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Old September 16th, 2004, 11:41 PM   #1
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A recent peice I finished

This peice is for the highlight vignette on a wedding I'm finishing up. Shot with a PD-170 and VX2100. (a few XL-1s and TRV33 shots as well *see if you can spot them)

Oddly, two shots have a flickering towards the top of the frame. The only thing in comon between the two shots is the use of the "glow" filter. Maybe Edward or another Vegas Guru can explain why this is happening.

Anyway- here's the clip....

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Old September 17th, 2004, 12:18 AM   #2
Old Boot
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Glen - ppphhoarrgghh .. . another superb piece . .. really excellent .. .

OK, "seems" you've an interlace flicker-y type fight going on.

Q1: Do you observe this "prior" to applying the FX? If so it aint the FX.

Q2: Do you use this same FX somewhere else, where you aren't getting this flicker?

I notice you are using the Pan and Rotate option either in Track Motion or Pan/Crop - yes? If yes then sometimes where there are some really defined horiz lines - I think I saw lines of bricks - I can get flicker. PLUS you've slowed the whole thing down, so I'm not really "seeing" the actual effect of flicker at the correct frame rate - yes? It would be real neat to actually see the flicker at normal rate - yes? In any event I'd try a combination of Forced Resampling and or Reduce Interlace Flicker [ RIF ] - you can find these in the Event Properties - but definitely RIF. I've had similar and RIF has got it. Think about what the cammie and then the s/w has to do with motion and horiz lines and edge aberrations and then rotation of that same view AND then you add an FX .. I guess something is going to give . . . However, and this might also be the issue here, is that the FX isn't being applied "evenly" throughout the rotate - yeah? Then maybe you might want to apply the FX first - render this - then do the rotate .. see what I'm driving at? It was your comment about applying the FX and your obvious advanced understanding of video that is making me think that you might have considered RIF, applied it, and are now examining/researching other lines of investigation .. . anyways, it want do any harm to give it a go . .. Apply FX then rotate OR Rotate then apply FX OR slomo and the FX OR any combination of the three in various steps . ..

Interesting . ..

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Old September 17th, 2004, 12:24 AM   #3
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I noticed flickering in two maybe 3 shots. They were shots I had used the "glow" filter on. I've seen "glow" do this before but usually on the very edge of the image which is well in overscan zone. However, since I applied the 1:85:1 Academy crop on it the "edge" is well WITHIN overscan. I'll try and go back and give the "RIF" a shot....if not I'll do as you suggested and render then rotate...and/or apply the 1:85:1 crop.
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Old September 17th, 2004, 12:37 AM   #4
Old Boot
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I've never used this "1:85:1 Academy crop " . . I'm presuming it is a method of cropping for ... er .. . whatever you need - yeah? I just stick to plain ole 4:3 . . . But yes, maybe this is introducing another "vector" variable we might need to consider. I guess anything that will adjust the native film may have an effect. Maybe you might need to "finish" the movie and THEN do this ratio crop? Maybe the FX needs some "waste" to do its thing . . .I really don't know - this might be worth a try too! If you DO dig out this as being something that is exhibiting itself only in this scenario then maybe you may have indeed discovered an invertebrate/insect - BUG!
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Old September 17th, 2004, 02:53 AM   #5
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Very Impressive mate :)
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Old September 17th, 2004, 10:32 PM   #6
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Nice work Glen.

I am curious about the sound track. Where is it from?

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Old September 18th, 2004, 04:40 AM   #7
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could the flickering at the top of the frame have anything to do with the xl-1s? i read somewhere about a problem with xl-1s regarding something appearing at the top of the frame. i'm probably way off here, but when you mentioned "xl-1s" and "top of frame" that was the first thing that came to mind.
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Old September 18th, 2004, 07:37 AM   #8
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Hi Glen,

Excellent! The video made some parts of my body stand straight up ( the hair, the hair :-)

The end is really 100% good!

Great work! Good music - recognize it but can't place it...

// Lazze \\
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Old September 18th, 2004, 10:28 AM   #9
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<<<-- Originally posted by Adi Head : could the flickering at the top of the frame have anything to do with the xl-1s? i read somewhere about a problem with xl-1s regarding something appearing at the top of the frame. i'm probably way off here, but when you mentioned "xl-1s" and "top of frame" that was the first thing that came to mind. -->>>

Well ironicly enough- the one shot (out of the 2) that exhibit this is, indeed, an XL-1S shot. It's the one right after the bride slides the ring on and looks up at the groom. You might have been on to something, however, the other shot that exhibits this is from my PD-170. The linking factor is the use of the "glow" filter. I've seen this happen before...something about that effect causes it. Maybe Edward can chime in if he's experienced it or know's what the cause is.
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Old September 18th, 2004, 10:29 AM   #10
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<<<-- Originally posted by Bob Schneider : Nice work Glen.

I am curious about the sound track. Where is it from?

Bob -->>>

"Inama Nushif"- Children of Dune.
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Old September 18th, 2004, 01:50 PM   #11
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<<<-- Originally posted by Glen Elliott : I've seen this happen before...something about that effect causes it. Maybe Edward can chime in if he's experienced it or know's what the cause is. -->>>

I haven't specifically noticed this but can't rule anything out as a possibility. I know my XL-1 (no s) has 4 black pixels on both the left and right but have not noticed anything on the top or bottom. I'll have to pay closer attention when I next use the glow filter. Although I tend to use Zenote's instead.
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Old September 19th, 2004, 02:54 PM   #12
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That was really very nice.

Are the camera moves handheld?
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Old September 19th, 2004, 09:02 PM   #13
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Yes all handheld.

Hey Kim me and two friends are going to the GPVA (Greater Philadelphia Videographer's Association) meeting on tuesday in Philly. Let me know if you want to attend.
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Old September 22nd, 2004, 09:01 PM   #14
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Hi Glen,

Thanks for the response.

If I may elaborate on the sound track Question:

I am not familiar with the artist. Is this a well known artist? If so did you have to buy the rights to the work to use it? I am just curious how this works when doing wedding work. Or perhaps there are royalty free tracks of this nature available. Any insight would be helpful.

Thanks again,
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 03:56 AM   #15
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How did you do the b&w mixed with color? Ive done simpler things using the color corrector, but nothing like this... ...you did this in vegas?
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