'Sliding' colors to green and brown? General colors for moods? at DVinfo.net
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Old September 11th, 2009, 01:47 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Waynesboro, VA, USA
Posts: 19
'Sliding' colors to green and brown? General colors for moods?

Hello all,

I have had Vegas Studio 9.b, the younger cousin of Vegas Pro, for about 3 months now and adjusting as well as one can in that time. I like it quite a bit but I a have two questions about coloring.

I frequently use the 'Color Curve' in an S-pattern to my liking for contrast, as well as the Gamma and other adjustments to make something interesting. I also use the 'Color corrector' for darks, mids and lights, specifically skin tones if necessary. I am not great at any of this yet, but working towards an operative knowledge.

My question, how do I 'slide' or shift the colors of a scene to the greens and browns in vegas? Is there a method with the Color Curve, should I use a chain of 'Color Corrector's, is there another plugin I should use?

Not to belabor this but, I have a free plugin aa3vv (I think) that allows me to adjust the 6 main colors, red, blues, yellows, greens, magenta's, etc individually. Green I can figure out but is the brown and the shading or intensity of both of those that is vital. Brown, to my knowledge is a little of each of the primaries. I have found, as I have read, that decreasing the saturation initially, then pulling individual colors up in saturation creates some interesting looks.

Next, though opinions of course, what are people's feelings on color schemes, merely impressions. For example, the brownish green look with increased contrast can look gritty, but more so with the right footage. Yes, whites for power, bluish for sultry or night, and others, pinkish for love, yellowish for sunny and yes, these could go in a million directions but you get the point. I realize MB Looks and other software does this but is there a general concensus on moods and looks for modern footage? I suppose if anyone knew, they would know it all, but I thought it might be worth asking.

Much to simply ask, if someone has some wisdom on this stuff?

Any thoughts are welcome, thanks,


(Yes, Sony Movie Studio, you can laugh but don't point :)
Jeremy Smith is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 11th, 2009, 01:59 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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the plug in you mentioned is great. I've been using it for years and it does the job fast and easymight also look. You might also look for Mike Crashes 'Levels Corrector'-it too works great. Gotta watch out though, it's easy tocrush the blacks with it so a slight adjustment might be needed.

While I use the 3 wheel correction more than curves lately I have been using the NewBluefx plugin called Essentials. The are numerous things that can be done with this plugin. There are presets but everything is adjustable so you can get the look you want.

WARNING!!! Newblue maynot work with the Movie Studio version but if you go to their site it should tell you. If not email them and ask. Their support is terriffic.

MB is great but a real resource hog and I can get virtually the same look with NewBlue and maybe the Levels Correction.

It just depends on what you need. I know I didn't really answer your question but I think it's more subjective and there is no 'right answer'
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
Don Bloom is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 11th, 2009, 02:14 PM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Waynesboro, VA, USA
Posts: 19
Thank you Don, that is great.

I certainly asked for subjective opinions and your answer with your experience gives some great feed back. I personally love the word of mouth reviews, ie, New Blue's essentials. I'll check into that. Your answer is what I am looking for, what have people that have done this (in Vegas) finding with this color business?

I'll continue working and practicing and I especially appreciate the fact that you mentioned sometimes, less is more, to find that right spot. I literally have to decrease the sensitivity of my mouse to manage some of these at times.

Best of success to you and thanks very much,

Jeremy Smith is offline   Reply

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