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Old April 15th, 2004, 12:17 PM   #1291
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PS Did you get my email?
Yes, and replied

Why is there a "bypass motion blur" as a main button on all track headers?! Did the makers of Vegas think motion blur would be used that often that it needs a button that is always visible and accessable on the main track header?

Motion blur is OFF by default. You turn it on in the video bus track. If you turn it on, you *may not* want it to apply to ALL tracks. Therefore, you have the option of bypassing it on each track header.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 12:59 PM   #1292
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How about the "lock envelopes to events" button? Why does it not seem to change anything. When I move my events that have envelopes around they always move in conjunction with the event regardless if the "lock envelopes to events" button is selected or not.....

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Old April 15th, 2004, 01:43 PM   #1293
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Let's say you have a track level envelope (volume or composite for example) with multiple points - some of which are on the event you are moving. If this option is ON, the points inside that event will move with the event. If the option is OFF, the points inside that event will NOT move.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 01:47 PM   #1294
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A HA! Thank you kindly for your wisdom.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 04:48 PM   #1295
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Vegas 5.0 VASST Tour dates, locations, and agenda!

Folks, the Vegas 5.0 dates and loose agenda are posted on the VASST site, the agenda will show more in-depth when Sony officially launches Vegas 5.0. will get you there if you'd like more information.
Notice the addition of Toronto to this year's tour, and Orlando as well.
More, much more to come, along with some very exciting and fun news for each city. Stay tuned.
In three cities, we'll also be doing the ACID "No Copyrights" tour with Jeffrey P. Fisher in back-to-back dates, so it's your chance to catch a bunch of us on the tour. We hope to see you on the road.
Vegas 5.0 is simply awe-inspiring. Wait'll you see it in ACTION!
When you register, use the code COMM to receive special registration discounts.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old April 15th, 2004, 10:48 PM   #1296
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16.9 capture in vegas

Hi all,

So i did capture a video shot in 16.9 . When i play it in WMP it is crisp and beautiful but whenever i create a new project in Vegas , whatever template i choose (or not by simply dragging file in timeline) the image gets interlaced (hope this is the proper term.

Dark lines appear everywhere , especially on spotlights.

Vegas doesn't even play it in 16.9 , looks like it kinda resizes it automatically.

is there something that i missed before capturing or a setting somewhere...

Thanks a bunch for your input

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Old April 16th, 2004, 03:04 AM   #1297
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If you drag it to the timeline you are in fact choosing a "template"
as you call it. I call it project properties.

Drag your footage to the timeline and then go to File -> Properties,
it should be set to the following:

Template: NTSC DV Widescreen (720x480; 29.970 fps)
Field order: none (progressive scan) => if you shot that way

If you set those than the following should be set automatically:

Width: 720
Height: 480
Pixel aspect ratio: 1.2121 (NTSC DV Widescreen)
Frame rate: 29.970 (NTSC)

Keep in mind that the vegas preview window is just that, a
PREVIEW! To get it looking the best choose full, best above the
preview screen to show the image's full potential.

Rob Lohman,
DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef

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Old April 16th, 2004, 04:16 AM   #1298
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Hi Rob,

the progressive scan was not on and putting it on made it much better , still not perfect though.

Any idea why it gets to be interlaced like that , I watched it again in media player and it was flawless. Maybe it is the preview mode that makes it that way because i actually compared the same frame in media player and in vegas and the difference was obvious.

Du you think i should resize to a 4:3 format , obviously if i keep it that way it will be "stretched" all the time . If so how do i resize , i didn't see any function with that name so far.

Any way thanks a lot for the info.

PS. this video that i am working is from a band that was in the Netherlands for six months last year and they had a huge success. The name is Paradise.

Thx a lot again and see ya

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Old April 16th, 2004, 04:57 AM   #1299
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thanks Glen

The split is helpful ...

John do you have a link to that 2 DVD set


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Old April 16th, 2004, 10:08 AM   #1300
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Old April 16th, 2004, 11:42 AM   #1301
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thanks Edward

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Old April 18th, 2004, 05:27 AM   #1302
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Never heard of "Paradise". But funny non-the-less.

If you want to keep everything 16:9 then you should keep
everything 16:9 in Vegas as well. Only if you want to output to
the web (for example) and need to letterbox your footage you
can start a 4:3 project and it should either auto letterbox or
you should go into the media's properties and choose something
like maintaint aspect ratio or fit to (project) size. I forgot which
way it was...

If your footage was shot in interlaced then you probably should
not select progressive in the project properties. If you don't do
that, and cut a little bit together and export that back to a DV
file. How does that look in Media Player?

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 18th, 2004, 11:29 AM   #1303
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Vegas 5 +DVDA2 - Stream From NAB

Here is the Info on Viewing the Vegas 5 +DVDA2 Training Seminars and Presentations From NAB.

The Southern California Vegas Users Group - will be Videotaping, Editing and Streaming Out the Activities and Vegas 5 and DVDA2 Training Seminars from NAB on Tuesday April 20th. The Stream can be seen on SCVUG Moderator - Liam Kennedy's Website. The Url is: Click This Link to View the Vegas 5 Stream From NAB

You can Check the Image BEAM website or the SoCAL Vegas Users Group Mesaage Boards for Vital Stream Time Updates.

The SoCal Vegas Users Group will be seeking a discount rate for Vegas 5 Upgrades for our members from participating re-sellers.

Other Vital Info about Vegas 5 will be posted to our Message Boards from NAB. Feel Free to stop by the SCVUG Yahoo Site and participate in on the Activities Surrounding the release of Vegas 5 !

Click this Link to the SoCal Vegas Users Group

Jay Mitchell
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Old April 18th, 2004, 01:43 PM   #1304
Sponsor: JET DV
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Thanks for the link, Jay. I made the clickable for you.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old April 18th, 2004, 06:08 PM   #1305
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Hi Rob,

Thx a lot for your feedback.

I do want to format it into 4:3 , i just don't go for the "stretchy" look :)

In Media player the captures looks great.

So i will i proceed to transfer it to 4:3 when my editing will be done.

Thx again
Philippe Gosselin is offline  
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