SlideShowToMarkers Error? at
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Old August 19th, 2004, 06:37 AM   #1
Old Boot
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SlideShowToMarkers Error?

OK, I'll try here as well .. . .

Having updated to V5b I'm now getting this. I've activated it from my Desktop. I get the same from running from the Script Menu too. I know that wouldn't make a difference. OK, this is what I'm getting:-


Error 0x80131600 (message missing)

Compilation error on line 24:

Variable 'Timecode' has not declared

System.ApplicationException: Failed to compile script: 'C:\Documnets and Settings\Main User\Desktop\slideshowToMarkers.js'
at Sony.Vegas.ScriptHost.RunScript()



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Old August 19th, 2004, 06:47 AM   #2
RED Code Chef
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Sounds like that script is just not correct. The script you are trying
to access is looking for a variable that is not declared (ie, it is not
there). If you e-mail me the script I can take a look at it for you
if you want.

Otherwise your installation of .NET runtime might be corrupt.

Rob Lohman,
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Old August 19th, 2004, 06:52 AM   #3
Old Boot
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Thanks Rob . .

1 - I can run other scripts within V5b .. including all versions XCAL, Neon and Tsunami. I understand they need .NET 1.1? So I would ahve thought that as I can run these other scripts then .NET isn't corrupt?

2 - Do you want me to copy the script into this post or email you?

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Old August 19th, 2004, 06:53 AM   #4
Old Boot
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Rob - Sent email .. .

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Old August 19th, 2004, 06:58 AM   #5
Old Boot
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Rob, email being "bumped" back ..

so here yah go ..

Script Starts Here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

// Assuming there is an audio track with appropriate number of numbered and
// unnumbered markers, and a bin in Media Pool with images, automate image
// sequence to timeline at markers. Apply default transition/dissolve in the
// process.
// Currently script accept both images and video clips (only video part is
// used) as slides.
// User can choose bin (by name), amount of overlap, affected region (see in
// the script code), and whether to create a new track for the batch (otherwise
// currently selected track is used if it has type Video).
// All setting are stored in Windows Registry between subsequent runs and
// sessions.
// Preliminary sortingof media by path/name is implemented but turned off.
// So media is picked in the order it is stored in the bin.
// Every run media is picked from the bin starting with the very first item.
// Maybe pick images from directory in future versions.

import System.Windows.Forms;
import System.Collections;
import Sony.Vegas;
import Microsoft.Win32;

// This is for convenience in comparison and assignment.
var zeroMark = new Timecode(0);
// These are default values for parameters in a dialog.
// Half-time of dissolve. Half because we add it to both dissolving clips.
var overlap: Timecode;
// Region that is subject to script. By default it is entire project.
var begin: Timecode, end: Timecode;
// Default name for bin holding our slides.
var binName;
// 0 - entire project, 1 - from cursor to the end of project, 2 - loop region.
var regionType;
// 0 - add images to current track, else create a new track
var newTrack;

try {
// Last snapshot file name is stored in Windows registry.
var regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Sonic Foundry\\Scripts\\SlideshowToMarkers");
binName = regKey.GetValue("Bin name", "Slides");
overlap = new Timecode(regKey.GetValue("Overlap", "00:00:01:29")); // Approximately 2 seconds.
regionType = regKey.GetValue("Region", 1);
newTrack = regKey.GetValue("New track", 1);

var dialog = new SlideshowDialog(binName, overlap, regionType, newTrack);
var dialogResult = dialog.ShowDialog();

// if the OK button was pressed...
if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK == dialogResult) {
binName = dialog.binNameBox.Text;
overlap = new Timecode(dialog.overlapBox.Text);
regionType = dialog.regionBox.SelectedIndex;
newTrack = dialog.trackBox.Checked ? 1 : 0;
switch (regionType) {
case 0: begin = zeroMark; end = Vegas.Project.Length; break;
// If there's no selection then SelectionLength is 0 (zero).
case 2: begin = Vegas.SelectionStart; end = begin + Vegas.SelectionLength; break;
default: begin = Vegas.Cursor; end = Vegas.Project.Length;
// Write settings back to Registry.
regKey.SetValue("Bin name", binName);
regKey.SetValue("Overlap", overlap.ToString());
regKey.SetValue("Region", regionType);
regKey.SetValue("New track", newTrack);

// If event is shorter than this then its all just transition.
// That will look bad aestethically.
var threshold = overlap + overlap;

var videoTrack = FindSelectedTrack();
if ((newTrack != 0) || !videoTrack.IsVideo()) {
videoTrack = new VideoTrack(videoTrack.DisplayIndex, null);

var mrkEnum = new Enumerator(Vegas.Project.Markers);
// Two variables to identify start and end of created event.
var prevMark: Timecode = begin, currMark: Timecode = begin;

// Find the bin containing slides.
var bin = FindMediaBin(Vegas.Project.MediaPool.RootMediaBin, binName);
if (bin == null) {
MessageBox.Show("Could not find '" + binName + "' bin in Media Pool.");
} else {
var imgEnum: Enumerator;
// Build a list of available media, sort it, and then iterate it instead
// of working directly with bin/media pool.
if (false) {
var mediaList: System.Array = System.Array.CreateInstance(System.Object, bin.Count);
bin.CopyTo(mediaList, 0);
var myComparer: IComparer = new CompareMedia();
System.Array.Sort(mediaList, myComparer);
imgEnum = new Enumerator(mediaList);
} else {
// For now, position on first image in the bin.
imgEnum = new Enumerator(bin);
// Code below is to advance currMark until the length of event will be
// greater than threshold. Then subsequent slide is put on the timeline
// thus creating an event.
while (!mrkEnum.atEnd()) {
currMark = Marker(mrkEnum.item()).Position;
if ((currMark > begin) && ((currMark - prevMark) > threshold)) {
PlaceImageOnTimeline(imgEnum, prevMark, currMark);
prevMark = currMark;
if (currMark >= end) break; // To avoid extra looping after we reach end of processing region.
// The last marker may not mark the end of processing region.
// This special case is handled by code below. Notice that we compare to
// overlap here because for the last event dissolve is applied on one side
// only. Would be good to handle the first event in similar way ..
currMark = end;
if ((currMark - prevMark) > overlap) {
PlaceImageOnTimeline(imgEnum, prevMark, currMark);
} catch (e) {

// Retrieve the next available image and create event on timeline.
function PlaceImageOnTimeline(images: Enumerator, from: Timecode, to: Timecode): void {
// Advance to next image.
var imgStream: MediaStream = FindNextImage(images);
if (imgStream == null)
// Add handles for dissolve. Transition is centered on marker.
// Keep timecodes withing the range of audio track.
from -= overlap;
if (from < begin) from = begin;
to += overlap;
if (to > end) to = end;
// Create the new video event and add it to the track.
var evnt = new VideoEvent(from, to - from);
// Create a new take using the video stream.
var takeName = null;
evnt.Takes.Add(new Take(imgStream, true, takeName));

// Walk the bin tree recursively until the 'name' is found.
// If several bins on different levels have the same name, first one will be
// returned.
function FindMediaBin(parent: MediaBin, name: String): MediaBin {
if (String.Compare(parent.Name, name) == 0) {
return parent;
var binEnum = new Enumerator(parent);
while (!binEnum.atEnd()) {
var abin = binEnum.item();
if ((abin instanceof MediaBin) && (abin.Name != parent.Name)) {
// Recurse here.
abin = FindMediaBin(abin, name);
if (abin != null)
return abin;
return null;

// Get next available media as video stream. There is no check if this is
// slide/image. Any media containing video is acceptable.
function FindNextImage(mediaEnum: Enumerator): MediaStream {
while (!mediaEnum.atEnd()) {
var img = mediaEnum.item();
if ((img instanceof Media) && Media(img).HasVideo()) {
return img.Streams.GetItemByMediaType(MediaType.Video, 0);
return null;

function FindSelectedTrack() : Track {
var trackEnum = new Enumerator(Vegas.Project.Tracks);
while (!trackEnum.atEnd()) {
var track : Track = Track(trackEnum.item());
if (track.Selected) {
return track;
return null;

end first part ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Old August 19th, 2004, 07:02 AM   #6
Old Boot
Join Date: Aug 2002
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. . .second half of script . . .

SECOND PART STARTS HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

// Form subclass that is the dialog box for this script
class SlideshowDialog extends Form {
var binNameBox;
var overlapBox;
var regionBox;
var trackBox;

function SlideshowDialog(binName, overlap, region, newtrack) {

this.Text = "Create Slideshow";
this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
this.Width = 300;

var buttonWidth = 80;

binNameBox = addTextControl("Bin Name", 10, 200, 10, binName);
overlapBox = addTextControl("Overlap Time", 10, 140, binNameBox.Bottom + 16, overlap.ToString());

var label = new Label();
label.AutoSize = true;
label.Text = "Region:";
label.Left = 10;
label.Top = overlapBox.Bottom + 20;
regionBox = new ComboBox();
regionBox.DropDownWidth = 100;
regionBox.Left = label.Right;
regionBox.Top = overlapBox.Bottom + 16;
regionBox.Items.Add("Entire Timeline");
regionBox.Items.Add("From Cursor");
regionBox.Items.Add("Loop Region");
regionBox.SelectedIndex = region;

trackBox = new CheckBox();
trackBox.Left = 10;
trackBox.Width = 160;
trackBox.Top = regionBox.Bottom + 16;
trackBox.Text = "Create new track";
trackBox.Checked = newtrack != 0;

var buttonTop = trackBox.Bottom + 16;

var okButton = new Button();
okButton.Text = "OK";
okButton.Left = this.Width - (2*(buttonWidth+10));
okButton.Top = buttonTop;
okButton.Width = buttonWidth;
okButton.Height = okButton.Font.Height + 12;
okButton.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
AcceptButton = okButton;

var cancelButton = new Button();
cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";
cancelButton.Left = this.Width - (1*(buttonWidth+10));
cancelButton.Top = buttonTop;
cancelButton.Height = cancelButton.Font.Height + 12;
cancelButton.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
CancelButton = cancelButton;

var titleHeight = this.Height - this.ClientSize.Height;
this.Height = titleHeight + okButton.Bottom + 8;

function addTextControl(labelName, left, width, top, defaultValue) {
var label = new Label();
label.AutoSize = true;
label.Text = labelName + ":";
label.Left = left;
label.Top = top + 4;

var textbox = new TextBox();
textbox.Multiline = false;
textbox.Left = label.Right;
textbox.Top = top;
textbox.Width = width - (label.Width);
textbox.Text = defaultValue;

return textbox;


class CompareMedia implements IComparer {
function Compare(x: Object, y: Object): int {
if (!(x instanceof Media)) {
if (y instanceof Media) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else if (!(y instanceof Media)) {
return -1;
return String.Compare(Media(x).FilePath, Media(y).FilePath);

Script Ends Here


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Old August 19th, 2004, 07:17 AM   #7
Sponsor: JET DV
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The key to this error is to look at the "import" line for Vegas.

For Vegas 4, the import line MUST read:
import SonicFoundry.Vegas;

For Vegas 5, the import line MUST read:
import Sony.Vegas;
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Old August 19th, 2004, 07:23 AM   #8
Old Boot
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But it is there. It says

import Sony.Vegas;

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Old August 19th, 2004, 09:04 AM   #9
Sponsor: JET DV
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Just tested the version you sent me directly. It runs fine in Vegas 5.0b. Just make doubly sure you are picking the proper script from within Vegas.
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Old August 19th, 2004, 09:12 AM   #10
Old Boot
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Edward, thank you. I started from "fresh" with the script that worked within V4 . . did the conversion to V5b and . . NOW it works ! ! . . Thanks Guys for your feedback . . .

. . time to lie down I think .. . arrrggghh ..

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Old August 19th, 2004, 12:14 PM   #11
RED Code Chef
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Grazie: hmmm, weird it bumped back. Can you tell me what the
error message said? Oh well, glad you got your problem solved!

Rob Lohman,
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Old August 20th, 2004, 12:34 AM   #12
Old Boot
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Thanks Rob! Yeah so was I. I re-downloaded the script from the NEW VASST site, did the adjustments, re-loaded into the script menu and fired iot up .. it worked . . I was under p[ressure to get it working as I was doing a demo last night, and I wanted to disply the scripting value of Vegas at the event. .. . phew!

oh . .. the error mnessgae was a "Spraynet" error message? I'll retest now to see . . yeah? If I get the error how can I email it to you? . . .

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