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Old November 6th, 2006, 03:26 AM   #1246
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velocity envelopes

Before I started using Sony Vegas 5, I used Pinnacle Studios ver 9. In that software I could edit a clip to the point I wanted and then apply the speed change. For instance, if I wanted it to playback 3 times the normal speed, the length of my clip would shorten to a third of it's length on the timeline but the edit out point would still remain the same.

In Sony Vegas if I apply the velocity envelope at 300% say, the length of the clip stays the same on the timeline and the edit out point changes to way beyond where I want it to be. Is there a way of performing the Pinnacle approach in Vegas or do I just have to adapt my workflow ie apply the 300% and then shorten the clip to the desired edit out point. This just appears to be a bit more tricky at establishing the precise edit point.

Thanks for any help.
Mark Howells is offline  
Old November 6th, 2006, 08:03 AM   #1247
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I'd love to hear the answer to this question. I know there's a plugin for vegas that allows the use of directX fiters. There are several CA correction filters available for still image photography. You can find my favorite here:
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Old November 6th, 2006, 08:29 AM   #1248
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That is correct. If you change the speed of the velocity envelope, the length of the clip will not change to match that new speed. This is normal. If you right-click it, go to properties, and change the "Playback rate", it also will not change the length of the event.

However, there's a third way go change the speed: Hold down the CTRL key and RESIZE the event! That will change the playback rate AND the length of the event. That way you can simply resize it however big it needs to be without worrying about the exact percentage speed needed to reach that point.

BTW, The velocity envelope will go from 300% through 0% (freeze frame) down to -100% (full speed reverse).

The Playback Rate will go from 400% down to 25%.

If you combine them together, you can get up to 12x at one time.

Also, via a script you can write a routine that would change either the playback rate or velocity envelope AND change the length of the event to match that new rate. So it CAN be done. I know a couple of commercial scripts that have that functionality but don't recall a free one.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 08:35 AM   #1249
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Did you install and register DVD Architect? DVD Architect unlocks the AC-3 encoder.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 10:11 AM   #1250
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Thanks for the reply Edward. Great tips.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 01:20 PM   #1251
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Indeed it does! Thanks!
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Old November 6th, 2006, 03:54 PM   #1252
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I would like and answer to this as well. When using my home made super macro setup I get alot of introduced CA.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 07:06 PM   #1253
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You can do this fairly easily in After Effects.

Without going into too much detail, basically...split your footage into 3 layers R,G and B - stick each layer on a transfer mode that will mix them back into a full colour signal when layered.

Apply the optics compensation plug-in to two layers of your choice and adjust the 'field of view' control until all three colours line up.

I realise this is an awful explantion !! but the process is very straight forward and takes no more than a minute to do, and I could not be bothered going into detail if none of you have After Effects !!


Drop me a single frame and I will show you.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 10:36 PM   #1254
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Sony Cinescore

Dont know if the Vegas forum is the right place, but I figure its all in the same family.

Anyways - I just got myself the Premium bundle of Adobe's Production suite and I'm not too happy with Audition in the way I want to generate music, Smartsound is just far too expensive for me, and Cinescore is right up my alley.

My main question is, would Cinescore work with Adobe in the way I'll generate a specific length of music and then import it into PP2?

Also, other than the Royalty free music, I'm worried that I cant use the scores generated for my own films that I produce, I'm more worrieda bout copyright and credit than royalties. I want to know what on earth do I have to put in the credits as when I did a film with music from Audition, someone pointed out I had to give credits to Adobe or I could get sued!!! I thought that was crazy! Or is it?

Anyways, thanks in advance.

I told you to get an alabi
Leo Pepingco is offline  
Old November 6th, 2006, 11:19 PM   #1255
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Originally Posted by Leo Pepingco
... would Cinescore work with Adobe ... generate a specific length of music and then import it into PP2?
Yes, just export your Cinescore sound track and load it into PP2. You can specify the length within Cinescore. One of the advantages of using it with Vegas is that you can launch Cinescore from within Vegas and send the sound track directly to the timeline.
"Ultimately, the most extraordinary thing, in a frame, is a human being." - Martin Scorsese
Michael Wisniewski is offline  
Old November 7th, 2006, 01:50 AM   #1256
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Ah, thanks Michael.

Its a definate buy for me. For some reason I was under the impression that 'all' sister programs and plug-ins were software specific.

Thanks again
I told you to get an alabi
Leo Pepingco is offline  
Old November 7th, 2006, 05:03 AM   #1257
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Thanks - I figured that out already, but the problem is I haven't got After Effects. No way of doing that in Vegas?
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Old November 7th, 2006, 07:50 AM   #1258
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Originally Posted by Werner Wesp
Thanks - I figured that out already, but the problem is I haven't got After Effects. No way of doing that in Vegas?
I do not know vegas but the process in any editing/comping package would be :

1) split RGB signal into 3 R G and B layers.

2) use a warping tool to match two of those layers to the third.

3) recombine R G and B layers.
Lee Wilson is offline  
Old November 7th, 2006, 08:04 AM   #1259
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FWIW, there's a thread on the Sony Vegas forum titled "Technicolor Challenge" at that may be of some help.
Mike Kujbida is offline  
Old November 7th, 2006, 10:31 AM   #1260
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Ultimate S2 manual?

Hey all,

I realize that not everyone here uses U S2 w' Vegas but I have been unable to find a manual to sort out the finer points of what U S2 does. Is there one? I checked the install disc. No dice.

I've looked online. Nada. Or am I blind to the obvious?

Any help here would be appreciated.


Ian Slessor is offline  
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