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...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old March 31st, 2005, 01:05 AM   #1081
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I use them both on a P4 3.0 2-gigs of ram using a standard ohci card without any problems. They both feed an Ikegami monitor that has two s-video inputs to monitor ntsc. Vegas uses the firewire>sony dsr20>svideo out, and I have premiere set with a Matrox Pahrlia card with s-video out for realtime preview.. The Matrox card also gives wysiwyg with After Effects pro, which is a real time saver.. So, I just A/B the monitor depending on which app I using. I also use the full Sony current versions of production suite with vegas, soundforge, acid pro, dvd arch, along side the Adobe Pro productiction suite 2.5 which is premere pro, audition, encore, and after effects. Haven't found any big problems.
John Hartney
Elgin, Illinois USA
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Old March 31st, 2005, 02:05 AM   #1082
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anyone having trouble with mpeg 2 and Vegas 5d?

I've been doing some extensive trouble shooting and, for me, Vegas 5d's mpeg 2 encoder is not a happy camper. I can't render to mpeg 2 for any length of time (about 240 megs) without an error message popping up:

"An error occurred while creating the media file ____________.mpg.
The reason for the error could not be determined."

- thus I can't render to HDV m2t to export back to the Sony Z1 - in Vegas 5d. I can do it in Vegas 5b...Just trying to find out if it's just me or are other people having any trouble?

Thanks a bunch for any info,
Burk Webb is offline  
Old March 31st, 2005, 08:26 AM   #1083
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I'm using Vegas 5d (build 194) and haven't had any trouble rendering to mpeg2. I usually render to DV AVI first and then to mpeg2 but I have also gone directly to mpeg2 with no problems.

The longest file I rendered was about 50 min long.

pdx10, EOS10D
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Old March 31st, 2005, 08:30 AM   #1084
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First, I would check where all of your various file locations are pointing and verify you have enough space in all of those locations. There are several file locations to change in both File - Properties and Options - Preferences. They all default to drive C.
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Old March 31st, 2005, 09:30 AM   #1085
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*** problems reinstalling Win2k clean for Vegas Use

Hey all - well hopefully I can figure this problem out quickly. Yesterday I went to visit the parents and was going to wipe my mom's HD clean (it had win 98 on it still) and do a fresh install of Win2K and give her my old copy of Vegas 4 because she was interested in trying out some editing. So, we saved all of her important information and before hand, I ran the Win2k install CD on my machine to setup the four floppy boot discs for her install. I then restarted in Dos mode on her 98 machine and did a format of her c drive. Everything went fine but when I restarted with the first boot disc in, I received a weird message: I/O error, invalid disk. I also tried to restart with no boot discs and received a "non system disc or invalid disc, please enter new disc" which I think is normal since its wiped clean. I've done several clean installs of OSs with this same technique and no problems. Is it just that my boot disc was bad for some reason? (they were brand new floppies out of a box). Please someone help me as my mom is out a computer right now, and is not that happy :(
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Old March 31st, 2005, 09:43 AM   #1086
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Sounds like there's an error on the first floppy. Just re-create that floppy. I've gotten to the point where I hate floppys. I can take a brand new floppy, copy a 5k file to it, carry it to another machine, and that machine can't read it. I feel I can't rely on them anymore.

Can't you just boot from the CD?
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Old March 31st, 2005, 12:00 PM   #1087
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I thought it might be the boot disks, damn -

Unfortunately I can't boot from the CD as it's an older machine before you could boot from CD's - Win2k is also designed to work from boot disks on clean installs- The question is, will a floppy hold up if i mail it to her (in state but still).
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Old March 31st, 2005, 12:50 PM   #1088
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Make and send two or three of each one. Surely then she can make a complete set.
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Old March 31st, 2005, 04:11 PM   #1089
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ADS PYRO A/V Link - Vegas Preview External Monitor?

Anyone use the ADS PYRO A/V Link to preview on a TV with Vegas? I was going to buy it if it will work. Saves the wear and tear on my camera and or deck.


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Old March 31st, 2005, 04:23 PM   #1090
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It should work fine. However, I just use my deck. If you have a deck, I really see no reason to use this. If you only have a camera, I *CAN* see a reason to use this.
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Old March 31st, 2005, 04:27 PM   #1091
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I edit at my day job as well. Hauling in my sony deck is no fun. The only reason to haul in the deck is for a tv preview. This would be a cheap solution.

Thanks for the quick response. I am going to go buy one now.


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Old March 31st, 2005, 04:33 PM   #1092
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I had heard that you can set Vegas such that dragging the end of an event would repeat the last frame, rather than re-starting the clip. I haven't been able to get this to work -- whenever I drag either end of a video clip, the clip is repeated (and Vegas puts a notch at the repeat point). Perhaps I'm missing the option that holds the first / last frame when you extend the clip in either direction?

I think it would be a useful option, because then you could just split the event where you want the freeze frame and easily extend as long as you wanted. I find using the velocity envelope a little more difficult to get right because the out point is by time, rather than by frame -- so if you have your out point set, but then put a velocity envelope on the clip, you have to redo the out point again.

Maybe it's just me -- I am still a newbie with this stuff.
Brian Kennedy
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Old March 31st, 2005, 04:50 PM   #1093
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How to fix grainess?

While watching the video I took in a dancing ballroom I noticed that there are some slight grain on my video. Yes, the lighting on the dance floor was not ideal and very dark. I was using a 10 watt light but I guess it was not enough.

Any suggestions how I can fix and possibly remove the grainess? I am very new in Vegas 5 and any help is surely appreciated.

In the future, any recommendations on how I can shoot better on a low light room without blinding those people who are dancing?

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Old March 31st, 2005, 05:24 PM   #1094
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Yes, I use it with a Panasonic video monitor and it works very well.
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Old March 31st, 2005, 07:41 PM   #1095
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To answer in reverse order;

Depends on what you're shooting with. Even a 20W light isn't "blinding" in most cases so you can turn up the juice a little OR if you're shooting with a camera with adjustable gian, say like a PD150 or 170, you can set the gain up to about 6 or 9 and still be good. Over that and it can be a bit touchy.

As for removing grain in post with Vegas, Mike Crash has a denoiser program that works pretty well. Its free and small and does a good job. I'm sorry but I can't recall his website off hand but I believe it has been posted here before in a thread or 2. I think he's out of the UK (could be wrong) so his site is mikecrash(something).UK (I think) Sorry 'bout that. I'll look for the url and if I find it I'll post it for you.

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