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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old August 30th, 2005, 09:06 AM   #511
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Leave the quality slider set at full. The only parameter that determines final file size is the bitrate.

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Old August 30th, 2005, 11:05 AM   #512
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Thanks - boy do I feel stupid

Well, it turns out that my problem was a stereo to mono cancelling problem that Edward suggested. After taping I noticed that one channel was alot noiser than the other channel. So, after reading the section in Jay Rose's book about Stereo similiation with comb filters, I thought I would give it a try. So I go to Sound Forge and try Process>Channel Converter>Mono to stereo - invert phase psuedo-stereo - thinking it was also use a comb filter. Well, just as advertised, it just does a phase inversion, so when you add up the two channels - you get zilch :)

I then when back to Jay Rose's website to download Stereoizer (written by Timothy J Weber) which does the comb filter. Ran my mono track through that and now I get sound out of the TV.

So, not only did I learn a new thing about audio tricks, but I also learned that my DVD-to-TV connection is just mono. After looking at the back, I realized that I have a coaxial cable going from my DVD to TV. I always thought the DVD-to-TV connection was stereo.

One more thing (maybe Edward can help me again). When you run Vegas and Sound Forge, you have two choices when it comes to editting your audio:
1. Open in Audio editor
2. Open copy in Audio editor.

I usually use Option 2, make my changes in SoundForge, save, and the new audio appears in the Vegas track. I noticed the update .wav file, so I assume that the original .avi file's audio is unchanged.

If you use Option 1, make the changes in SoundForge, and save - is the original .avi files audio altered permantly?

Thanks again,
Isaac Kim is offline  
Old August 30th, 2005, 11:06 AM   #513
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Sorry for the double post - can someone delete this please

Well, it turns out my problem was a stereo to mono cancelling problem that Edward suggested. After taping I noticed that one channel was alot noiser than the other channel. So, after reading the section in Jay Rose's book about Stereo similiation with comb filters, I thought I would give it a try. So I go to Sound Forge and try Process>Channel Converter>Mono to stereo - invert phase psuedo-stereo - thinking it was also use a comb filter. Well, just as advertised, it just does a phase inversion, so when you add up the two channels - you get zilch :)

I then when back to Jay Rose's website to download Stereoizer (written by Timothy J Weber) which does the comb filter. Ran my mono track through that and now I get sound out of the TV.

So, not only did I learn a new thing about audio tricks, but I also learned that my DVD-to-TV connection is just mono. After looking at the back, I realized that I have a coaxial cable going from my DVD to TV. I always thought the DVD-to-TV connection was stereo.

One more thing (maybe Edward can help me again). When you run Vegas and Sound Forge, you have two choices when it comes to editting your audio:
1. Open in Audio editor
2. Open copy in Audio editor.

I usually use Option 2, make my changes in SoundForge, save, and the new audio appears in the Vegas track. I noticed the update .wav file, so I assume that the original .avi file's audio is unchanged.

If you use Option 1, make the changes in SoundForge, and save - is the original .avi files audio altered permantly?

Thanks again,
Isaac Kim is offline  
Old August 30th, 2005, 12:20 PM   #514
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FX questions

Hi all,

I have a few questions about Video and Audio FX that I would appreciate some help with.

1. First of all. what does FX stand for (is it short for effect) ?

2. There is Video Event FX, which applies to the individual event. Then there is Video Track FX, which applies to the whole track. Is the order of application to the .avi file Event FX, then Track FX?

3. On the video previewer, there is Video Output FX. Is this applied to whole project? Is this the best place to use the Broadcast Colors FX if you want it applied to the whole project?

4. So, when you render to .mp2, I just want to make sure that the order that is applied to the .avi files is Video Event FX -> Video Track FX -> Video Output FX

5. I just noticed that the default Audio Track FX is not empty, but has Track Noise gate -> Track EQ -> Track Compressor already in the plug-in chain. Do most people here use this default Audio plug-in chain, or turn it off? Also, what exactly is FX Automation?

Thanks in advance,
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Old August 30th, 2005, 12:55 PM   #515
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1. First of all. what does FX stand for (is it short for effect) ?

Yes. FX = "effects"

2. There is Video Event FX, which applies to the individual event. Then there is Video Track FX, which applies to the whole track. Is the order of application to the .avi file Event FX, then Track FX?

Effects can be added in multiple places: Events, Tracks, Project, Media Pool. Look at my "Scope of Effects" article in Vol 1, #12 of my newsletter.

3. On the video previewer, there is Video Output FX. Is this applied to whole project? Is this the best place to use the Broadcast Colors FX if you want it applied to the whole project?


4. So, when you render to .mp2, I just want to make sure that the order that is applied to the .avi files is Video Event FX -> Video Track FX -> Video Output FX

Search for "Video Signal Flow" in the manual. It's on page 35 in the Vegas 5 manual. Should be close in the Vegas 6 manual.

Media on track -> Velocity -> field order/frame rate/alpha channel -> MEDIA FX -> pre-pan/crop fx -> Pan/crop -> post pan/crop FX -> transitions -> pre-compositing track FX -> Track fade envelope -> etc....

5. I just noticed that the default Audio Track FX is not empty, but has Track Noise gate -> Track EQ -> Track Compressor already in the plug-in chain. Do most people here use this default Audio plug-in chain, or turn it off? Also, what exactly is FX Automation?

These are standard on audio tracks but are "off" by default. These are commonly used on audio tracks so are added by default. This can be changed if desired.

Automation allows you to change the affect over time via envelopes. Not all audio FX supports automation.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 30th, 2005, 08:10 PM   #516
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25p to 24p

Hello. I wish to convert a 25p video footage to 24p, so i can see what it will look like when it is later transfered to film.

So how do i do that in Vegas without supersampling and those things.

I want to do it as it is done in the transfer facilities. Play the 25 video a slower so it goes at 24 frames per second.

It should be easy but i donīt know how to do it in Vegas.

Miguel Lopez is offline  
Old August 30th, 2005, 11:00 PM   #517
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Vegas is Dropping Frames!!!

I'm finding that randomly Vegas is dropping frames read from AVI files on my RAID array. The files are MidVid MJPEG encoded, 1280x720. Other programs don't read the frames as black, only Vegas, and it appears to be random. This is extremely frustrating. Any ideas for a solution?
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Old August 31st, 2005, 07:21 AM   #518
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Mpeg2 Compression

I am working on a 115min(1hr 55min) project and fitting it on a DVD has been a learning experience. Considering the render time if you didn't make the correct calculations.

I found that Ed Troxell's newsletter on this subject to be very informative. I believe it's Vol 1 issue 7.

I am currently encoding my project with a bitrate of 5,000,000 Max, 5,000,000 Average and 2,000,000 Min to see if it will fit on a dvd.
Yesterday, I encoded 6,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 and it was 4.8gb dvd project, just a little too big.

I will post my results of my new render.

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Old August 31st, 2005, 07:30 AM   #519
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The average is the key. You can leave the max at 8,000,000 and be fine. But change the AVERAGE as indicated in the chart. For example, for 2 hours I will use roughly 4,800,000 for the average. Looking at the chart, it looks like 5,000,000 should be sufficient for 115 minutes. Also, this is assuming AC3 audio!

Did you look at the actual file size? Or were you looking at the DVDA estimate? DVDA tends to estimate large and if you know the file sizes are OK, do a prepare anyway and see how large the result really is.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 07:56 AM   #520
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Ed. Thank You!

My footage is HS football and I am sure it will be mostly 5,000,000 .

It stinks that I didn't render the dvd anyways. I already deleted the original render too, ouch!

I will let it finish rendering, only 4 hours to go :(

Hopefully, it will fit. These long render times are killing me. I will have 9 more 115 minute clips to do, so once I figure out the correct settings, I will be happy!


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Old August 31st, 2005, 08:41 AM   #521
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Printing to Tape with Letterbox

I have footage shot with the DVX100A in 24pa 16:9 squeeze mode. How can I export this footage to MiniDV tape in letterbox mode? Right now I am only able to export to tape with a squeezed image. Thanks.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 12:16 PM   #522
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Pretty sure you'll need to re-render it as a 4:3 dv file, then print to tape.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 12:56 PM   #523
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Thanks a bunch, I figured it out.
Glenn Gipson is offline  
Old August 31st, 2005, 03:56 PM   #524
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PAL to NTSC conversion

What's the best way in Vegas to do the above?
Is it just a matter of setting a NTSC project and importing pal avi files and rendering out to dvd (mpeg2). I expect a longer rendering time and I suppose I will have to select correct de-interlace method as there will be a lot of "field" work.
I won't be able to verify the result as I live in PAL land and don't have a NTSC tv set.
What quality of results should I expect?
Help will be gratefully appreciated.


Last edited by Mel Davies; August 31st, 2005 at 04:28 PM.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 04:48 PM   #525
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Bob Grant from Australia (I know him & trust his responses) posted the following on the Sony forum a while ago.

Sure do it all the time.
Just ask Vegas to encode to mpeg-2 using the DVDA NTSC template, maybe adjust the bitrate as you would if doing a PAL DVD.

Render at Best and select Reduce Interlace Flicker for all the media.

Alternatively render to a new PAL AVI and encode from that to NTSC as it'll save you having to add the Reduce Interlace Flicker thing to lots of clips.

You should be able to play the resulting DVD in your existing DVD player if you've got a recent or el cheapo one.

Hope this helps.

Mike Kujbida is offline  
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