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Old July 3rd, 2006, 04:06 AM   #46
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Adams flip

Couple of other options:

1. There is a free filter online called 'Adams Flip' that lets you reverse flip horizontal and vertical. It's supposed to be a lot faster than the inbuilt one. Do a google on it.
2. HDConnect has a 35mm adapter flip feature if you capture with it.

Regards, Nick.
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 04:31 AM   #47
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Thanks Nick. I'll check it out

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Old July 3rd, 2006, 04:55 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Glenn Chan
Try the 32" BVM-A
It's only several times the cost of the smaller monitor ($37k list).

Ok, I'm buying two of them.

I suppose that my tv may be too cheap, although it's new. It's a 300.00 flat panel CRT from Samsung. This might come into play though when I show demo's and such at the home office. Hmm...

I was just surprised at how much detail I lose from what looks awsome in my post monitor, to it looking kinda crappy on TV, and I've tried every possible render combo I could think of.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 06:09 AM   #49
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Steven, it's not that your TV is too cheap. It's that the technical quality of your post monitor is far higher than that of your TV. Think of it as the difference between watching a DVD you made vs. the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Why does theirs look so much better than yours when the video resolution of a DVD is fixed? Simple. They start with much higher quality equipment. It's the same thing here.
If you ever have the chance, go to a TV station or a sports mobile and see what the picture quality is like right out of the video switcher. The usual response is "that's NTSC? Wow!!" Then have a look at the off-air monitor after it's been through numerous stages of processing :-(
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 06:30 AM   #50
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Mike, but I want to show high quality on TV lol. It's highly frustrating, I spent 7 hours yesterday trying every render combo I could think of to increase that distance detail,to no avail. Although upclose, and like 20 feet away it's fine, but I was trying to increase the detail when that couple is like 50 feet or more, and I'll be darned if my TV would do it. It's peachy in post. :}

I might for the 'h' 'e' 'double hockey sticks' of it take my little DVD to Best Buy and plug it into some more expensive TV's, if just for the sake of my understanding.

Thanks for that info.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 01:04 PM   #51
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Can you render in two formats in Vegas 5?


Can anyone tell me if it's possible to render two different formats, on the same timeline, in the same render process? I have a feature film I'm rendering, all of it except for one scene, shot on 24P, and one scene in the middle of the film, is shot on regular NTSC DV video. If I try rendering the whole project as 24P, the regular DV scene comes out fuzzy. I could render the scene seperately but I'd rather keep it all as one single rendered project. Can that be done?

Thank you. Ruben
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 01:09 PM   #52
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When you render, everything you render at that time will be rendered the same way. So you can't start one rendering process and have it render different pieces in different ways. You might be able to set up a batch render process to do that using regions and specifying a different format per region using a script.

How are you going to output this/what format are you rendering to?
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 01:18 PM   #53
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Thank you, Edward. I'm outputting the whole thing through Sony DVDArchitect as 24P (except for the one scene which has to stay in DV form, because if I render that scene as 24P in Vegas, it loses definition.) I'd like to keep the whole project together and not have to bring the pieces to DVDA and try to cut and paste the DV scene in between the 24P scenes in Architect...if that's even possible to do. I'm not sure about that either. Any thoughts?
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 02:28 PM   #54
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If you render as separate pieces, you can end-action from the 24p to the straight DV and then end action to the other 24p. However, then you'll have a slight pause at those places so you'll have to plan for that.
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 03:33 PM   #55
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I assume that "end action" means lining up the three segments in DVDA. Two questions:

1) Is there a specific way to do that?

2) Is there any way to eliminate that slight pause?

Thank you, Edward. Ruben
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 09:03 PM   #56
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Try inserting a playlist and see if that works.

As for the end action, you just add the first one to the menu, add the other two to the project, and then set the "End Action" from one to the other as needed. However, that DOES create the pause which will vary between DVD players.

Personally, I would probably render the whole thing to a single file accepting the known issues.
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Old July 4th, 2006, 02:08 AM   #57
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Pan/Crop and HDV

Up to now I've always captured from HVR-Z1E is SD mode (in camera downconvert) but I now want to try and capture HD using Cineform.

Presumably when using editiing on the timeline using the Cineform avi, you're editing at full HDV rsolution - 1440x1080 or wheever it is. You might then use pan/crop to reduce the picture size of an event (eg pip/etc); if you then render as standard mpeg2 (for DVDA) does it automatically reclaculate what the sizes of those cropped events should be as if they were for a 720x576 picture????


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Old July 4th, 2006, 01:51 PM   #58
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Yes, essentially. I think basically it just rescales the frame. If you've zoomed it, cropped it, whatever, those are retained.
It also means you can zoom in without quality loss (at SD) as you've got that extra resolution to play with.
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Old July 4th, 2006, 03:07 PM   #59
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Cheers Mark

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Old July 5th, 2006, 12:41 AM   #60
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rendering help - maintaining original video settings

what are the best render settings to maintain the exact same dimensions when i'm done editing?

alot of times i'll be doing a video, and then after i render there will be
letterboxes when i didn't want it or the image will be stretched. Do i change
the project settings to match exactly the video?

(ie 512/384 24 frames a second)(also, is it better to have the ratio to 1.00 or 0.9101?I played around with the stretch to avoid letterboxing setting thing but it's still sometimes hit and miss.

Also, any ideas for the best way to handle several video files with different
properties? I have at least 5 movie files i want to merge into one but when i
render i'm afraid it will mess up as i can only make one setting for the end

I am rendering to divx if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance.
Pete Peterson is offline  
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