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Old May 19th, 2009, 01:34 AM   #1
New Boot
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Posts: 11
DVD Architect 5 Newbie Questions

I've recently purchased a canon HF100 camcorder and now want to get my clips onto disc.

In the past I used Ulead DVD Workshop to create a disc with menus, but that can't work with AVCHD.

Now I've upgraded to DVD Architect 5 and Sony Vegas.

As a first try with DVD Arch, I made an AVCHD DVD with a basic menu.

I added 20 uneditied mts files from the HF100 camcorder to the project and then created a menu.

On the menu I had a Play All text link, which linked to a playlist of the 20 mts files . I then had a scene index menu link which linked to another menu page with individual clip links.

Then I created the disc and burnt it to a DVD RW for playing back in my Sony BDP550 Blu-ray player.

The disc plays fine, and the menus work as they should, but there are a couple of issues:

1. When viewing the clips by clicking the Play All link, the clips play in the sequence set out in the playlist, but there is a horrible pause/stutter as you move from the end of one clip to the start of the other. Is this normal? Or am I doing something wrong?

2. If when playing clips using the Play ALL link, I advance to the next clip using the remote control on my Blu-ray player. It will advance to the next clip, but when it reached the end of the clip it goes back to the menu, instead of playing the next clip in the playlist.
How can I correct this?

If I just allow the clips to play through from the start (without advancing using the remote) they play in correct order until then end clip and then return to the menu as they should.

Thanks in advance
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Old May 19th, 2009, 06:24 AM   #2
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1. This is normal. To get rid of that, you'd need to supply DVD Architect with a single LONG file instead of a bunch of short files. The pause is your DVD player seeking from one file to the next one.

2. Not sure on this one. Typically, it would continue playing to the end as long as all the end actions are correct. I typically haven't used playlists, though, so they may behave differently. I do know when using end-actions to go additional clips, the "Next" button will work fine but the "Prev" button will not.
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Old May 19th, 2009, 06:37 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: May 2009
Location: London,UK
Posts: 11
Thanks for the reply.

Ah, at least I know I'm not doing anything wrong! I can't say I'd noticed this before with DVD Workshop on SD material.

I guess I could always fade to black at the end of each title, and it shouldnt be as noticable.
Neil Hughes is offline   Reply

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