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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old October 17th, 2005, 06:47 PM   #916
Inner Circle
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1- It might be easiest to shoot this as a green screen. Composite the subject over the background.

You would need to shoot a good green screen though.

There may be other ways to shoot this so you don't have to rotoscope (rotoscoping can be time consuming). i.e. change the subject's costume to be very (un)saturated, and use secondary color correction on the face to increase its saturation. Then affect overall saturation.

2- You could rotoscope the subject out of the background. This is not too painful because you want to affect color information. Your eye has less resolution for color than for brightness. So if you are messy with the rotoscope, it's ok.

In Vegas, you can kind of use the masking tool to cut out the foreground subject. If the subject moves too much, it's a little faster to use a dedicated compositing program like Combustion (but it would still be a tedious, time-consuming process).

3- You might be able to pull a difference key, although that can be tricky. Not sure how to do this in Vegas.
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Old October 17th, 2005, 09:54 PM   #917
Inner Circle
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i thought it may have been the ridiculous resolutions of 7520x576... lol

i am a nutter for OC'ing a PC and ive never had problems..
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Old October 18th, 2005, 02:51 AM   #918
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Damn I'm good. :-)
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Old October 18th, 2005, 02:27 PM   #919
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Vegas 6b/c

Whats the difference between 6b and 6c. I've been reading a lot and 6c is always mentioned never 6b. I have 6b do I need 6c?

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Old October 18th, 2005, 02:35 PM   #920
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Originally Posted by Fred Foronda
Whats the difference between 6b and 6c. I've been reading a lot and 6c is always mentioned never 6b. I have 6b do I need 6c?

The differences are significant. has a listing and explanation of what's new, and downloads to experiment with new features.
Yes, you'll want to upgrade to Vegas 6c.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old October 18th, 2005, 04:54 PM   #921
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Sony Vegas Movie Studio+DVD Platinum

Hola Amigos!

I picked up a copy of Sony Movie Studio+DVD Platinum a couple of days ago and have been testing it out since. It handles very well on my system. It comes with a Sony sound effects sampler, some light audio production software, and DVD architect. The WMV-HD codecs are also included, along with another output option listed only "HD 720p" and "1080i." The HDV codecs are in there as well, only 1080i and 720p30. Sadly there is no 720p24 for the HD-100 (darn!) Well, I guess it's only because it's consumer software with a $130.00 price tag. The HDV stream handles really well on the timeline, and although I never thought I would move from Adobe to Vegas, this software has really grown on me. I also thought it was cool that it came with a copy of "HDV: What you need to know." Good reading. The only thing I notice when I re-export as an HDV stream from the software, there is a slight degradation: larger blocks of pixels, but I'm quite sure that it was due to a very dark shot. The software also had no trouble reading my JVC 30k deck, which I thought was cool. Now I only wonder if it will read the BRHD50. I'll just have to treat myself to one to find out :-)

Happy cutting.
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Old October 18th, 2005, 07:17 PM   #922
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Help Needed - Canopus AVIs & Vegas

Help Needed - Canopus AVIs & VegasI'm quickly losing my mind here.
I have AVI 5 files, edited on a Canopus Rex system (not by me!!), that I need to make into a DVD using DVDA 3.0
I rendered them out from Vegas (6.0c) as mpegs & ac3s but, when I brought them into DVDA (3.0c) , it said every file had to be re-compressed. When I did this, lip sync was off as well as what appears to be a field ordr problem.
The files are only 9 min. max. each.
I've done this numerous times before and NEVER had to go through this before.
Is this a Canopus (type 1 vs. type 2) AVI file issue? I've got the Canopus DV file converter but have never used it so I'm not sure which settings to choose.
Any help is gratefully appreciated.


edit: I did a test render using AVI files I created in Vegas so I know this works. It's the Canopus AVIs that are giving me grief :-(
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Old October 18th, 2005, 09:21 PM   #923
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So u were able to do it perfectly in V6c rite? Check your settings in DVDA3. Click on the particular file and u will see the time line in DVDA3 at the bottom right.Do the preview there.. WYSIWYG.. the sound track could have been shifted a little over there..
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Old October 19th, 2005, 08:12 AM   #924
Inner Circle
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In case anyone else runs into the same issue, I ended up using the Canopus DV File Converter and converted the Canopus AVI files to Microsoft DV (AVI 2) files. Brought them back into Vegas, rendered out to MPEG-2 & AC3, back into DVDA (where they had to recompressed) and made my DVD.

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Old October 19th, 2005, 10:01 AM   #925
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if i understood you correctly, there is something seriously wrong with that workflow.

when you import dvd-legal mpeg2 & ac3 files into a dvd authoring application, they should NEVER have to be recompressed into mpeg2 & ac3 again... it ruins the picture quality.

perhaps when you said "recompressed", you were referring to the actual creation of the dvd itself... that process does not recompress the video footage, only the stills.
Dan Euritt is offline  
Old October 19th, 2005, 11:14 AM   #926
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Disappearing Windows - It Happened Again

Somehow I got the docking station to disappear beneath something so it is invisible. First it was the Video Preview. I did a alt-D-1 to bring up a stored Vegas layout. That got my video preview back.

But I still don't have the Media FX. Whenever I open it, it flies down to the bottom of the screen.

What's the magic command (undocumented in Help as far as I can tell) to restore the default editing layout.

Is there a way to rescue these hidden windows.

BTW: Its Vegas 5. Thanks!

Tom Voigt is offline  
Old October 19th, 2005, 11:58 AM   #927
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To restore EVERY setting back to factory default, hold down CTRL-SHIFT and start Vegas.

You may be able to find your window by changing your screen to a higher resolution, finding the window and dragging it back to the main screen, and then changing it back to your current resolution.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old October 19th, 2005, 04:41 PM   #928
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All you folks out there make sure you get Excalibur.

I do multi-cam theater work and use the Multi-cam wizard in Excalibur all the time.

Also the Align A/V wizard can save your *ss if you should happen to get the audio out of sync. It happens.
Tom Voigt is offline  
Old October 19th, 2005, 05:33 PM   #929
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Originally Posted by Edward Troxel
It definitely did it in 5.
That things in Vegas really sucks... posted a lot of times in suggestion box... no response, maybe in V7 ...
Jorge Coreano is offline  
Old October 19th, 2005, 05:40 PM   #930
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Originally Posted by Scott Johnston
Wow, this thread turned out to be alot more helpful than I imagined, thanks for that last piece of info Brian, that will be very helpful in the future
Plus, you can download a script at, that puts some nice buttons to call and save "layouts", i use it every time, really nice and it's called Layout icons.
Jorge Coreano is offline  
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