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What Happens in Vegas...
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Old April 15th, 2004, 06:21 AM   #1276
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Multiple machine use

If I have Vegas on my machine now, and I buy a new computer, will I be able to install the program on the new machine as well?
Elton Wishart is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 06:47 AM   #1277
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You can install Vegas on multiple machines. However, you can only use that singly licensed Vegas installation on one machine at a time. If you want to run Vegas on more than one machine at the same time, you need to purchase another license.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 06:51 AM   #1278
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Thanks... I read a bunch about the dvd expiration after 2 days and it costs too much.

I am really not interested in an expensive solution but a cheaper one. I am also not interested in the people who will be able to get around the protection. I just wanted the general amount of people to have it expire after 30 days.

After researching it, a movie encoded in Windows Media Player with Digital Rights Manager will give it many rights. For example, date to expire, times to play, times to burn to CD and more. This file would only work on a computer connected to the internet.

Another solution is to save it flash and give it an expiration date.

Both methods are easy to get around. Just reset your clock to a non expired date.


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Old April 15th, 2004, 07:01 AM   #1279
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Shorten one of the events until the crossfade disappears. Otherwise you could MOVE one of them until the crossfade disappears. The two clips are physically overlapping and you need to remove the overlap - not "delete the crossfade".

There is an option on the tool bar to turn off auto crossfades. If you turn that on and overlap clips, you still won't get a crossfade.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 07:03 AM   #1280
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<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Wright : A full End Action facility will allow you to specify a range of things to happen at the end of a clip - e.g. go to sub-menu X etc., as well as simply play another clip. -->>>

Agreed. I definitely would not claim the work-arounds are a substitute for end actions. However, they ARE work-arounds for specific problems that could be solved by end actions.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 07:05 AM   #1281
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If you are buying the new machine as a replacement, just install on the new machine and uninstall on the old machine.

If you are intending to use Vegas on both machines, Todd is correct in that it may be used on both machines - just not simultaneously. That includes rendering on one while editing on the other - which would NOT be allowed legally.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 07:28 AM   #1282
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Thanks Edward

I also need to learn how to trim and make adjustments in the timeline


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Old April 15th, 2004, 07:33 AM   #1283
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The "S" key will split the event at the cursor.


Move your mouse to the edge of an event and drag.
Glen Elliott is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 07:47 AM   #1284
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Thanks- once I got the new machine I would be using it on just that machine, and would uninstall it on the old machine.
Elton Wishart is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 07:57 AM   #1285
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thanks Glen...I just keep hacking away, I do like The Vages
working with it for about 30 days now

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Old April 15th, 2004, 08:04 AM   #1286
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Vince, if you haven't yet, take a look at my newsletter
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 10:00 AM   #1287
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<<<-- Originally posted by Edward Troxel : Man, where do we start? :-)

1) The Envelope Tool will let you select multiple envelope points and move them en-masse.

2) Never seen a "Group w/ Event Attributes" button
I'm sorry, I think it's "Ignore Event Grouping". How would this be different from the lock/unlock audio/video button?

3/4) I'll defer to here
Wow...umm I'll have to take my entire lunch hour reading that! Thanks

5) The best color correction tutorials I know are by BillyBoy
Thanks for the heads up on this link. I've been there before but overlooked some of the tutorials.

6) Yes, you must make sure you are in the same timeframe as the event. Sync Cursor is a good means of doing that. I don't like the Sync Cursor when using Pan/Crop and very infrequently use Track Motion in such a way that the entire track cannot be modified. Remember, the Track Motion keyframes also appear in a small bar below the picons.

7) No, it's not impossible. You're just approaching it wrong. You have to START AT THE END. Make your FIRST cut at the end of the clip. Now make a second cut somewhere to the right. Add the velocity envelope, reverse it, and then resize as needed to find the new "ending" point.

I have simplified the process of reversing a clip using Excalibur. In this case, you CAN do your workflow and it will properly adjust the position of the clip so it reverses what you really wanted. --
So what your saying is the sequence in which I make my cuts actually effects my ability to reverse the footage?! So if I go contiguoiusly from left to right making my cuts it will make reversing the clip via velocity envelope impossible. However if I find the point at which I want the reversed footage to start, cut it there, then scrub to the left and find the end point of the reversed footage and make my second cut there (in that fashion) reversing will be possible? *Just making sure I'm comprehending this*

Will Vegas 5 fix this- will it allow you to reverse clips regardless of what sequence you spliced them. I see it has realtime event reversing...not sure exactly what they mean by that- I mean I understand the term but doesn't it already have real-time event reverse without rendering?

Glen Elliott is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 11:04 AM   #1288
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Hi Vince

Check out the 2 Disc DVD by Gary Kliener. Sounds like you would benefit greatly from this. Your time is more valubale than stumbling through it and I promise after the watching the VD's you will be 'transformed' into a pretty darn good Vegas user!
John Hudson is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 11:12 AM   #1289
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I'm sorry, I think it's "Ignore Event Grouping". How would this be different from the lock/unlock audio/video button?
The "Ignore Event Grouping" button will allow you to temporarily ignore grouping. Where can this be useful? Here's an example: When you drag a clip to the timeline you get both audio and video. Now suppose you overlap this clip with the previous clip. You want the clips to dissolve but you DON'T want the audio to start until later. In this case, simply click the "Ingnore Event Grouping" button, resize the audio as desired, and then turn off "Ignore Event Grouping".

However if I find the point at which I want the reversed footage to start, cut it there, then scrub to the left and find the end point of the reversed footage and make my second cut there (in that fashion) reversing will be possible? *Just making sure I'm comprehending this*
No, make the second cut to the RIGHT of the first cut (doesn't have to be far, you'll resize later).

Say you have:

1111122222233333 and you want the "2's" reversed. Cut at the end of the 2's and somewhere in the 3's.

First cut is at the END of 2, second cut is LATER. Now apply the velocity envelope to that cut section, reverse it, move it to the desired spot on the timeline, and resize it so that it ends at the proper place (i.e. the beginning of the "2's").
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old April 15th, 2004, 12:09 PM   #1290
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<<<-- Originally posted by Edward Troxel : The "Ignore Event Grouping" button will allow you to temporarily ignore grouping. Where can this be useful? Here's an example: When you drag a clip to the timeline you get both audio and video. Now suppose you overlap this clip with the previous clip. You want the clips to dissolve but you DON'T want the audio to start until later. In this case, simply click the "Ingnore Event Grouping" button, resize the audio as desired, and then turn off "Ignore Event Grouping".

Hmm, I must have been thinking about the button adjacent to it to the left. It looks like a lock that is locked with an envelope above it. Believe it's "lock envelope to instances" (or something along those lines). I played with that button and it doesn't seem to make any difference when I have envelopes on my events. I can move them and the envelopes follow regardless if this button is selected or not....??

No, make the second cut to the RIGHT of the first cut (doesn't have to be far, you'll resize later).
Say you have:
1111122222233333 and you want the "2's" reversed. Cut at the end of the 2's and somewhere in the 3's.
First cut is at the END of 2, second cut is LATER. Now apply the velocity envelope to that cut section, reverse it, move it to the desired spot on the timeline, and resize it so that it ends at the proper place (i.e. the beginning of the "2's"). -->>>

Ok, I get it *smacking my forehead* THANKS!

Lastly...another odd little question...Why is there a "bypass motion blur" as a main button on all track headers?! Did the makers of Vegas think motion blur would be used that often that it needs a button that is always visible and accessable on the main track header? lol

PS Did you get my email?
Glen Elliott is offline  
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