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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old December 12th, 2005, 04:06 PM   #1366
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I use 436x280 (1/2 NTSC Widescreen) @ 500 Kbps a lot. For you, it might be more like 524x288 (1/2 PAL Widescreen). I also find CBR, single pass and 64 Kbps audio gives acceptable results. If you have no problem with file size, you might try 1 Mbps or even 3 Mbps but the file sizes get to be pretty large for download.
Guy Bruner is offline  
Old December 12th, 2005, 06:59 PM   #1367
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Accurate 2.35:1 crop

Does anyone know the right height (number) to set the Video Event Pan/Crop so as to crop HDV 16x9 footage to a 2.35:1 aspect ratio?

I tried doing the math but it didnt look right.

AMD Athalon 2800 (2.08ghz) running Windows XP sp2
1GB of RAM Vegas 6.0 NLE 300+ GB hard drive space
running SATA RAID 0 With an NVIDEA Geforce FX 5600XT

Last edited by Kevin Red; December 12th, 2005 at 11:09 PM.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 02:16 AM   #1368
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Project Properties? Odd NTSC here . .

Please explain Project Preferences > Video>Template

Option "A": "PAL Standard (720x567, 25 fps)" > Field Order "Upper Field First"

Option "B": "PAL DV (720x567, 25 fps)" > Field Order "Lower Field First"

Why? Why the change in the field order? This is in Vegas 6 AND Vegas 5.

More to the point! Check out the same comparison for NTSC? Both options for NTSC choose LOWER field first.

Is this not odd?

Graham Bernard is offline  
Old December 13th, 2005, 09:21 AM   #1369
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Why is this "odd??" NTSC DV is always lower field first, always has been...except in very rare instances that certain NLE's have wanted/demanded upper field first.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old December 13th, 2005, 11:08 AM   #1370
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PAL to NTSC Conversion Advise

Hi guys.I have some clips which were taken in PAL 720x576, 25fps. I need them converted to NTSC 720x480, 29.97fps. I made a working PAL DVD already. I have 2 choice:
1. Recompress each clip from Vegas
Render As>>NTSC DVDA
2. Recompress project from DVD A3

I attempted the 2nd method but the estimated size was 5.4Gb from 4.4Gb!! (Cant fit my 4.7Gb DVD)
Attempted 1st method on one clip n the mpg2 turned out smaller than the PAL version! 575MB NTSC Vs 595Mb PAL.

Seems obvious 2nd choice is the way to go. Can someone explain the benefits n why DVDA3 conversion seems like a worst choice? Pls correct me if I'm not making the right choice. Thanks!
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Old December 13th, 2005, 11:12 AM   #1371
Old Boot
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Douglas, for me it is "odd" that PAL is being determined as LOWER in PAL DV and UPPER in PAL Standard whereas for NTSC it is being determined as LOWER for both instances. I find this odd. Putting this another way, why aren't both flavours of PAL the same as NTSC - both lower field first?

Would somebdy who understands what I am explaining please shed some light on this?

Thank you,

Graham Bernard is offline  
Old December 13th, 2005, 11:17 AM   #1372
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I think you'd be better off doing the conversion from the original video file(s).
Start a new project and set the properties to NTSC. Load your PAL video clip(s) in and render it out that way.
Someone please correct me if I'm way off base here.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 12:39 PM   #1373
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Quick 16.9 conversion?

I am starting a 3-5 day edit project. All footage shot in 4.3, but I want end result to be 16.9. I know I can use pan/crop, but is there any way to apply the 16.9 preset to all the clips at once? I fooled with it, and I tried a search here, but neither effort helped. I have about 300 clips, so would sure like to start with them all in 16.9.

All pointers appreciated.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 02:15 PM   #1374
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Here's something I just tried that works pretty slick. Mind you this only works in Vegas 6.0. Finish out your timeline in 4:3. Start a new project with your needed settings and drag your 4:3 veg to the timeline. When it's done rendering the proxy, you'll notice that you've got a pan-crop icon on the nested veg event. Just do a 16:9 pan-crop on the nested veg and you're good to go. I really like nested veg files and I find new uses for them all the time :)

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Old December 13th, 2005, 03:49 PM   #1375
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Are There Vegas Features That are BETTER than Premiere or FCP?

This happens to me all of the time, and honestly, it frustrates me a little. People ask me what NLE I use, and when I say "Vegas," they look dumbfounded and have no clue what I'm referring to at all. Sometimes, I just say "Premiere" instead to avoid the whole conversation. Many of these folks think Premiere or FCP or Avid, and if you're not using one of those, you must be using something inferrior, some no-name NLE that no one cares about. Now, that said, I love Vegas. I've spent a good deal of energy how to tap it's strengths and work around its weaknesses -- and I couldn't be happier with my choice.

So, this brings me to my question for the power Vegas forum members here. What are the "features" (the "pro's" if you will) that could grab FCP- or Premiere-user's attention from a power features perspective. So when they are skeptical about "whatever Vegas is", what features of Vegas might grab their attention? Now, I know that Vegas may not be able to compete with AP or FCP on all levels, but aren't there at least SOME features that stand out from those products?

Not knowing much about those NLEs (I've never used them much), I'm not sure about the answer to this? But for example, I can edit and work in the Vegas timeline WITH THE TIMELINE RUNNING/LOOPING! Is that something FCP can do? What are some other examples?
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Old December 13th, 2005, 04:42 PM   #1376
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Let it go. It's not worth arguing about. Just try this. "It's not the tools its the mechanic" as an answer. Let your work speak for itself, and don't get in a pi$$ing match.

And yeah, I cut with AVID.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 04:44 PM   #1377
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For 1920x1080 you should crop to 1920x817 and for 1280x720 you crop to 1280x545.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 05:21 PM   #1378
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Real-time in Vegas and what about DVCProHD?

Hello all,

I am currently using Vegas 5 and I'm going to be upgrading in the spring.

With the arrival of the HVX200 from Panasonic I realize that while people aren't asking for HD yet... they will soon and, frankly, I'm not interested in HDV, no offence to anyone who likes that particular flavour. I figure I'll have about 2 years before I'll have to make the dive into the HD world.

My questions revolve around Vegas' ability to handle the Panasonic HD codec, DVCPro25, DVCPro50 & DVCProHD. Are there plans for Vegas to support the Panny codec or good-quality work arounds or third party apps that will produce usable files in Vegas?

Additionally, are there plans for Vegas to be able to use hardware cards for real-time rendering like the RXT100 for Premiere Pro?

The inclusion of this option and Panny HD codec editing would certainly make me reconsider switching from Vegas, which is something I do NOT want to do

I really like Vegas and will hang on as long as I can but if I'm going to be switching to HD in the next couple of years I'd like that switch to be after having used a suitable NLE for some time and NOT some last minute switch because I have no choice.

Any thoughts?


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Old December 13th, 2005, 05:33 PM   #1379
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Lots of thoughts...and all of them related to future Vegas plans.
Until Sony announces anything, no one in the know can comment.
One thing I will say...hell will likely freeze over before you see Vegas ever be hardware dependent. Vegas has always been hardware independent, and it hasn't been a problem for most users at all levels.
Worrying today about what might be extant in the HD world in 2 years is sorta like being a horse driver worrying about jet aircraft. In 2 years, we've seen the industry go from $75,000.00 being the low end to $2000.00 being the low end, with the two extremes being mixed with great success....So, I wouldn't be worrying about much right now. Vegas has always been a leader and frontrunner, and so far, Sony hasn't done anything to suggest it will ever be otherwise.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old December 13th, 2005, 05:49 PM   #1380
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Thanks for the input, DSE.

You make valid points about the passage of time in our technology-heavy field.

I have until the spring to work this out and I know that I will be hanging onto Vegas for as long as I can. Hopefully until I retire. ;-)

BTW. Will we see Vegas 7 in the spring? That would be consistent with Sony's product cycle, wouldn't it?


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