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...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old April 13th, 2004, 06:29 PM   #1261
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Thanks Edward for the expalantion !!

Mike Moncrief
Mike Moncrief
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Old April 13th, 2004, 09:40 PM   #1262
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By the way, check out shareware program Ultramon. It does a better job than the ATI stuff.

It seems to remember windows better and gives you a second taskbar.
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Old April 13th, 2004, 09:51 PM   #1263
Hawaiian Shirt Mogul
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"Everything but the kitchen sink"

i hear they do included the some of the sink !!
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Old April 14th, 2004, 03:09 AM   #1264
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Why did you apply a pan/crop tool? If you have your project set
to widescreen and then render out to a widescreen MPEG2 file
and set DVD Architect to a widescreen project all shoot go good.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 14th, 2004, 09:54 AM   #1265
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Edward - isn't there a "ghetto" way around end actions and commentary tracks? For end actions, just edit the three clips together in Vegas and then use that file or edit the files specifically for how you want them to be played? (I guess this only drawback is file size if you're re-using clips a good deal) and with a commentary track - just play the movie and record yourself talking and drop this new audio file onto your original project and output as the "commentary" version? Again, most of us aren't popping out hour long films, so it seems the file size could be possible providing that this is a single feature DVD?

-I'm looking more for possibly faster render times than anything else (i only have one PC right now so network rendering is not of much use to me). I love Vegas, it's my current NLE of choice and I've had extensive time with Premiere and FCP. The only drawback is even though its real time actions are far superior, its final rendering is, as we all know, a good deal slower than its rivals. This I see being Vegas' main drawback and weakness that holds it back from dominating sales wise over Premiere or atleast gaining higher respects than Premiere.
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Old April 14th, 2004, 10:38 AM   #1266
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There's 3 work-arounds for end actions:

1) Render to a SINGLE file so they automatically continue on to the next and use chapters for individual sections.
2) Create a MUSIC compilation DVD which will accept video material.
3) Manually edit the VOB menu structure.

The only work-around I know for a commentary track is to actually include the video twice.
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Old April 14th, 2004, 12:07 PM   #1267
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Making a video file with an expiration date

Does anyone know how to make a video expire after a specific date? I have done a bunch of searches and have found the Microsoft offers Window Media DRM but it's very expensive to use. Does anyone have this product or know of a cheaper one.

I basically want my video to be shown for 30 days then expire.

Any help would be helpfull!


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Old April 14th, 2004, 01:08 PM   #1268
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Before 5 hits a few Vegas 4 questions

There are a few things I've never been completly clear on in regards to Vegas 4....some of them may be a bit stupid but I'll list them anyway:

1 What does the envelope edit tool do? Anytime I create an envelope of any sort I never have a problem adding removing or changing points. What's the difference between using the standard edit tool and the envelope edit tool for editing envelopes?

2 What is the "Group w/ Event Attributes" button's use?

3 What exactly is resampling. I understand the difference between it's ativiation settings (smart, forced, disabled) but what does it physically do? I'm assuming if I ctrl+drag a clip to change the speed it will use resampling if it's set for smart- right? Also do I have to choose "reduce interlace flicker" when slowing clips down. Granted I haven't noticed any jerkyness- but I remember back in Premiere I had to ALWAYS chose "reduce interlace flicker" on all slowed clips. I'm not choosing this option in Vegas yet still getting silky smooth slo-mo...why? Resampling?....if so, again, how- what does it do?

4 Supersampling? What's the difference between resampling and supersampling? When would I need supersampling? What are it's advantages- how about disadvantages other than extra time in render?

5 Color correction. I've gotten by, thus far, using color balance to correct my white balance issues, etc. I know the color balance filter is much more robust however I don't quite understand how to use it "well". Is there a good color correction tutorial on the web? How about a tutorial on Secondary Color correction filter?

6 Track motion. Ugh, this has gotten me so many times- I go in there add some animation only to see the clip isn't moving the way it should once I go back to the timeline. The reason: it's a track level adjustment. I seem to forget that the timeline within the dialog box represents the ENTIRE timeline and not just the instance. For this I'd assume it's best to use sync cursor- correct? Why would you NOT use sync cursor to timeline with track motion?

7 Velocity envelopes. Another feature that can get tricky. Let me get this straight- it's IMPOSSIBLE to "reverse" a clip that is cut. ...Let me explain, my workflow entails I capture each DV tape as a single 1hour DV file. I lay it on the timeline and splice it up....sometimes I see a clip I want reversed yet it doesn't allow me. This is, I'm assuming, because it's not a complete file but only a spliced section of it. So the only way around this would be to import the whole 1 hour file, reverse that, THEN resize it so it only shows the portion I need reversed?!
Also, correct me if I'm wrong but you have to make your splices BEFORE you run a velocity envelope. I'll slow a clip down, find the exact point I want to splice it...yet the clip to the left will be out of whack won't be contiguous to the clip on the right the way it was prior to splicing. I remember Edward mentioning his method for using velocity envelopes and splicing on MANY occasions- you'd think I would have actually absorbed it once. NOPE. :)

So if any of you care to take a stab at all/some of these I'd greatly appreciate it. If I haven't explained any of the issue correctly please let me know- I can get caught up in my propensity to over write. Thanks in advance.
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Old April 14th, 2004, 01:29 PM   #1269
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Man, where do we start? :-)

1) The Envelope Tool will let you select multiple envelope points and move them en-masse.

2) Never seen a "Group w/ Event Attributes" button

3/4) I'll defer to here

5) The best color correction tutorials I know are by BillyBoy

6) Yes, you must make sure you are in the same timeframe as the event. Sync Cursor is a good means of doing that. I don't like the Sync Cursor when using Pan/Crop and very infrequently use Track Motion in such a way that the entire track cannot be modified. Remember, the Track Motion keyframes also appear in a small bar below the picons.

7) No, it's not impossible. You're just approaching it wrong. You have to START AT THE END. Make your FIRST cut at the end of the clip. Now make a second cut somewhere to the right. Add the velocity envelope, reverse it, and then resize as needed to find the new "ending" point.

I have simplified the process of reversing a clip using Excalibur. In this case, you CAN do your workflow and it will properly adjust the position of the clip so it reverses what you really wanted.
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Old April 14th, 2004, 10:45 PM   #1270
Hawaiian Shirt Mogul
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set the project properties to widescreen

then use the pan/crop 16x9 preset ...

when you render be sure to check the box " stretch video to fill frame do NOT letterbox...
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Old April 15th, 2004, 02:15 AM   #1271
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I don't think anything exists for that. And even if it did, it would
propably be very easy to work around. Normally you show less
of a full movie, or in a bad quality or with some notifcations on it.

To the best of my knowledge time limit stuff doesn't exist.
Hollywood has been experimenting with DVD's that are sealed
from air and when exposed to it (by opening the case) they will
go "dark" within 48 hours. But that's still more than enough time
to copy them for example.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 15th, 2004, 03:27 AM   #1272
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A full End Action facility will allow you to specify a range of things to happen at the end of a clip - e.g. go to sub-menu X etc., as well as simply play another clip.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 03:30 AM   #1273
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They used to have something in Mission Impossible about "this message will self - destruct in 10 seconds" -I wonder how they did that ;)
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Old April 15th, 2004, 05:16 AM   #1274
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If we told you then we'd have to kill you. Mission Impossible you know!


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Old April 15th, 2004, 05:49 AM   #1275
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cross fade help

I cant delet a cross fades can you help. I zoom in on the timeline right click on the crossfade and delet, but no luck I still see a blue curve line ??

Thanks Vince
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