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Old April 8th, 2004, 02:07 AM   #1186
Inner Circle
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strange, i think its actualy the HD configuration...

Theyre ntfs drives, but the only way i can play these files (after being rendered) is within the Vegas timeline (so printing to tape is straigh off avi from teh timeline, not vidcap), no other editor will acknowledge the files actual duration either...
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Old April 8th, 2004, 02:10 AM   #1187
Inner Circle
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individual clip track motions work wonders here..

another trick is to layer a looping clip under the main image slideshow.. this way any gaps caused will be filled with this.. and another trick is to lower the opacity of the slideshow track and use a light coloured texture animated with pixellan flowtexture... this is good for weddings :)
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Old April 8th, 2004, 03:01 AM   #1188
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I'm not sure what you are trying to do here Peter. DVD-Video
doesn't support HD resolutions. So yes, DVD Architect will
re-encode the video to 720x576 (PAL) or 720x480 (NTSC).
So all you've done is add hours upon hours of re-encoding and
losing quality to gain absolutely nothing.

The only way to distribute HD to someone else at this point in
time is to use MPEG2-HD (which no DVD player to the best of
my knowledge supports yet including all authoring applications
since it isn't a DVD standard) or WM9 HD. The latter can be
burned on a DVD-Data disc or as an extra file on a DVD-Video
and there 2 players (I belief) out there that can play that back.

Other then that there is also D-VHS which is HD if I'm not mistaken.
Again, not a lot of people have players for that and I'm not sure
how you would get your HD footage from your computer on to it.

Then again, since you are usampling your footage, why not keep
it SD? I don't see any advantage to upsample which costs you a
lot of time and then you basically have nothing to distribute it

People with HD TV's or projectors might have a DVD player that
will upsample (in realtime) the SD footage to HD or have a special
upsampler in their chain.

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Old April 8th, 2004, 03:15 AM   #1189
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Also see this thread

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Old April 8th, 2004, 03:40 AM   #1190
Inner Circle
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much appreciated rob.. i guess therres alot i gotta learn about hd :)
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Old April 8th, 2004, 09:39 AM   #1191
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Might've just been down -- anyhow it works fine now -- thanks!
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Old April 8th, 2004, 03:58 PM   #1192
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Capturing Problems

Hey Im having a problem with capturing my footage. I cue my devie and start capturing and after about 20 second absolutley everything stalls even the mouse and keyboard i can't even shut down i have to turn off the power switch. I have lost many files over this and i really would like to know what to do to fix this problem. If i uninstall and reload the software do i loose my vegas files? Is there anyother way i could fix this?
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Old April 8th, 2004, 05:54 PM   #1193
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re: Vegas EDL

The OMF files are in fact the MEDIA files that AVID is a proprietary media format
Unlike othe NLE's, Avid does not use the OS native filing system...instead it creates a chain of arbitrarily named
OMF files...I believe Avid developed this system because 10 years ago quicktime and Video for Windows did not have the stuff to do real NTSC video....

....if you wish to recreate the project on your Vegas machine, try having your client output a generic(text) edl, then import that into your vegas project as an edl...then re-digitise the media onto your system...if all you are doing is scoring, it wont matter much if the transition s are the same type; Vegas will replace any transition other than a cut with a dissolve by default, but you can always change that if you like.
The other thing you can do is have the client export the timeline as an avi or MPG-2 file, then burn it on a disc(DVD?) ..then just drop the file onto your timeline and start to score.....that would only work if the aquistion footage timecode is not critical.
Good Luck
Omens carry only as much weight as we choose to assign them.
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Old April 8th, 2004, 07:42 PM   #1194
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Uninstalling and reinstalling will not remove or harm any of your AVI files. As for what's causing the problem, it's very hard to say.
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Old April 8th, 2004, 09:15 PM   #1195
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Yeah i know that uninstaling the program won't remove my avi but will it remove my project files? If so could i save my project files on a disk and when im done uninstalling and reinstalling could i load my saved files from a cd?
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Old April 9th, 2004, 12:20 AM   #1196
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An error occurred starting Vegas

I recently had to format the HD. After reinstallation I now get the message

"An error occurred starting Vegas. The reason for the error could not be determined."

It was working fine before...should I reinstall it yet again?
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Old April 9th, 2004, 04:46 AM   #1197
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Online music purchases: using in my NLE

I'm working on a short video montage for my daughter's 16th birthday. There are a small number of songs that I'd like to include, but I don't want to buy the whole CD, so I thought "hey, perfect. I'll just download each individual track for a buck off of one of the many sites out there." So, I download a song or two, and try to import the media into my NLE (Vegas), and I get an error due to the fact that the file has copy protection. Is there any way I can use this song in my NLE, or do I have to purchase the CD? Is there a site that offers non-copy protected versions? I don't mind paying more, I just want the file to be useful.

I know all about the copyright issues, but this production truly is for personal use only.
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Old April 9th, 2004, 05:25 AM   #1198
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But the music DOES play from your MP3 device, right ??
You could get a wire to connect the output of this to your sound card and record the audio to an AVI.
Not "perfect" duplicate, but it should take care of the video.

Have fun.
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Old April 9th, 2004, 05:55 AM   #1199
RED Code Chef
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No, it will not remove your project files either. But to be safe it is
always good to back those up anyway (to a CD for example).

Let's return to the basics first:

1) what computer hardware do you have (brand, CPU, memory, harddisk(s) [brand, size], other equipement like burners, extra expansion cards like capture boards etc.

2) which operating system and what version are you running

3) what card are you using to capture? (full blown capture card, el cheapo firewire card, builtin firewire port etc.)

My first thought would be whether you have DMA enabled. But
such things are really impossible to tell with an as detailed as
possible description from you regarding what you have in your
system, what you run and how you use it.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 9th, 2004, 05:59 AM   #1200
RED Code Chef
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What OS are you running? I re-install can't hurt, so try it out.

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