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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old March 30th, 2004, 08:47 PM   #1051
Sponsor: JET DV
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Yes. If you had given DVDA the AVI files then you could have adjusted the bitrate to match the total size.

Alternately, just make sure you render the correct size to begin with. Take a look at my newsletter where I discuss this topic. I also have a bitrate chart in that issue.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old March 31st, 2004, 02:46 AM   #1052
RED Code Chef
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Go into the pan/crop settings for the clip. There should be presets
there to flip the image (if I remember correctly).

p.s. I moved the post to a more approriate forum

Rob Lohman,
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Old March 31st, 2004, 04:52 AM   #1053
Inner Circle
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well i installed it, and it runs fine as standalone

then when tryin to run it as a plugin i keep gettin the .NET thingy, so i go to MS and download the 20odd mb app...

restart the machine, try to run the plugin and it happens again..

run the app as standalone, an theres no problem..

then theres the GFX card support, apparently its supposed to support gfx card rendering, which for some reason wont read a Radeon ATI card.. so its all done in SW...

these are jsut bugs, so im sure he'll fix these.

good potnetial and its free...

great work Satish!
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Old March 31st, 2004, 05:20 AM   #1054
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I've heard when this happens, usually an uninstall and reinstall of Vegas is necessary. I wonder why Sony doesn't alert users to download and install .net framework first?
If the quality of mercy is not strained, then how do they get the lumps out?
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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:04 AM   #1055
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Yes, pan/crop can do that easily.

To get to the "presets", open Pan/Crop, right-click the image on the Pan/Crop screen, and several options appear including "Flip Horizontal" and "Flip Vertical".
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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:09 AM   #1056
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Peter, there ARE some cases where it is necessary to uninstall/reinstall Vegas AFTER installing the .NET Framework.

Can you run any scripts? If not, I would recommend the uninstall/reinstall procedure.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old March 31st, 2004, 08:51 AM   #1057
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Audio workflow suggestions?

I'm looking to shoot with both a wireless and onboard shotgun with my newly aquired PD-170 for the upcoming Wedding season. I've heard from many the best set-up is to have one on each channel that way in post I can pan accordingly to get the sound from whatever source I choose. Nothing is lost in imaging beings both sources are record mono.

My question is this- say if I record this way and I have the shotgun audio in the Left Channel, and the wireless in Right. If there is a sceen where I want only the wireless audio- what do I do? Do I pan to the right (or channel it was recorded on)...will that effectively give me the audio of the wireless out of both left and right?

How about instances where I want both sources out of both channels simultaneously? I heard people talk about duplicating channels. How do I do that? Or should I just duplicate the audio clip and pan one all the way to the left and the other panned all the way to the right?

Thanks in advance!
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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:55 AM   #1058
Inner Circle
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You right click on the event and choose which channel you want. Check the Vegas shortcuts list.

2- To have both I think you want to duplicate the audio onto another track. You may have to slide one of the channels back a little bit to account for different times it takes for the sound to get to your mic. (not too sure about this)
Glenn Chan is offline  
Old March 31st, 2004, 09:53 AM   #1059
Sponsor: JET DV
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Yep, just add the audio twice, right-click one of them, choose Channels, then Left Channel Only. Right-click the other one, choose Channels, then Right Channel Only. Then you can use the standard volume controls to determine how much of each is added to the final mix.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 07:05 PM   #1060
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Problem using avi clips outside vegas

Hi, don't know if this is a vegas related problem or a windows xp one.

I want to use clips captured with vegas in others applications, like AE and SteadyHand but I am unable to plaback thoses clips outside Vegas, even Windows Media Player cannot play them.

I have heard that Vegas use a proprietary DV codec so I have tried to render my clips in uncompressed AVI without better result.

In WMP, I get this error: Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The file is either corrupt or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play.

When I try to play it within Steadyhand: Directshow problem: Could not playback video file !

So I need some help here.. :)

Jean-Philippe Archibald -
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Old March 31st, 2004, 09:30 PM   #1061
Sponsor: JET DV
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While the Vegas codec can only be used by Vegas for rendering purposes, it can still be READ by other codecs (such as MSDV). Also, capturing is an entirely different animal - the codec doesn't even come into play. Something else must be going on.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 04:29 AM   #1062
RED Code Chef
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Vegas internally uses a different codec indeed (but you can force
it to use MSDV in the settings). BUT, it writes 100% compliant
MSDV files. If you look in the header it is the exact same as MSDV.

So if you can't read the files something else must be wrong.
I can play all my Vegas files in Windows Media Player without a
problem. I would suggest you download the latest WMP from
Microsoft and (re)install it. See if that fixes your problem. Sounds
like the DV codec has been messed up somehow. (Re)Installing
the latest version of DirectX might help in this case as well.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 1st, 2004, 05:05 AM   #1063
Inner Circle
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Are you capturing the clips, editing them and then rendering them to AVI's?

If so, I wonder if you are rendering them as OpenDML (AVI 2.0) files, which can't be read by every application.

Try rendering a clip and select Custom Template then Video and uncheck the OpenDML box in the Video Settings.
Ian Stark is offline  
Old April 1st, 2004, 07:36 AM   #1064
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I Lost Some Titling Fonts!

Yesterday, I formatted my hard drive and re-installed vegas 4.0 (which I had done many times prior with no problems). Prior to this, I had been editing a wedding video which was coming along nicely.

After re-installing Vegas, I brought up my previously edited wedding video and I noticed that all the titling fonts/letters on the timeline titles had changed to "symbols." When I went to change everything back to the original letter styles, I noticed that many of the letter styles had disappeared from the drop down list under the media generator titler. For example, I no longer have "stencil" or "Batavia".

What happened?

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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:41 AM   #1065
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Location: Saguenay, Québec, Canada
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Rob, Thank you for your reply and suggestions, I will try it tonight.

Ian, I have already tried this one without better result.
Jean-Philippe Archibald -
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