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Old October 20th, 2005, 06:15 PM   #931
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Flickering Sub Titles

I made this photo montage thingy in a PAL widescreen setting, did the sub titles in DVDA3. It flickers a lot on my PAL TV.. is there anyway to solve this? I've not tried sub titles on the moving videos yet..anyone has such experience?
Sean Seah is offline  
Old October 20th, 2005, 08:35 PM   #932
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Make sure the text color is broadcast safe (235, 235, 235 at most). I could be wrong, but I think the default for DVDA2, at least, may be pure white (255, 255, 255). I make my subtitles a yellow color and they look a lot better. Also, you might want to try a different font to see if it works better for you.
Brian Kennedy
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Old October 20th, 2005, 10:30 PM   #933
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I was having a similar problem and thought I might add that I simply used the print-to-tape function in Windows Movie Maker and it worked flawlessly... 16:9 progressive, too.

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams" -Arthur O'Shaunessey (as quoted by Willy Wonka)
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Old October 20th, 2005, 11:09 PM   #934
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Ok, I'll check the broadcast settings. Hope they work better! Thanks.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 11:57 PM   #935
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It could also be the size of the text that's an issue. If parts are 1-pixel tall, that will produce interlace flicker. Antialiasing and "fanciness" (i.e. drop shadow, edge glow, etc.) and increasing size can help.

Small titles should be avoided in any case, because it can be hard to read (your display device may have lower resolution that what you see in studio). Also, small text is prone to chroma crawl (the rainbow stuff on the edges of black and white text is an example).
Glenn Chan is offline  
Old October 21st, 2005, 12:03 AM   #936
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Additionally, try to avoid serif'd fonts and fine-line fonts such as script/fine lined handwriting fonts.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old October 21st, 2005, 04:56 AM   #937
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Rendering to MPG problem

I am rendering out a small project that has a company logo splashscreen at the beginning of the segment. Their logo is a round grey circle on a white background, when I render the project to MPG2, the grey is almost completely gone and all I see is the white background of the Logo?
If I render to DV-AVI, everything is fine.
What can I do to fix this? The final project needs to be on DVD.

Toogood Studios
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Old October 21st, 2005, 06:27 AM   #938
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Increase the bit rate?
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Old October 21st, 2005, 07:21 AM   #939
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What does it look like if you take that rendered DV-AVI and then render THAT to MPEG2?
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old October 21st, 2005, 11:49 AM   #940
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Done! Its pretty cool I can upload it to the Sony's Playstation portable. That way I can show my stuffs to potential cients?!!??

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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:56 PM   #941
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Q: on Vegas / CineForm HDV edit - open to suggestions

Write, produce, direct, edit video based content not to exceed 3o minutes
Direct to dvd with high quality informative content.
Limited distribution – in the hundreds
DVH aspect ratio desired. (I know thereis no media, (DVD) available yet.
Professional but not broadcast quality a must.
Content, titles, nice cuts, limited CGI or motion graphics
My thoughts on a production package:
• Capture: Sony HVR-Z1
• Edit: Avid Xpress Pro HD Mojo on authorized dealer configured system (any comments on Promax as a vendor)
• I want a system that works out of the box with minimal glitches.
• Is the Avid price premium worth it versus Vegas w/ CiniForm, Premier Pro or other?
• I want a PC based platform
Darius Azari is offline  
Old October 21st, 2005, 03:09 PM   #942
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Originally Posted by Darius Azari
Write, produce, direct, edit video based content not to exceed 3o minutes
Direct to dvd with high quality informative content.
Limited distribution – in the hundreds
DVH aspect ratio desired. (I know thereis no media, (DVD) available yet.
Professional but not broadcast quality a must.
Content, titles, nice cuts, limited CGI or motion graphics
My thoughts on a production package:
• Capture: Sony HVR-Z1
• Edit: Avid Xpress Pro HD Mojo on authorized dealer configured system (any comments on Promax as a vendor)
• I want a system that works out of the box with minimal glitches.
• Is the Avid price premium worth it versus Vegas w/ CiniForm, Premier Pro or other?
• I want a PC based platform
Darius, this is the wrong forum to be asking about Avid Express. Having only recently received my updated Avid software, haven't had a chance to compare it just yet. But, Vegas and HDV work very, very well together. Promax is a decent dealer, but I'll recommend the supportive vendors here first, such as B&H, Zotz, etc.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old October 21st, 2005, 04:45 PM   #943
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Thanks go to user MarcoB on the Sony forum for providing this fix.
I can verify that it works perfectly :-)
I've added a follow-up comment from him as well.

Vegas analyses and uses the Canopus AVIs coming from Rex not correctly. For Vegas them are Upper Field First though actually them are Lower Field First.

I had the same problem several times and Sony Support helped me by telling me how to modify the "Vegas profile.ini" file which is in the Vegas program folder.
Open the file "Vegas profiles.ini" within an editor. Search for this phrase:

"Key2=0, "None", 720, 576, 25.0, 0
Attributes2="Upper First", 1.0925925925, "Undefined", 1"

Modify this one to

"Key2=0, "None", 720, 576, 25.0, 0
Attributes2="Lower First", 1.0925925925, "Undefined", 1"

Save the file anew .

Be sure to have copied the original file with another name first to have a backup!
Now when you reopen Vegas it will analyse and use the Canopus AVI files correctly as Lower Field First.


The modified ini-file seems to be perfect for any dv stuff because dv must be lower field first and even if Vegas is confused by certain dv files like the Canopus ones it'll be perfect - lower field first.

But if you have a video input which fits 720x576 size and 25 fps but which is NOT dv then it does also change the field order to lower field first which might be not correct then.
So if you import or capture video which is Sony YUV it actually should have upper field first but with this modified ini-field it will be read as lower field first in Vegas.

This means you probably will not have any trouble with that kind of modified ini-file when using dv video. But you must reset the ini-file if you're going to use video which actually is upper field first.
If you have a project running with mixed stuff - both upper and lower field first - the modified ini-file is no help at all.
Mike Kujbida is offline  
Old October 22nd, 2005, 11:45 AM   #944
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Update -
First of all thanks for the info. I did figure out a solution, though it's odd I had to do this.

Vegas was outputting my files at 23.976023 fps but the project settings were only doing it at 23.976 (IVTC film). I have no idea why this was happening, but when I set my project settings to 23.976023, everything was good again. Very wierd.
Peter Moore is offline  
Old October 22nd, 2005, 04:22 PM   #945
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Lame MP3 error ?!?

Hello everybody!
When I want to render a video footage out in AVI, if I choose LAME MP3 for AUDIO, I get the message: "An error occured while opening a codec."
So,where is the problem? I have LameMP3.dll in my system but not in Sony Vegas directory. What to do?!?
Plamen Petrov is offline  
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