AVCHD Veg8 -Intermediate Codec at DVinfo.net
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Old September 5th, 2009, 05:40 AM   #1
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AVCHD Veg8 -Intermediate Codec

I have just started AVCHD editing in Vegas 8c64b/Vista & would like to know more about an intermediate codec as my 2.8 g laptop is struggling. I know there is cineform but which version, and are there any lower cost options as I am only a hobbyist & not doing pro editing.

I intend making several versions of the final product but most will be Std. Def. but I would like the option of producing a Hi Def. copy.

Also, can I export my Veg 8c 64b/Vista project into another PC (faster ), running Veg 8 32b/XP ? The files are on an ext. drive so I can easily connect that to the other PC.

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Old September 5th, 2009, 07:50 AM   #2
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Cineform (Neoscene) will solve you problems for the most part. It's not too expensive. And yes, you can export your project just fine. Keep all files on the external, and make backups to your laptop.
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Old September 5th, 2009, 10:24 AM   #3
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Hi Ron

If it helps I'm using VAAST's Upshift which transcodes to an M2t file. The resolution is excellent and my DuoCore 2.2GHz handles the files without any problem!! I would try a couple that offer trial versions!!

Just be careful with the interlacing..at present I'm transcoding the footage and deinterlacing to progressive otherwise you get terrible interlacing comb lines when you downsize to SD !! If you are outputting to HD then there is no problem as long as the file is not resized

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Old September 5th, 2009, 11:20 AM   #4
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New Windows MovieMaker

The New Windows MovieMaker is Free and offers AVCHD editing...not a professional solution, but should meet your "home" needs

Windows Live Movie Maker

Canon DSLR's, C100, C300. FCPX, Sony Vegas Pro. Assorted Nikon, Canon, Zeiss lens.
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Old September 5th, 2009, 10:38 PM   #5
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Thanks very much for your replies. I did transfer the whole project across to my desktop (via a thumbdrive !), by re-connecting the external drive for the files, which took quite a while for Vegas 8c to build peaks. (Why is this necessary as it is so time consuming?)

When I said my laptop was struggling, it was because of jerky playback, - surprising, - (new Sony Vaio Core 2 Duo, 2.8g, Vista Bus. 64b, 6g. ram.), Now I find that my desktop is also giving the same jerky result. (XP 32b./SP3, core 2 6400, 2.13g, 2gRAM.- looks like an up-grade may be due.)

As I am new to AVCHD editing I will probably need to look elsewhere as the jerkiness could be something else such as display settings. - I will see if lowering the frame rate may help, but I will investigate the intermediate codecs you suggested.

Thanks again.

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Old September 6th, 2009, 01:29 AM   #6
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Hi Ron

I found that Vegas doesn't struggle with the format but rather the file size. Drop a clip into the timeline that's under 2 mins and it will preview well. It struggles a bit on even simple transitions but I did a "test" compilation with 10 x 2 minutes clips a few overlays and titles and it handled it sweetly.
HOWEVER...drop in a 15 minute AVCHD clip and you will have nothing but headaches!!!!
I even went out and bought another 2GB ram but that didn't help at all!!! Editing on big files becomes impractical because you cannot just click on the time line and preview so you don't really know where you are!!!!

For the moment I have to transcode to an easier format for editing. Dunno what cam you have but Panasonic have a free transcoder but it only works with Panasonic AVCHD files.
I tried quite a few transcoders and Upshift seemed to be the best value and the nicest resolution too!!!

Let us know how you get on!!

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Old September 6th, 2009, 02:11 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ron Cooper View Post
... took quite a while for Vegas 8c to build peaks. (Why is this necessary as it is so time consuming?)
Vegas does this so that you'll be able to see your audio waveform display.
Unless there's a problem of some kind, it only needs to do this once.

When I said my laptop was struggling, it was because of jerky playback, - surprising, - (new Sony Vaio Core 2 Duo, 2.8g, Vista Bus. 64b, 6g. ram.), Now I find that my desktop is also giving the same jerky result. (XP 32b./SP3, core 2 6400, 2.13g, 2gRAM.- looks like an up-grade may be due.)
Sony's claims to the contrary, a quad core is is the minimum CPU recommended by most AVCHD users with an i7 being the preferred choice.
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Old September 6th, 2009, 05:23 AM   #8
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Thanks for the info Mike I stand informed and accept it !

Also, I just tried opening a new project in Vegas and simply placed just one, AVCHD 10 second clip on the timeline and it simply plays all jerky, - no transitions or anything, so I don't know about it just only occurring with large files

I tried to use Windows Video Maker but it does not work on XP apparently for AVCHD, only Vista.

Further, I have just frustratingly waisted over half an hour trying to get into the Vaast site with verification emails just not working with messages like "That user name or password is being used " - Of course it is - I just tried to register / login !! Dammit !! They surely only have one email address for me which they keep replying to with a verification code !! - I am going round in a loop with them !

So I give up on Upshift, - as you can't even download a trial without giving them your life history! Not just a simple name & email like most.

I'll try my luck with Neoscene if they have a trial version.

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Old September 6th, 2009, 06:19 AM   #9
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Email me at strain@iinet.net.au

I will have a copy of Upshift for you without going thru any login process first. If you like it then you can fight with them about registration!!

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Old September 6th, 2009, 06:25 AM   #10
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Ron, if you have a serial number for AVCHD Upshift, you can contact NewBlueFX.com and send them the serial number. They can then send you a link to the most current version of AVCHD Upshift. NOTE: NewBlueFX wrote the plugin and it is currently co-distributed by both NewBlue and VASST. You can find the demo of AVCHD Upshift on the NewBlueFX download page but you have to request a link to the full version - indicating your serial number - to get a link to the current full version.
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