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Old August 20th, 2006, 01:35 PM   #571
Inner Circle
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Yeah, it created a new track ,but things were all out of whack. And the second track didn't fill in all the way. Then when I deleted the master track and all the markers, I still had the preview. It was about 3 hours of wasted edit time.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old August 20th, 2006, 01:43 PM   #572
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I'm pretty sure it was an overlooked user error... if you don't have continous footage on a track then you need to make sure that you are switching to the other camera for that segment of time or their will be blanks.

Yeah undo'ing all those pan and crops could be a pain in the ass... but it's much more work to do it all by yourself than letting this thing do all the edits for you... unless it's not that long of a project... but then undoing a few pan and crops aren't that big of a deal then ;)
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Old August 20th, 2006, 02:11 PM   #573
Inner Circle
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Yeah, I'm sure it was my other personality that got in the way which caused my user error.

I'll give her another whirl on my next project. Thanks for the comments.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old August 20th, 2006, 02:19 PM   #574
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Yeah, just try with this project once it's done... make you a save and revert back to it just for the hell of it.

I always increment versions of my saves so I have something to go back to anyway (which would have saved you from unpanning and cropping the DT stuff ;)
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Old August 20th, 2006, 03:34 PM   #575
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Thanks!! Problem solved.
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Old August 20th, 2006, 04:19 PM   #576
RED Code Chef
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Please continue the talk in the already existing IBC thread:

Of course RED is at IBC, do check them out. And two nights (sunday & monday)
there is a digital movie being shown in the dcinema.

I always enjoy hanging out in hall 7 with all the color correction and effects
packages etc.

Rob Lohman,
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Old August 20th, 2006, 11:39 PM   #577
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fx envelope won't work

it just stays at 0dB even if i add points and change the value. do I have to click something else? or is it because my project is in 5.1?
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Old August 21st, 2006, 09:00 AM   #578
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What Video File for Internet

I have video clip about 6 min (DV AVI) and I want to send it to my friend trough the internet. What video file should I encode for that. Someone told me that I have to render the AVI file to WMV (Windows Media Video). I found that option in Vegas but I don't know in what resolution or bitrate to render. My friend told me that I should send him the video file which can be played in "Real Player".
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Old August 21st, 2006, 09:05 AM   #579
Inner Circle
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You'll then need to find an encoder that will render to .rm which is Real Media format. I know that Real Producer was a program from Real Player which rendered to .rm format, and you could change the size etc. So if your consumer, 'your friend', needs .rm then find an encoder that will do it. Sometimes you can find a piece of software that has little cost, but make sure it's worth the money, such as being able to encode various formats.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
Steven Davis is offline  
Old August 21st, 2006, 09:06 AM   #580
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Working with Layers

Is it possible working with layers in Vegas 6. For example is it possible mixing two wideo clips, first main one, with peoples portrait for example and second one simulating background (like chroma effect), but not to use Cokie cutter.
Zdravko Jancevski is offline  
Old August 21st, 2006, 09:39 AM   #581
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Yes it is. You can create masks in many different ways. For some ideas, you might want to look at the "Ways to Split Screen" article in Vol 3 #1 of my newsletters and the "Bezier Masks" article in Vol 3 #3.
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Old August 21st, 2006, 09:42 AM   #582
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After you pick the type of file you wish to render to, you then pick the preset you want to use. Try two or three different ones until you find the file size/quality combination that suits you.

Vegas can create Real files that you can send to your friend. Just be aware that if you're putting it on your website for anyone to view, there are LOTS of people that won't load "Real" on their machines. WMV is more widely accepted.
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Old August 21st, 2006, 10:31 AM   #583
Inner Circle
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my mistake Edward

I forgot, (and can't look while at work #1) to check to see that Vegas does render .rm.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old August 21st, 2006, 10:40 AM   #584
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Old August 21st, 2006, 12:37 PM   #585
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Hello I did a quick search and couldn't find the info I was looking for. Maybe someone has asked this question befroe I'm not sure but I'm working on a project where I'm masking the individual on the screen. I've outlined them and layered their image on another. Whn I masked it the edges were to sharp and I wanted to soften them up. I used the soft edge but that only softens in the form of a box. I would like to soften the edge of the individual. (kind of what we see in some interviews or commercials) Thanks for any help. I'm usng Vegas 6d

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