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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old December 8th, 2006, 04:55 PM   #1636
New Boot
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Thanks Ed,
BTW, do you know any manual that describe in detail how to use vegas7? I saw a vegas 6 editing workshop dvd package, but not for 7; what would you suggest for learning vegas7? or should i scan through all the newsletter from your site?

Thanks again

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Old December 8th, 2006, 05:04 PM   #1637
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I'm not Edward but the first best thing to do is go thru his newsletters. While the articles are not specific to V7 the basic are all still the same. I'm a fairly long time Vegas user and I can't begin to tell you how many times Edwards newsletters have saved my bacon or at least reminded me of how to do a little used something something. (you forget things when you get old like me;-)

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Old December 8th, 2006, 10:28 PM   #1638
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The gospel from Sony I suppose


Thanks for writing.

More RAM does not really mean a faster render time. More RAM in a system will allow more instances of Vegas or more simultanous video or audio clips to be displayed, but does not greatly affect the speed at which something will render. Generally, processor speed, number, and type are the factors that determine render speeds.

Please note: at this time we do not support 64-bit processors or operating systems. These processors often cause exception errors or serious system crashes when trying to render, as Vegas has not yet been programmed to work properly with this architecture.


Rob A.
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What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old December 8th, 2006, 10:36 PM   #1639
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Don't be afraid to look at Vegas 6 training materials. The major concepts are still the same. I'm not sure exactly what Vegas 7 updates to training are available yet. I know Class on Demand has a Vegas 7 update DVD.
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Old December 9th, 2006, 07:09 AM   #1640
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If you have many stills to pan/zoom you can use programs such as VASST's Ultimate-S to automate this process. This will save you an immense amount of time and it works great.

I haven't found any books or training DVDs for Vegas 7. But you can find lots of training materials for Vegas 6. Ed Troxels's newsletters initially brought me up to speed enough for what I need in Vegas 7.

Also, a big help for new Vegas 7 features is Vegas's online Help. Pull up Help and the first thing you will see is a list of new features in Vegas 7. You can click on context sensitive help for each new feature.
David Jasany is offline  
Old December 9th, 2006, 02:48 PM   #1641
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Vegas Manuals

1) On the Vegas cd-rom, use the PDF manual. It is also on the site.
2) Can highly recommend DSE's "Vegas 6 Editing Workshop". This book is indespensible.

As mentioned before v6 material is very applicable to v7. While there are a few new things in vegas 7, it's largely a refinement of Vegas 6.
James Harring is offline  
Old December 10th, 2006, 04:28 PM   #1642
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Vegas 7 Capture of 25F Canon XH A1

Can Vegas capture 25F mode from the Canon XH A1.

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Old December 10th, 2006, 10:07 PM   #1643
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veg 7 - grouped tracks not operating together

vegas 7, have 2 video tracks and multiple audio tracks for each video track (2 channels came in with each video track, which I duped then made one R only and the other L only, then have a stereo track recorded separately and imported as well).

Am doing some manual syncing prior to doing a multicam, and would like to group the video w/ it's respective audio and for example split the tracks at the same point, slip the tracks, etc. (e.g. I'd like to keep the audio tracks in sync with their respective video tracks (why, b/c the multicams are from different performances)).

Eventhough I've selected the tracks together that I want to operate together (e.g. ctrl + shift, or select first, then shift + select last), the tracks aren't operated on together. They *are* selected, but when I spilt, for example, only 1 track in the group splits, and it's not even the track who's header is blinking.

Separate symptom - select one track and split, and all tracks in project split.

I've tried a few things to correct this, but to no avail.

Any suggestions?

TIA, really appreciate it.
Dave Stern is offline  
Old December 11th, 2006, 01:13 AM   #1644
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need effect help - think its called mosaic?

k this might be too ambitious but i'm trying to do an effect in a project i'm making in which multiple video tracks will zoom out to form a picture.

The only thing i can think of that i remember was from an old 2pac video
(its at 3 minutes in ,sorry for any loading times just let it run in background or something)

anyway, i think it might be possible with trackfx obviously involved in some way?

I have a pretty decent computer, dual core 2.16ghz 2 gig ram, dunno if it can handle that but who knows anyway anyone with ideas much appreciated thanks.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 01:34 AM   #1645
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To zoom in/out I use Pan/Crop or Track Motion.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 02:30 AM   #1646
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24 the serie intro effect

I'm making a video from 1974 until Today for my fathers 60th birthday on Christmas day.

I want to use the intro in the 24 serie. Insted of show "24", I would show 60... I have no idea how to make it look as if I didn't change anything... I didn't find any font to match the digital clock numbers. I'm not too good with Photoshop and After Effect, but I can use Vegas 7.0 and Premiere Pro 2.

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated! I need to send my DVD by mail in 3 days!

Thank you!
Pierre Landry is offline  
Old December 11th, 2006, 02:55 AM   #1647
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Old Film Effect

I use the old film effect in Vegas, however in the other videos I have seen a more classy looking old film effect, the hairs and flickers are black. Anyone have any idea how to do this in Vegas?

Also, for whatever reason I have noticed that videos produced on Final Cut look cleaner. What is the main source of this? Is it De-interlacing the video that does it? And if so, can you explain what exactly it means when you do this.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 06:05 AM   #1648
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magic bullet misfire, but expect 20:1 renders...

anoher options and just as cheap, is EdiusPro3/4 the film look filter in that is much more advanced than Vegas
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Old December 11th, 2006, 06:51 AM   #1649
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Most people I know that attempt this use After Effects. While it can be done in Vegas it would certainly be a painstaking process.

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Old December 11th, 2006, 07:47 AM   #1650
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AndreaMosaic from may be another tool to help you in doing this.
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