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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old July 7th, 2006, 06:46 PM   #106
Inner Circle
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I believe that you need to own Quicktime Pro and have it enabled on your computer to render to Quicktime from Vegas. If not, expect an error message.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old July 7th, 2006, 08:43 PM   #107
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No, you don't need QT Pro.
First, I wouldn't use Vegas for rendering to QT. Vegas just doesn't excel at QT anything.
Second, I'd really HATE to see any video 30 mins long on the web in QT unless you were positive that you have a Helix or other QT server so it's not a download, it's a stream.
Third, I assume you're using MP4, or Sorenson, and only MP4 will look decent at reasonably low bitrates, but VMS doesn't have the MP4 option.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old July 7th, 2006, 10:29 PM   #108
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
No, you don't need QT Pro.
Oops. My bad. Maybe that was true on an older version? (I've been using Vegas since 2.0.) Or maybe I got confused and gave Apple more money than I needed to!
Jon Fairhurst
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Old July 8th, 2006, 08:37 AM   #109
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You've got a lot of questions that are unrelated. Editing HDV in Vegas can easily be done. If you have a slower/older computer, you'll want to edit with proxies, and then swap out proxies for render.
As far as which camera is better, DVX or'll need to ask those questions in the appropriate forums.
Regarding which is "best" out of Vegas and FCS, that's an opinion question, not a "fact" question, and asking about FCS in a Vegas forum and vice versa won't give you the answers you're looking for. In this forum, most of us prefer Vegas. I use both, I prefer Vegas.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old July 8th, 2006, 12:19 PM   #110
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Splitting AVI's without rendering

Another newbie question...

I have several projects that use short clips from a large AVI file. For storage reasons, I would like to delete the large AVI file but in case I want to re-render the projects that use its clips, I would like to save those clips as separate AVI's.

Is there a way to do this without individually rendering each clip to an AVI?

I hope this makes sense. Thanks again,


Last edited by Jim Hawley; July 8th, 2006 at 12:20 PM. Reason: subscripe to instant email notification
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Old July 8th, 2006, 12:30 PM   #111
Inner Circle
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There is a handy checkbox in the save-as dialog, "copy and trim media with project". More info about this in the help file and pdf manual, but I think it's what you want.

This will in turn bring up another dialog where you can select to trim the media to what you've used, plus a an extra amount of heads and tails.
Seth Bloombaum is offline  
Old July 8th, 2006, 01:04 PM   #112
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DSE's books are outstanding, by all means get a copy. BUT the current version of Vegas and the most recent edition of Vegas Editing Workshop is for version 6. Why get the out of date version when the current edition is readily available? We're not talking about a fortune for the difference in cost between the two editions here. I personally owned Editing Workshop of Vegas 5 and ordered the version 6 edition as soon as it came out, even though 5 wasn't even dog-eared yet. There couldn't be more than about a $20 or so difference in price.
Good news, Cousins! This week's chocolate ration is 15 grams!
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Old July 8th, 2006, 01:08 PM   #113
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That is exactly what I was looking for. I guess I just did not look hard enough.

Thank you Seth!
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Old July 9th, 2006, 07:11 AM   #114
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Sony Movie Studio ... Editing Question.

Hi all - guess I might be missing something obvious but ...

I put a series of scenes with associated sound on the timeline. Then I decide to either another scene at the beginning or at another point between scenes. Question - how do I shift everything on the timeline to the right and preserve existing edits? If I move an existing scene to the right it seems to increase the overlap on the following scene.

Newbie here to Movie Studio here!

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Old July 9th, 2006, 10:22 AM   #115
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Several ways to do it. Click first event (scene, sound file), shift click all other timeline first events, then holding the cursor over one of the selected events, right click, select events to end from the pop-up window. Now you can drag everything. Another way is to group up all of the event you want to move (select them all, right click, group, create new or use the shortcut by pressing G after selecting the all), then drag them. Also, turn ripple effect on (button at top of screen), insert your clip by dragging and dropping where you want it, all events after will move to the right. Or, I think you can insert time in VMS from the insert menu too. Not sure about that. Anyway, hope this helps. I'm sure others will post with different methods too.
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Old July 9th, 2006, 10:25 AM   #116
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If its like Vegas:

1. Place cursor where you want it. Right click on event and choose select all events to the end. (will select all events to the right of the cursor)
2. Move to the right.

There are other ways to do it but this one is pretty quick.
Red #97
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Old July 9th, 2006, 04:02 PM   #117
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Best Practice for HC3

I have just gotten my HC3, and am interested in the best approach for creating DVD format from and HDV master.

What would be useful to me (and maybe others), is a step by step tried and true approach.

My goal is to shoot all my masters in HD, but do all my video projects in DV format on DVD.

Should the video be injested as DV (using the camera's downconvert), or brought in thru Cineform and edited using Cineform intermediates? What settings should the project be set to and what setting would result in the best DVD render?

Thanks in advance. The response to this might be a good "sticky" thread.

Harry Burnette
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Old July 9th, 2006, 08:12 PM   #118
Inner Circle
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capture question

I've been playing around with vegas 5. when I capture clip, the same clip is represent several times in the media bin but a different thumbnail is used to represent the same clip. seems redundant. is this normal?
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Old July 9th, 2006, 08:32 PM   #119
Jubal 28
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Are you sure it's not different clips generated by scene detection?
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Old July 9th, 2006, 09:46 PM   #120
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The answer is...there is no answer.
If you have the full CineForm product, it's likely the best way for you to work.
If you have a fast computer.
If you have a slow computer, then the CineForm product may or may not be of great benefit to you, and editing native HDV (painful) or using proxies is the best solution for you.
If you ever plan on returning to HD with your projects, ingesting as DV will never do you any good, because there is no frame accurate recapture of HDV.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
Certified Sony Vegas Trainer
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