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Old December 21st, 2005, 03:30 PM   #1486
Sponsor: JET DV
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What version of Vegas 6 are you running? If you're not on 6.0c, try upgrading to that.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 07:47 PM   #1487
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Key frames in Text media window

I am struggling with this and am trying to do a simple (seemingly) list of text one line appearing a few seconds after the next. Maybe i can't get my head around it all, I don't know. Any tutorials out there that could help me, I could do it by creating several individual events and just add the next line after copying and pasteing I know, but would like to use the keyframes, that's what they are there for aren't they......
Thanks for any help.
"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" Ernest Rutherford
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Old December 21st, 2005, 07:53 PM   #1488
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um ... kind of ... but not really
rule of thumb - do it the easy way

keyframes are great if you want to animate the text in some way - for example - expanding and softening the shadow as the text gets bigger to give it a real three dimensional look

but as far as having text appear at different times, I honestly think you're wasting your time doing it with keyframes.
I mean, that's what NLE does - it makes different events appear at different times - video, text, generated media - they are all events

So I would continue with creating different events.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 07:55 PM   #1489
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Right on, I'll stick with what I know,
Thanks for that!
"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" Ernest Rutherford
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Old December 21st, 2005, 08:28 PM   #1490
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You can do this but you need to start at the END. First of all, type in ALL the lines that you want at the end. Now set the ending keyframe. Now go backwards to where the previous keyframe should be and remove the text from last line but DO NOT REMOVE THE LINE - just the text. Continue going backwards and deleting the text off the lines. In the end, you will get lines of text appearing.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old December 22nd, 2005, 12:04 AM   #1491
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Mixing Widescreen and 4:3 footage?

So tomorrow, i'm shooting my first music video with the Xl2. I was going to use 16:9 for the video but i have a few clips that are 4:3 and wondering if its possible to use them. What manipulations would i have to make to the clips? Should i just not even use them at all?
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 12:42 AM   #1492
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thank you very much for your answers
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 03:29 AM   #1493
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I was using build 84.

Thank you very much! I am at this moment downloading the 6.0c update and while checking the release notes, I found this under 6.0b's video fixes:
"A bug that prevented animation of the Film Effects plug-in has been fixed."

Perfect! Thanks again,

Best regards,
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 07:04 AM   #1494
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You can drop them on the timeline with your widescreen project. Vegas will pillarbox them (black bars left and right). Or, you can pan/crop the 4:3 to 16:9. There is a preset in pan/crop for this.
Guy Bruner is offline  
Old December 22nd, 2005, 09:24 AM   #1495
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Sony Vegas 6.0 + DVD configuration ?

Hello There:

I will be picking up Sony 6.0 + DVD.
I have a Dell 8400 P4 3.2ghz 800 fsb, and four SATA drives of 320gb, 1.2tb total. Can I configure my system to boot off of one drive and have all video and audio reading and writing off three drives as raid stripe 0? Will Sony Vegas allow that?

Thanks in advance for any pointers

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Old December 22nd, 2005, 09:44 AM   #1496
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Frameserving or....???

I wonder if it is a good idea to frameserver with Debugframeserver Vegas project to TMPGEnc for encoding or render with native (Main Concept) Vegas renderer . I prefere TMPGEnc because here I can see what size will be created MPEG file, if it's too large to fit on a DVD disc I will be decrease bitrate. Here in Vegas using native encoder I can't see the project size, I have to use bitrate calculator and that is not good idea for me.
To use frameserver for encoding it means longer time for render or I'm wrong?
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 09:50 AM   #1497
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Vegas would not have a problem with that . It's more a matter of having a raid controller and proper hardware configuration.

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Old December 22nd, 2005, 10:23 AM   #1498
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Spltting and Drag Events

I usually work my video projects with scene selected events( for example captured video about 2 Hrs contains about 40 scene selected events). I put them into timeline, selecting all events ant applaying transitions to first two events (then automatically applay to all events).My problem appears when I want to manual split some event on timeline in two point (start and end , about 30 Sec length) and change it's speed (Ctrl + Drag) on the rigt to produce slow motion or splitting the whole time line in two parts and put third extern video clip between two of them.In that case I have to select the right part of timeline with selection edit tool to link and lock all events with transition, drag the selected timeline events to the right, put extern video clip between,or drag events to right for slow motion, selecting right part of event again and drag the events back to the left side to link all three video events on the time line.If the video clip is longer then 1 hour it takes me long and boring time draging the video events from selected point to the right side and back again..Maybe I can do it with some easyest way, for example to lock whole events line, then spliting to desired point and draging without using selection edit tool.Probably you know what I mean.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 10:39 AM   #1499
Sponsor: JET DV
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How many tracks are we talking about? If you're only dealing with a single audio/video track combination, you might try right-clicking the event and choosing "Select Events to End" which will select everything right of that event. Then you can easily move it over.

You might also want to take a look at ripple editing. With it, the right side should just ripple into place when you resize the event.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old December 22nd, 2005, 10:41 AM   #1500
Sponsor: JET DV
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The only reason I would go to TMPGenc is if I was getting a better quality encode there. Otherwise, I would just stick with Vegas and use the bitrate calculator. However, if you ARE going to TMPGenc, using the frameserver is a good way to do it.

What's the problem with using the bitrate calculators? If you'd prefer a chart, you can find one in Vol 1 #7 of my newsletters.
Edward Troxel is offline  
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