)
> 0012BB00: 004F0052 00400000 + F0052 (dvdarch40.exe)
- - -
0012FFF0: 00000000
0012FFF4: 00000000
0012FFF8: 00719E59 00400000 + 319E59 (dvdarch40.exe)
0012FFFC: 00000000
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Old November 21st, 2006, 04:33 AM   #1437
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Field Order Problem

When I use Sony YUV Codec (or huffyuv 2.21 - much better!!!) for rendering out, whatever I do, the rendered video is ALWAYS with "Upper Field FIrst".My miniDV shots in PAL Lower Field First, so I want to get same in the results. I tried to set Lower Field First in the project properties, then in the render window, but everytime I get Upper Filed First as final result. WHY? How to fix it?
Plamen Petrov is offline  
Old November 21st, 2006, 05:22 AM   #1438
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Hello Plamen ,

I've got the same problem, not only with Huffyuv, but also with Cineform. In these cases I change the Media properties from "Upper field first" to "Progressive". So far it works - but I find it annoying.

Greeting Richard
Richard Firnges is offline  
Old November 21st, 2006, 06:28 AM   #1439
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Originally Posted by Plamen Petrov
When I use Sony YUV Codec (or huffyuv 2.21 - much better!!!) for rendering out, whatever I do, the rendered video is ALWAYS with "Upper Field FIrst".My miniDV shots in PAL Lower Field First, so I want to get same in the results. I tried to set Lower Field First in the project properties, then in the render window, but everytime I get Upper Filed First as final result. WHY? How to fix it?
All PAL standard video apart from DV is UFF, don't panic about it, it all works out correctly. If you render from PAL DV to Sony YUV the field order gets swapped. It has to.
Bob Grant is offline  
Old November 21st, 2006, 03:00 PM   #1440
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Open captioning/subtitles in Vegas help

I've got a project that I need to add open captioning to, but my client wants a non-DVD master with the captioning as well. So it appears I can't use something like Vasst's Subtext since it's only meant for DVD subtitles. Does anyone have any suggestion for plugins that can help automate the addition of open captions to a Vegas project? Am I stuck using Sony Text generator? I'm new to the subtitles world so I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
Kipjaz Savoie is offline  
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