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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old September 23rd, 2004, 07:28 AM   #16
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I have that defined in my newsletters (link under my name). In Vegas 5, it's even easier.

1) Add the secondary color corrector to the clip
2) Click on the "Select Effect Range" eyedropper and pick the color to keep.
3) Click on "Invert Mask"
4) Click on "Mask" and use the "Limit" tools to adjust the mask to the correct area.
5) UNCheck "Mask"
6) In the top section, change "Saturation" to 0.
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 08:40 AM   #17
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this works with more then 1 color? Like you have the flowers with the greens as well as the colors of the flowers...
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 09:05 AM   #18
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It's really pretty much limited to a single color.

If you have an "area" that you want to keep in color, then use something like the Cookie Cutter to cut out that area.
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Old September 24th, 2004, 02:28 PM   #19
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glen, very well made. how did you make all the camera motion move so elegantly? they look like crane shots. did you crop and pan? in vegas 5?
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Old September 24th, 2004, 03:13 PM   #20
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<<<-- Originally posted by Adi Head : glen, very well made. how did you make all the camera motion move so elegantly? they look like crane shots. did you crop and pan? in vegas 5? -->>>

Depends on which shots your referring to. There were shots I added some subtle movement with the pan/crop but because of it's limitations I wouldn't be able to get the shots that have more than very subtle zooms/pans. I'd, subsequently, have to zoom in far enough to get slak on either edge of the frame to pan but it would be zoomed so close the image quality would suffer greatly.

So yeah...the shots with lots of lateral movement (ie Pan across pew to wipe transition, etc) were indeed shot handheld. I've long been continually working on improving my handholding technique. Thank you.
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Old September 25th, 2004, 10:17 AM   #21
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glen, i don't want to take this thread off topic, but i though i might ask you.

i started experimenting with the crop/pan tool and tried to create slight camera motion within a video track which was originally shot with camera mounted on a tripod, no motion, no panning, no tiliting - nothing).

for example:
i created keyframe 1: cropped a smaller frame within the original frame and alligned the cropped frame to the left side of the original.

about 10 seconds after keyframe 1, i created keyframe 2. with the cursur set on keyframe 2, i moved the cropped frame from the left side of the original frame, to the right side. no vertical change.

right clicked both keyframes and set them to smooth.

what i was hoping will happen is that from keyframe 1 to keyframe 2 there will be a nice smooth pan from left to right.

the result: when previewing what i did, there was some kind of motion from left to right within the shot, but it was far from smooth. very gittery. since the left to right motion was very slight, it was even hard to judge which diriection the panning was.

preview window was set to draft.

am i doing something wrong?
is it just the preview? do i have to render to see the smooth result?

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Old September 25th, 2004, 10:37 AM   #22
Old Boot
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Adi - you editing in Vegas? Are you seeing this in only previewing OR in the finsihed piece?

1/- Previewing : Try doing a RAM preview or Pre render the section. Also if you are previewing in anything greater than Preview quality this can reduce the frame rate, which maybe what you are experiencing.

2/- Finished Work: Now another possibility is to reduce interlace flicker - if you are also seeing this in the finished piece

. ..from what I gather, a lot of maths is going on to accomadate all sorts of stuff: Change in sizing of the picture and the actual movement on screen . . lots for the PC to do .. .something has got to give - first thing will be the Previewing.

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Old September 25th, 2004, 12:20 PM   #23
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Adi, setting the preview to "draft" is the problem. Draft always makes pan crops look terrible. Try switching to "preview" or even "good".
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Old September 25th, 2004, 02:17 PM   #24
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ok. first of all, yes, i edit with vegas 5.

the rendered piece looks fine, although the cropping DOES really hurt the resolution.

also, i found that when preview window is set to good, the movement is closest to what it should look like.

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Old September 25th, 2004, 02:26 PM   #25
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correction: <<< also, i found that when preview window is set to good, the movement is closest to what it should look like. >>>

i meant, when preview window is set to PREVIEW, the motion is smoothest. it's still a bit jumpy, but all other options are worse. at least, that's how it is on my machine.
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Old September 25th, 2004, 04:33 PM   #26
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You probably don't have the horsepower to run it at "good" or "best" and maintain the framerate.
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Old September 25th, 2004, 09:23 PM   #27
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Hi Glen,

Did you happen to see my follow-up question in this thread regarding the sound track in your piece?


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Old September 25th, 2004, 09:55 PM   #28
Old Boot
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Less Is More . .. .

Adi, look at the lower right of the Preview window. You will see a bunch of numbers. One of these will be the frame rate. I'm PAL so I would be looking for the 25fps [ fps=Frames Per Second ] value to stabilize. I can get this if I Loop the section in question - may only be about 3 or 10 seconds - but after about 5 or 10 Loopings the fps does stabilize. Do try the Build RAM Preview. You can "set" the amount available for this within Preferences. You can increase the amount of RAM set aside for this procedure and "balance" what you need for other processes. I've got 2gb of fast RAM. So I put aside 1gb for RAM previewing.

This gets me onto to actual PC muscle you have for your work. Remember, the more pc intensive stuff you throw at your poor machine - Pans/Crops; FXs; Trannies etc etc . . - the slower the maths being done and hence the frame rate you will be able to achieve. First off how much do you have? I've got 2gb RAM working with an ASUS 3.2gHtz. It's fast but my demands are getting higher and higher. So something has got to give .. Frame Rate!

Secondly, I need to mute or remove tracks that may have got redundant as I progress through the creative process. From what I understand even tracks with nothing in them are recognised by Vegas and as such - I don't know this for real - but this MAY affect Previewing too. It certainly affects the rendering times if I still have them in my final Video mix - yeah?

So, there you have it: When you reach for them Stars make sure you are packing plenty of RAM and FFFFaaassst Mobos! - At least recognise you aren't doing anything wrong - but you maybe doing too much!

Best regards

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