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Old August 4th, 2005, 10:15 AM   #241
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What about deleting the file and recapturing? Sometimes I'll open a Vegas project just to have an error pop up telling me that Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. All I can figure is there's a corrupt file in there, because if I delete them and recapture it goes away.

I don't know; might not be at all related to your dilemma.
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Old August 4th, 2005, 12:12 PM   #242
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making a slide show

i'm using vegas 4..don't 6 is still out of stock on
i usually scan my pictures. but i have pictures that was shot on a digital camera. loaded into hard drive, open it in vegas and plot them on the time line. when i go to preview them it looks fine. but when its rendered to avi and play it on wmp 9 it looks like crap. can someone tell me what i am doing wrong?

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Old August 4th, 2005, 12:28 PM   #243
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Vol 1 #8 of my newsletter has an article on doing slide shows. The basics are:

1) Set Match Aspect
2) Reduce Interlace Flicker
3) Render at BEST
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Old August 4th, 2005, 02:07 PM   #244
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Originally Posted by Edward Troxel
Vol 1 #8 of my newsletter has an article on doing slide shows. The basics are:

1) Set Match Aspect
2) Reduce Interlace Flicker
3) Render at BEST

holly smack...a vegas guru. sorry but i'm still a newbie. i'll bookmark your forum. thanks a million!!!
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Old August 4th, 2005, 08:42 PM   #245
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Someone throw me a freakin bone. Am I does it not come with a cineform codec
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Old August 4th, 2005, 11:35 PM   #246
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GL2 Audio Problem In Vegas Video

Ok here's my problem! I just got a brand new GL2 last week, I was previously using GL1. I took it out of the box, and was ready to rock I went and did the job a two day shoot I got home, and was prepared to start capturing video hooked the cam up, I'm using Vegas 6 I went to capture video, and could only see the video I got no audio so, I unplugged the firewire left the cam on VCR, and hit play I can see the video, and hear it. I then hooked up the GL1 went to capture I can see the video, and hear it I unplugged the GL1, and hooked up a VX2000 I can see the video, and hear it so I'm stumped. I did what I thought would be the next best move I called Canon, alot of good that did me! No answers. I now have the GL2 back in the box, and am getting ready to send it back, but I'm not a 100% sure if there is something wrong with it. Somebody please help me! I am in GL confusion...

Thank You,
Bob Bowers
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Old August 5th, 2005, 12:12 AM   #247
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Vegas Capturing Question(s)

Hi all

I have three questions relating to capturing within Vegas, all SD DV.

1. I have some footage from an XL2 recording with 4 channel sound. I haven't found a way yet to capture this using vegas and present all 4 channels. Any ideas ? (Currently I use scenalyzer).

2. Is there a 'vegas' way to fast index tapes (in a similar way to scenalyzer) .

3. Are all capture programs equal when capturing DV AVI files ? In other words, is there an advantage to using Vegas to capture from a Codec point of view ?

Many thanks
Declan Smith is offline  
Old August 5th, 2005, 12:57 AM   #248
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Thankyou for the suggestions.
I'll have to wait until next week before I can try (it's on my work computer).
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Old August 5th, 2005, 01:02 AM   #249
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3. As far as I'm aware, it's just a transfer of information if you are caturing as dv avi so which program you use should not matter, unless you capture using somthing like canopus dvstorm which will make it a reference avi
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Old August 5th, 2005, 01:26 AM   #250
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I think you render to avi and select the relevant HDV intermediate template (can't quite remember though - also I don't use HDV so I haven't actually used it, just played with it) you can check the description box or customise dialog as it'll say it uses the cineform codec.

I'm not sure, but I think it's a cut down version or something as it doesn't give you the options to set quality vs size.

David? (maybe this should be in the Cineform area?)
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Old August 5th, 2005, 02:11 AM   #251
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1. I have some footage from an XL2 recording with 4 channel sound. I haven't found a way yet to capture this using vegas and present all 4 channels. Any ideas ? (Currently I use scenalyzer).

((Ive never used it, so id be lying if i tried to work through it.. personally if i need to record more than 2 channels, id be using a mp3 or minidisc recorder.. better quality, and none of this 12bit 32k garbage.. sorry but it sucks... ))

2. Is there a 'vegas' way to fast index tapes (in a similar way to scenalyzer) .
((Batch capture in advanced capture tools within vidcap.. why youd want to index a capture before the capture is beyond me.. but its there.. i usualy just hit capture tape and let Vidcap do the work.
I then save the capture file (not the media) to a different drive for safekeeping.. if a HDD fails, at least i can recapture as a batch capture and everything is as it was.. i also do this with the actual project in question.. Vegas also has a media offline option of recpaturing (using vegas references or by using the vidcap references.. but once in an edit, u wont need the vidcap references.. im babbling.. ))

3. Are all capture programs equal when capturing DV AVI files ?
In other words, is there an advantage to using Vegas to capture from a Codec point of view ?
((well vegas captures DV AVI and stills from tape.. thats about it..
codecs.. well for avi2, theres really not all that much difference when it comes to software based codecs, however for those codecs within a canopus system or a matrox system, codec utilisation is paramount for the realtime stuff..
I havent noticed much of a difference between matrox and canopus dv codecs <MPG codecs are a huge difference.. but thats another issue), but i have noticed SW based codecs can be slightly "cleaner" than HW based one.. it could just be me though...
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Old August 5th, 2005, 04:43 AM   #252
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1. I have some footage from an XL2 recording with 4 channel sound. I haven't found a way yet to capture this using vegas and present all 4 channels. Any ideas ? (Currently I use scenalyzer).
I believe that scenalyzer is the only way to capture all 4 channels. Vegas still doesn't offer this feature.

2. Is there a 'vegas' way to fast index tapes (in a similar way to scenalyzer) .
Nope. Once again, stick with scenalyzer.

3. Are all capture programs equal when capturing DV AVI files ? In other words, is there an advantage to using Vegas to capture from a Codec point of view ?
Capturing is really a misnomer. It should be called transferring as all you're doing is transferring digital data from one medium (tape) to another (hard drive). Codecs don't come into the picture until you do a render with effects. Emphasis on "with effects" because, if the clips are assembled as straight cuts on the timeline, no rendering is done, just transferring once again.

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Old August 5th, 2005, 07:23 AM   #253
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I agree on all counts. Scenalyzer is the way to go for 4-channel audio. Vegas Vidcap also doesn't have anything similar to the fast index. As for capturing, it doesn't even use a codec. The codec comes into play when you play back the footage and change the footage (i.e. add an effect and render) so you'll get the same quality whether you use Scenalzyer or Vegas Vidcap.
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Old August 5th, 2005, 07:25 AM   #254
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Hard to say exactly but it could be a bad firewire port on the camera. You seem to have ruled out the wire by testing on two other cameras. Did you try the GL2 again AFTER testing the other two?
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Old August 5th, 2005, 08:27 AM   #255
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A couple of questions re: Vegas 5

Hello all,

Here are my questions.

#1 - Is there an option to determine how often autosave...autosaves?

#2 - I have my .veg files saved by name and number... ie: show001.veg
Is there a "shortcut" so that I can just hit, say, F12, and it will automatically save the .veg file as the next in the series?

#3...oops. OK, THREE questions. Is there an option to set the "fade offset" to a specific fade (angled, straight line) AND duration (say, 10 frames) at each cut?

Thanks for the assist.


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