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Old December 22nd, 2006, 03:46 PM   #1786
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Bootcamp and Vegas

This is a sort of hybrid question...I'm thinking of getting the new 24" iMac. I would like to use it to edit with Vegas on the Windows side using their beta version of Bootcamp to pull that off. Do you know if that's possible with the current version of Bootcamp or are there some inherent problems with Vegas that wouldn't be compatible with the iMac in its current configuration?

And one more question...looking forward, I'd like to be able to edit AVCHD footage as well. Are the current generations of iMacs not up to that and would it be better for me to wait 9 months or so?
Lynne Whelden is offline  
Old December 22nd, 2006, 04:45 PM   #1787
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shadow effect

Hi all

I'm creating an effect to have multiple video clips movin around the screen using track motion in 3D. Looks OK-ish - but I'd like to put a shadown behind each clip so that when one passes over another it adds a little depth.

I think this is one of those things where it's really obvious but I've got a mental block.

Since I first posted this I've just realised it doesn't look that good - when one track crosses another they appear to intersect and one 'slices' through - I was hoping that as wth normal editing, whatever is on the uppermost track would always appear in front of lower tracks?



PS - Merry Christmas everyone.
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 07:25 PM   #1788
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How Do I...

I just bought myself a Zoom H4 which does a good job by the way. I have a 1 hour recording that I want to sync with my FX1. The audio on the Zoom H4 was recorded at 48K but as I suspected the clock may not be as accurate as on the FX1. I want to stretch the audio to sync with the FX1 audio. The change would be much less than 0.01% as I have tried this as a quick check. Ideally I would like to lock one end and just stretch the timeline until the waveforms line up. Is this possible? If so how do I do this?

Ron Evans
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 07:41 PM   #1789
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You'll need to add a parent track to the entire 3D sequence, make the other tracks children to this track, and add a shadow using the Parent Track Motion dialog. This will add shadow to all tracks found beneath.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 07:43 PM   #1790
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Put the picture down,
Stretch the audio from your zoom, by holding CTRL+Drag.
that's it.
Don't forget to mute the audio track from your FX.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 08:01 PM   #1791
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Thank you Douglas. Worked just great. I have not had to do this in the past but was sure it was possible. Trying to find it in the Help under lots of cue words got me nowhere.

Ron Evans
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 10:51 PM   #1792
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Two Questions....

First question: Using Vegas 7, I will be doing several projects to be rendered to wmv 640X360 @ 10Mbs. All the templates for new projects in Vegas are set up for DV, so my preview window always letterboxes and crops off the sides like regular DV widescreen. How can I change this setting so that my entire 640x360 frame can be seen in the preview window? It will show the entire frame in the trimmer window, but not in preview window. Changing project resolution to 640x360 doesn't help.

Second question: If anyone watches the History Channel, they have an affect that they use on still pictures that lets them pan across the photo and it looks 3D, separating the foreground from the background. Anyone know how that is done? Thanks for any help!
Evan Dowling
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Old December 23rd, 2006, 01:15 AM   #1793
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And, for the first question, you can also check out the Colorize effect from our NewBlue Art Effects collection. Colorize reduces the picture to black and white and then repaints it using a limited palette of colors that you select, typically by choosing directly from the image with the dropper. If it does accomplish what you need, it will do it very quickly and efficiently. It all depends on the relationship of colors in the objects that you want to keep vs discard.

You can learn about it at as well as download the trial software to give it a try.

Todor Fay is offline  
Old December 23rd, 2006, 01:33 AM   #1794
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Project template 25P 1080

In the project templates there does not appear to be a template for PAL 25P 1080 only 720, am I missing something or is 720 the only one available.
Thanks Mike.
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Old December 23rd, 2006, 05:19 AM   #1795
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Capturing from BR-HD50 VTR via 1394 in Vegas 7.


Can anyone tell me how to capture video from a VTR via 1394?

Vegas cannot see the VTR no matter what I seem to do!

Any help appreciated.

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Old December 23rd, 2006, 06:46 AM   #1796
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sometimes the most obvious of explanations are the quickest to be overlooked!

IEEE1394 cable not in properly!
Ha ha
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Old December 23rd, 2006, 07:09 AM   #1797
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Can't answer number 1 but for number 2 it's call "kids in the picture effect" -it's a bit labor intensive but what isn't these days.

Check out Edward Troxels Vegas newltter Vol 3 number 3 for all the info on how to do it.

Don Bloom is offline  
Old December 23rd, 2006, 11:59 AM   #1798
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a coupla simple questions

1) suppose you have two clips on the time line but they're quite far apart from each other. Instead of trying to drag one of the clips to the other, there must be a command to bring them close together...right?

2) If i was to drag a video and accompanying audio clip to a different part of the timeline, is there a way to "lock" them to each other so you don't have to drag them separately?

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Old December 23rd, 2006, 12:03 PM   #1799
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What video format is the source video in? DV widescreen? If so, I would leave it DV widescreen during editing and then save it to a custom template for the 640x360 WMV. If the source video is already 640x360 WMV, then you can define a set of custom project properties for the video and save it. You can even make that custom set of properties the default so whenever you open Vegas, it sets up the project for WMV. Alternately, you can use the Match Media Settings folder icon out to the right of the template drop down box to select a reference 640x360 WMV file. The properties of that file will then be applied to the project.
Guy Bruner is offline  
Old December 23rd, 2006, 12:04 PM   #1800
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They should be locked together unless you unlocked them Or are using a seperate audio piece.
Ripple is your friend. You can ripple affect tracks, regions etc.
What I do many times is to double click the empty area so you're setting a region, CNTL X and then hit the F button. This will move everything to the right down the timeline and butt up to the previous clip.
Don Bloom is offline  
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