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Old December 27th, 2005, 08:23 AM   #1531
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Well... you could either change the code in the included batch script to name the files as YOU desire or you could use one of the other options available such as the Veggie Toolkit which I mentioned. The DVD Asset Collector in Excalibur will also render regions and allow using the region name as the file name.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old December 27th, 2005, 10:50 AM   #1532
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Matching track motion speeds?

I have to tracks of video that I want to transition from one to the other.
I want to "drag" the new track in with a graphic element which then continues off screen.

I've been able to pretty closely match the graphic elements (a skull) speed ( on it's own track) with the new track pushing in by using track motion for both and just tweaking.

Is there a way to exactly match their speed? The skull (with a transparent bg) pushes in on the first track and when it's halfway down it drags in the second layer of video and the skull continues offscreen hopefully at the same speed both it and the second vid track came in on.

I've also tried the parent track motion tool, but that didn't work since the track with the skull keeps moving off screen.

Again, I can make it look "good enough" by dorking with it, but I'm certain I'm overlooking a very basic device to match the speed on these two transitions.
Reid Bailey is offline  
Old December 27th, 2005, 10:54 AM   #1533
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First thing, make sure the "Smoothness" setting on ALL keyframes is set to ZERO (the default is ONE). This should go a long way in helping you make the speeds equal.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 01:30 PM   #1534
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time synch?

new to vegas 6 wondering if anyone has any tips for time synching 2 sources for matrix audio, sbd/aud

would also be the same to synch new audio to a dvd, ie mattman_video grateful dead dvds
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Old December 27th, 2005, 11:16 PM   #1535
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Are you talking about a "slide" transition maybe?
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Old December 28th, 2005, 02:17 AM   #1536
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I had someone go through and help me do a serious clean up on the computer and get rid of a lot of unnecessary stuff that I didn't need taking up way too much room.
in the end, it was space issue. there wasn't enough space for the all the render processing.
i got my PF Usage on my computer way down, and the render worked wonderfully.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 06:43 AM   #1537
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Getting the Audio Back


If I import a clip into vegas and then delete the audio track, is there anyway to get that audio back without having to re-import the original clip ?

This may be a workflow thing, but I prefer to edit the images first then work on the audio and find that the audio clutters up the timeline. When I have arranged video clips, sure I could click on them and move the audio to separate tracks, but invariably the video track moves a little.

Also, if I have a long clip that I want to chop into smaller ones, what;s the best way to do this ? I did use the trimmer at first to make subclips, but this also trims the audio & video so I can't extend it when editing, so what I have been doing is splitting events in the timeline, very timeconsuming.

Am I missing something about the workflow ?
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Old December 28th, 2005, 07:23 AM   #1538
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First, forget the TRIMMER when editing. Place the CURSOR where you want to cut-press "S" and its done. 2nd-as for bringing back the audio after editing-I'm curious-well let me say this first-the audio and video ars linked unless you unlink them so you'd need to bring the clip back in and SYNCH the audio back to the video but now my curious question-why are you editing the video without the audio unless you plan on doing voiceover stuff otherwise you're adding an extra and sometimes difficult step of cutting the auido to exactly the same as the video and then SYNCHing everything up. Perhaps I'm missing something but when I edit if I'm using native audio I'll always edit the A&V together.

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Old December 28th, 2005, 07:55 AM   #1539
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This is all probably just part of my Vegas learning curve (having come from MSP Pro). I am editing a dialogue sequence that has the same thing shot from 3 angles. I am not finding it easy to split the clips up and arrange them quickly. I want to use the two shot as a guide to the sequence and drop in the various closeups and use the associated sound.

I was trying to work with all three 'long' takes of the same scene (two shot & two reverse angles) and split them as I went along, but the timeline just gets cluttered. So my thinking was that if I split them all into shots, and say have them available in the project media window, I would be able to just drag them in as required and adjust the length to get the video & audio as I need.

The only reason I wanted to get rid of the audio initially was to free some clutter on the timeline. The visuals are easy to see what goes where, but the audio is not as clear, especially where one video clip is put on top of another (i.e. I was putting a close up clip over the top of the 2 shot to get timing for the edit points).
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Old December 28th, 2005, 08:08 AM   #1540
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The EASIEST way is via scripting. For example, the "Restore Missing A/V" tool in Excalibur will return missing audio for the selected video clip or restore missing video for the selected audio clip. Ultimate S will also restore missing audio for selected video.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old December 28th, 2005, 08:12 AM   #1541
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Definitely the first step anyone should do after loading Vegas the first time is to go to both File - Properties and Options - Preferences and change all of the temporary and other folders AWAY from the "C" drive. Glad to hear you found the problem.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 08:45 AM   #1542
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A slide or a push would have worked equally as well. What was getting me was matching the third layer to the layer that was sliding in and keeping the speed of the third layer as it moved OS and the B layer remined full screen.

Using Edwards idea (Thanks Edward) I was able to get the events painfully close, and then I realized that I didn't like the look of it <sigh> It looked funny to have the two layers come in together, have the B layer stop, and then the C layer keep going.
It looks much better to fly the C layer across the B layer as it pushes or slides in.

I'm slowly learning to take the same tactics with editing as with shooting. Plan everything out ahead of time and even doing mini-storyboards. There will still be trial and error but hopefully less of the shotgun "hey, let's try this approach"
Reid Bailey is offline  
Old December 28th, 2005, 08:34 PM   #1543
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St. Louis Vegas Users

If you're near the St. Louis area, a meeting is being planned for Jan. 28, 2005. If you're interested in attending, please send me an e-mail and I'll keep you informed as details are finalized.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 01:45 PM   #1544
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Audio track FX

Just an enquiry, when I use a audio FX preset at track level and save the project, the next time I go back in the Audio fx chain, the preset has reset to "Untitled", has this really happened or is it that it is set as default to open as "untitled".
Or is it that I don't have something enabled.
I'm not using any automation at all.
Colin Rayner
"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" Ernest Rutherford
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Old December 29th, 2005, 02:49 PM   #1545
Sponsor: JET DV
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This is normal. Basically the presets are just that - a group of settings that are premade. Once you've picked the preset, Vegas doesn't have to know a preset name - just what settings were chosen.

It might be nice if it did remember the name (as you could easily go back to see which preset you had chosen). However, as soon as you change any setting, the preset name is no longer valid.
Edward Troxel is offline  
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