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Old July 29th, 2005, 06:39 AM   #196
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DVD lip sync problem

I edit a weekly song & sermon down to a thrity minute segment for rebroadcast on a local channel. The input product to produce the product is an MPEG-2 created from live-switching three XL1s through an A/D converter. I know MPEG isn't made to edit, that is the input though.

All was well until the upgrade to Vegas 6. The church staff didn't even know I had upgraded, but the week following the upgrade and since, they've occasionally complained that when the pastor is speaking, they see a lip sync problem. I know its not there in the edit I do, I loop very small segments with clearly discernable anunciation and there is no temporal displacement. I guess I'm just not that sensitive to it though, because when I watch the broadcast over the TV at real-time, I don't see it.

Is there a way to forceably advance the audio a half-frame forward? Is there some other Vegas setting I'm missing that may effect the sync?
Fear No Weevil!
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Old July 29th, 2005, 07:23 AM   #197
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You would have to turn OFF "Quantize to frames", adjust the audio, and then turn "Quantize to frames" back on. However, NOONE is going to see a half frame difference.

You are correct that MPEG2 is really not a good editing format. Here's how we do our church service (edited down to 1 hour):

Multiple cameras --> S-Video --> Live Switcher
Switcher --> S-Video --> Deck (We use a Panasonic AG-DV2000)
Deck --> Firewire --> computer

We capture DV-AVI straight to the hard drive LIVE during the service. As soon as the service is over, we are able to start Vegas, drag the clip to the timeline, and edit away by cutting to length and adding titles.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old July 29th, 2005, 09:12 AM   #198
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So you are just using the deck as an A/D converter, but you are converting the S-Video input to a DV-AVI output?

We have a cheap A/D converter that is outputting MPEG-2 to the computer. The Video Director wants this to continue in order provide the ability to burn a set-top playable DVD of the entire service immediately afterwards to provide to the pastor (he reviews it that afternoon). Makes it harder for us to edit, but it doesn't require any rendering immediately after the service, only the time it takes to burn the DVD (12 minutes).
Fear No Weevil!
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Old July 29th, 2005, 10:51 AM   #199
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Yes, we're using the Deck as an A/D convertor. That way we have a DV-AVI file ready to go upon completion.

The deck we are using also has two analog outs. I think in your situation it might be reasonable to buy a standalone DVD recorder and use that to burn the DVD *LIVE* with only the finalization being required at the end of the service.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old July 29th, 2005, 11:31 PM   #200
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video fx applied across multiple clips

Hi all,

Perhaps I'm doing this backwards but I'm editing two video tracks. The one track is going to need some colour correcting and a little push in the exposure.

My question. I've cut up one of the tracks into clips that all require the same video fx applied to them. Is there a mass way to do it or should I have applied the colour correction to the event before I cut it up?

Thanks for the help.


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Old July 29th, 2005, 11:41 PM   #201
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Hi Ian,

You're on the "right track" in putting all the clips that need the same effects on one track. Now all you have to do is click on the track FX icon in that particular track (far left--track list). Same icon as what's shown in individual events.

Sorry if I didn't explain that very well, or if I didn't understand your request.
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Old July 30th, 2005, 06:15 AM   #202
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Multiple ways:

1) Apply the FX to the TRACK
2) Apply the FX to the first event, copy it, select the rest of the events, and "Paste Event Attributes"
3) Apply the FX to the CLIP in the Media Pool
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Old July 31st, 2005, 06:34 AM   #203
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Media Bins, Subclips, and Media Manager

I am editing a movie in which we have about 90 hours of raw footage.

Some footage consists of 1 hour clips, other tapes have many clips.

I am using the Media Manager in Vegas 6.0 and it has been very benefical.

In order to manage this movie project, I have many "Vegas Projects", usually one for each major segment of the movie. After these are complete, we will combine the individual projects into one timeline.

As I work through a 1 hour clip, I create subclips which are placed into an appropriately named Media Bin, which is part of one Vegas project.

Is there any way to:

1. Copy Media Bins from one Vegas Project to another?

2. See the subclips in Media Manager?

3. Create subclips so that they are visible in the Media Manager?

My limitation (possibily based on my current knowledge of Vegas) is that once I place a clip or subclip in one Media Bin in one Vegas Project, I can not use that Media Bin and its associated clips and subclips in another Vegas Project.

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions that you may have.

I do have a workaround. I open one Vegas Proejct which contains the Media Bins that I need, and then copy the clips to another instance of Vegas (which is in another window). I hope to find a better solution.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old July 31st, 2005, 09:35 AM   #204
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How to Freeze One Frame of Video for Six Seconds?

I've got some shots of a couple of signs that I'm putting in a video, and even though I was using a monopod, I'd like to just freeze one frame of the sign and repeat it for a length of five or six seconds so it looks like it was rock-solid on a tripod. I assume there must be an easy way to do something like this in Vegas? Anyone know how? (Also, I do NOT think I want to "capture" a frame to .jpg and use it because I don't think it'll look that great, but maybe I'm wrong on that?) Thanks in advance for your help...
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Old July 31st, 2005, 09:40 AM   #205
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Hi Bill,

Rather than try to explain it in my clumsy way, take a look at what Edward Troxel says. I tried it, and it works!
Lorinda Norton is offline  
Old July 31st, 2005, 10:19 AM   #206
Jubal 28
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Originally Posted by Bill Binder
(Also, I do NOT think I want to "capture" a frame to .jpg and use it because I don't think it'll look that great, but maybe I'm wrong on that?)
You won't be able to tell a difference. Same resolution; same color (assuming you have your preview setting on "Best").
David Jimerson is offline  
Old July 31st, 2005, 12:27 PM   #207
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No need to capture a JPG of the frame. Just add a velocity envelope and reduce the speed to zero percent at that point. Then 6 seconds later change the velocity back to normal. Follow the link Lorinda gave or look in the newsletter where I discuss how to change the velocity/speed of a clip.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old July 31st, 2005, 12:31 PM   #208
Sponsor: JET DV
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#1: Yes. Just open Vegas twice and drag any bins between the two projects.

#2/3: Both are essentially the same question and I believe that answer is NO.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old July 31st, 2005, 04:05 PM   #209
Inner Circle
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Dear Edward,

Thank you for your advice.

I opened two instances of vegas.

Then I adjusted the size of the windows and placement of the Project Media windows so that both were visible at once.

Then I attempted to drag and drop one media bin to the other Project Media Window. Initaily it did not seem to work, but when I hovered over the destination "Media Bins" header, it worked!

Further experimenting showed that we can drag and drop the "Media Bins" (the overall header) to the other projects "Media Bins" header. After doing this, the copied "Media Bins" appears as an additional bin under the original "Media Bins" header. Then I renamed the new header to reflect the source Vegas project for these media bins.

Thank you very much, this will be a great help!
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old July 31st, 2005, 05:18 PM   #210
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Let me up the ante for all Vegas users.

Download every single one of Edward Troxel's Newsletters. And READ THEM.

They are an education for free. Well written, great to have deskside the first time you try a new thing out in Vegas, and cover most of the things you'll routinely want to do. Edward, thanks for all you've done for us!

Then for that really odd problem, Edward and others here are a post away.
Fear No Weevil!
Patrick King is offline  
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