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What Happens in Vegas...
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 08:18 AM   #406
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You can have a menu. You can even have chapter selections on the menu. It's just that once the video starts playing, it will play all the way to the end with NO pauses.

Now, you CAN also specify an "out point" so if you needed a menu option to only play one small section of the video, that is also still possible.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:03 AM   #407
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Thank you for your response. The thing is, I watched the burned DVD on my tv and it does the same. Remember, it goes in and out of focus, it's not a constant unfocused picture. And it didn't used to look that way, it just started recently, which is what leads me to believe that it's a change of settings that I inadvertently made. Any ideas?
Ruben Pla is offline  
Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:35 AM   #408
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Whatever is causing it is obviously in Vegas. Check the clip and see if the FX button is green and if so what FX you might have used. Without realizing it you might have placed a blur or some other FX on the clip that would cause this to happen. Other than that the only other thing is the clip IS slightly out of focus and you don't see it until its played on something bigger than the computer monitor.

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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:36 AM   #409
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Can you post or e-mail the VEG file? That way we can look directly for anything that might be causing this.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 11:16 AM   #410
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The FX button isn't green, no plug-ins selected, and I see the blurring on the computer monitor as well as on the tv. Also, it's not just a single clip that's doing this, it's every clip from that scene (30fps), original footage and edited timeline, that pulses in-and-out of focus...and it was definitely not like this a couple of weeks ago. So there must be some setting changed. I'm not panicking yet, gentlemen, but I'm getting close.
Ruben Pla is offline  
Old August 22nd, 2005, 12:58 PM   #411
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Is there any way to save changes?

Does anyone know of a way to condense changes from multiple tracks down to one video and one audio track?

I keep rendering new changes just to simplify my timeline/workspace, and this kills time. Is there any way around it?
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 01:04 PM   #412
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Ye Olde Workflow Question

I know two things to be true: 1) this question has been touched on many times, but I'm looking for some more specificity, and 2) there is never one answer for every case. But never mind that.

I am about to edit a documentary. All of the material is 16:9 and 60i from a GL2 in Vegas 6. These are the elements that must be worked into the footage:

60i -> 24p
Colour Curves
A little saturation
some Unsharp Mask
Maybe a Magic Bullet film look here and there.

Now. What is the best order to do this stuff in. Do I pick the clips I want, render them without any effects to 24p, then edit it all together, or do I make the movie and apply all the effects, and then render the whole things to 24p. I think some effects look better when they are applied before, and some probably make no difference.

Additionally, and importnatly, some of the clip properties that allow for nice deinterlacing must be set before the render. Vegas 6 has this famously good pulldown. What are the boxes to be checked to make the 60i -> 24p look the best most often.

All right. Let's chew on that for a while.

Thanks all,

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Old August 22nd, 2005, 01:28 PM   #413
Sponsor: JET DV
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Sure. Use Nested Timelines in Vegas 6. You have a separate project per section and then just add the VEG file to the timeline in your final project.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 22nd, 2005, 04:01 PM   #414
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Cineform CFHD Codec

Originally Posted by Steve Crisdale
Yep... For WMV9 HD you need to download the WMV9 codec pack from Microsoft, and no doubt for the AVI you're missing the Cineform CFHD codec. You will probably need to go and get the Cineform ConnectHD demo...

I could explain some other work-arounds, but it'd take quite a while... and getting the correct codecs loaded will be easier for you.
Thanks to all the replies. I've been offline for a few days, but I'll try these solutions.

As for Cineform, I thought it was part of Vegas 6. Is the ConnectHD codec separate?

Jamie McIntosh is offline  
Old August 22nd, 2005, 05:55 PM   #415
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You lost me at nested. How do I do this?
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 06:13 PM   #416
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Break your video into "scenes" or a little piece at a time. Develop Scene 1 in a Scene 1 project. Develop Scene 2 in a seperate Scene 2 project and so on. When you are done with all the Scenes open a project called All Scenes or something similiar. Import Scene 1.veg, Scene 2.veg and so on. Place the imported veg files into the timeline a bingo you have a nested project.

Jim Montgomery is offline  
Old August 22nd, 2005, 06:51 PM   #417
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Are you using Vegas 6? If yes, you can actually drag a VEG file to the timeline just like you can drag a video clip to the timeline. When you drag the veg file to the timeline, it will be a single video and audio track no matter how many tracks are in the original VEG file. This will give you what you're looking for - collapsing to a single video and audio track.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 23rd, 2005, 04:35 AM   #418
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vegas real time timeline

im trying to add shadows to my text i can do that fine but im having trouble being able to view what i am doing with the shadow of the text on the preview screen. i do remember it being more realtime but its changed and dont know how to change it. in more detail i want to be able to click on the effects timeline where i ad my markers and then see straight away the preview screen jump to that point. can anyone solve it for me.
michael kristen
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 07:36 AM   #419
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Capturing while editing...

Hi gang,

I'm editing and while I'm editing I'm trying to capture the next batch of tapes to expedite matters.

Is there any way I can kill the audio of the tape capture just while I'm editing so I can focus on what I'm cutting?




ps. I love you guys and it's not the booze talking.
Ian Slessor is offline  
Old August 23rd, 2005, 08:16 AM   #420
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You probably changed your preview window to "best". Change it to "preview" and you'll see your changes in real time. This is located in a box right above your preview window. Shadows update in real time but outlines don't. For some reason you have to click on your text in the timeline for an outline to update.
Jim Herman is offline  
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