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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old March 11th, 2004, 11:27 AM   #736
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Thanks Edward,

You've been a big help. You may be onto something with the 'too long' to wake-up idea. i'll probably try the alternative method by rendering a single AVI file and dropping it on the timeline in another project, then use the PTT.


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Old March 11th, 2004, 03:38 PM   #737
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Exactly what I needed, thanks....
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Old March 11th, 2004, 03:45 PM   #738
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Concur that can be a problem with the auto add but I think you can get around that by clicking on the "first frame of the clip" symbol in the pan/crop window (diamond with a line in front of it) which puts you on the first frame of the clip. Then I position the cursor where I want the zoom to complete and adjust the frame. Vegas adds the diamond at that point on the pan/crop timeline and to the video track for you. But hey, you know all of this much better than I. Thanks for the tutorials.
P.S. I own and use Excalibar 1 and 2 and highly recommend them!
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Old March 11th, 2004, 06:39 PM   #739
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3.0 demo mode help

Should I be able to capture DV video in demo mode I have the firewire card in
The computer sees it but when I go to capture it says, "no capture device" under the video tab..I would like to see if it will work on this box before I buy the software Dell 2.4 p 128 ram 30 gig hd..I can get audio from the CD player and stills via usb and work with them but no dice with DV ??


Vince ..New to Vegas
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Old March 11th, 2004, 08:11 PM   #740
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Yes, I believe you should be able to capture. Are you trying to capture via firewire? If yes, what driver is your firewire card using and what chipset does it use? Also, sometimes it helps to have the camera turned on when booting the computer.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old March 11th, 2004, 08:58 PM   #741
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Are you using Win XP?

If you connect/turn on your video camera, XP should open up a window when it connects. Do you get this at least? If you don't get that, it may be your computer, not Vegas. Have you achieved a Firewire connection before using other software?
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Old March 11th, 2004, 11:15 PM   #742
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Thanks to you both. I appreciate the info, and I'll look into the Ulead apps. I had read somewhere that a fellow upgraded to Vegas for better image quality on the final product. I was not sure if he meant Vegas accomplished that, or since the final was on DVD, if the +DVD package made it a higher quality (better codecs ?)
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
James Sudik is offline  
Old March 11th, 2004, 11:28 PM   #743
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try using the cookie cutter (eye dropper ) to get a RGB reading on your blue

applies to DV clips using a dv codec.
as other have said it is very difficult to capture a still from Video and drop it in photoshop and expect the RGB's to be the same as they are in a NLE ..
a good example is the link that was provided and within that article is a link to SMPTE bars. i'm certain that at some point these bars were correct. but these BARS are NOT correct.
every color is OFF and it is not a each is off by the same X rgb ...
the only correct RGB's are the pluges and WHITE.

you can use the cookie cutter in Vegas to read RGB's.
note that Vegas smpte color bars have a pattern.
180 180 180 rgb (grey- white)
180 180 16 rgb (yellow)
16 180 180 rgb cyan
16 180 16 rgb green
180 16 16 rgb red
16 16 180 rgb blue
180 16 180 rgb magenta

do you see the pattern - the numbers are either 16 or 180
if these were FULL saturation BARS the numbers would be 0 or 255 ... other bars i've come across are 190 or 0 .. i've seen some others that have different #'s AND again they have a pattern like the above. note that the BARS provided in the above link have no pattern.

there is a difference between NTSC 601 mapping VS. one that supports NTSC RGB mapping. 601 mapping 100 IRE is 235RGB .. RGB mapping 255 is 100 ire ... this is WHY you see a slight difference between the Vegas codec (601 mapping) and microsofts Dv codec ( rgb mapping) .. NOTE that you could set your whites to 255 255 255 in Premiere and render out and the clip would be LEGAL as the 255 would render out to 100 ire. HOWEVER setting whites to 255 in Vegas ( 601 mapping) they would render out to 108 ire and be ILLEGAL.
always check your scopes.

601 mapping = Vegas, Avid, canopus & some others..
does not support 601 mapping = msDv codec , main concepts dv codec , matrox dv codec and some others.
the newest version of QT in FCP 4 i believe supports BOTH 601 and rgb mapping ( i don't use FCP but have been told you can set it)

if you stay in your NLE you will do not need to know/worry about 601 /rgb mapping as your NLE is set up for whatever method it uses. HOWEVER if you render with your NLE then take those clips into another app to work on -you should be aware that if the mapping is different then your NLE mapping the rendered clip will be read slightly different. the differences can be corrected. IMO render smpte color bars at head of your clip. take that into the other app- correct the color bars and use that setting for all clips in future. in Vegas use CC fx(combination of offset and gain)
Don Donatello is offline  
Old March 12th, 2004, 06:48 AM   #744
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I’m running w2k pro ..As to the drivers I installed the card and per Vegas website I let w2k find it and I think it did ..When I get home I will try the camera on at boot up

Thanks guys

Vince Debart is offline  
Old March 12th, 2004, 08:26 AM   #745
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Vegas captured DV files problem

I recently developed a problem, and now any DV-AVI file I capture using Vegas Capture crashes Windows Media Player as soon as I try and playback the file.
The file plays fine IN Vegas but kicks WMP in the BUTT!!!

Now to confuse the issue, if I use DVIO to capture, I can play back the avi file fine in Windows Media Player.

This just started happening and I don't like it.
Jeff Toogood is offline  
Old March 12th, 2004, 08:45 AM   #746
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Sounds like you've messed up some codec used by WMP somehow (probably the MSDV codec). You might want to try re-installing WMP and see if that fixes your problem. Your DVIO capture wouldn't be using the same codec.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old March 12th, 2004, 12:51 PM   #747
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I have a funny problem in which sometimes when I capture DV into Vegas my sound emits a high pitch whine and I have to reboot. It really sucks.
My clips and films.
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Old March 12th, 2004, 08:28 PM   #748
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Ok, here's the VERY weird part. The tapes I am capturing where actually shot with my friends Sony TRV18. I tried capturing some footage that my camera shot and those files worked fine.

What could possibly be wrong with all his tapes? Do you guys think it is a big deal? The files seem to work fine in Vegas.

It is a little un-nerving though, since I have a big project where I have to combine footage from both cameras into the finished project.
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Old March 12th, 2004, 10:26 PM   #749
Sponsor: JET DV
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Were you using the same camera to capture tapes recorded in BOTH cameras?
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Old March 12th, 2004, 10:27 PM   #750
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Yes, I used my TRV38 to do all the capturing.

The tapes are all Sony Premium Blue - Brand New
Jeff Toogood is offline  
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