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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old February 6th, 2004, 04:44 AM   #286
Old Boot
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1 - JKL keys are for previewing. Not for finished products. If you want to preview stuff then use the advice given above. I can Preview at 20x realtime. The sound dissapears at around 4x . . little loss as the audio would be . .well senseless . .

2 - Vegas can do what you want. Use the velo envelopes. There's been a vary recent post on how to achieve rates higher than 300% > > 1000% and onwards if you wanted...

If you want to go to AE, that's your decision . . But Sony_vegas will do it . .and you can also do it in reverse . .if your fancy took you . .

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Old February 6th, 2004, 06:01 AM   #287
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Depending on what you want there is Tsunami,Excalibur,Neon and some great stuff by Satish at which are all free. Satish writes these on his own time for all of us and has some cool stuff. Also try for some really cool veg files. You have to register but its free and no junk comes to you. (thank you Spot)
All depends on what you want but there is a lot of good stuff for Vegas out there.

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Old February 6th, 2004, 06:17 AM   #288
Old Boot
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Vegas employs .NET framework to allow for an open source type scripting, for others to create scripts - oh yes there is a scripting forum. These scripts do the most amazing things . .and yes Excalibur, Tsunami and Neon utilize these scripts. Now we start cooking beacuse there is a WHOLE load of scripts that can add wonderful creative options for Vegas.

Now . .try this out . .you may have to register . .no bad thing . but then you'll JUST see what is possible - yeah:

. . have fun . . lots to see and do . ..

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Old February 6th, 2004, 07:03 AM   #289
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That's because it is 29.97 fps. Simple answer. ALL DV is at the
DV framerate of 29.97 (59.94i) for NTSC or 25 (50i) for PAL.

Your 24p footage is being processed with a pulldown to create
29.97 footage. If you set your Vegas project to the correct
24p setting it will auto undo this for you.

No worries, you won't get any picture degrading because of this.
This is the way it is supposed to be!

There is an official 24p White Paper out that you can get here.

Please read that!

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 6th, 2004, 07:05 AM   #290
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Thanks Don,

I tried your suggestion last evening and MyDVD balked at trying
to 'get movie'. It immediately issued an error message, "could not complete the last command because: use of invalid editor; File Reference;;FileReferenceEditorBase". Has this worked for you?

I'm contacting Sonic for their solution. but I'd still appreciate any known solutions.

Thanks, Joseph
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Old February 6th, 2004, 07:56 AM   #291
Inner Circle
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I really don't use MyDVD anymore (I use 2 other programs) but I just tried it again to see if I could duplicate the problem you're having and I couldn't. I've been able to pickup all my AVI's with the get movie command.
I'm not at all familiar with the error message you're getting, perhaps the Sonic forum might be able to help better.
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Old February 6th, 2004, 08:14 AM   #292
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Using CTRL-Drag, you can get a 4x speed increase. With a velocity envelope, you can get a 3x speed increase. Combine the two and you can get up to 12x. If you need faster than that, render at 12x and then speed up the new clip again.
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Old February 6th, 2004, 08:22 AM   #293
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There are lots of plugins for Vegas. For example:

Pixelan - a great dissolve enhancer and also provides other effects.
Boris RED/FX/Graffiti - Works directly from the timeline and is similar to AE in abilities.
Zenote - a series of plugins derived from FilmFX by BigFX.

Naturally, don't want to forget plugs by Satish and SDMoore or Excalibur, Tsunami, and Neon. Here's several links:
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Old February 6th, 2004, 08:28 AM   #294
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Before switching to DVD Architect, I used to use MPEG2 files from Vegas in MyDVD's big brother - DVDit. Vegas will make DVD legal MPEGs assuming the MPEG options are set correctly. Just make sure the options are set in such a way that MyDVD will be happy.
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Old February 6th, 2004, 08:45 AM   #295
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Ok so all i did was just change the timeline marker into 24p is there anyother changes i need to make to vegas to edit correctly in 24p?
Jamison Olivieri is offline  
Old February 6th, 2004, 11:30 AM   #296
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I shoot with a DVX100 as well- what was it originally shot in...24p or 24pA? If it's just 24p you should edit like normal without choosing the 24p template. If you shot in 24pA you need to select the Vegas 24p template, make sure all prerenders are 2-3-3-2 and final output is 2-3. The whitepaper link Rob posted explains it all.
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Old February 6th, 2004, 01:11 PM   #297
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I use it almost every day by rendering to MPEG2 in Vegas, then pulling it down to MyDVD as original.

It also works by rendering to .avi, then letting MyDVD pull it to a MPEG2.

Did you try uninstall then reinstall (always a last resort but works sometimes)
Dan Holly
Anchorage, Alaska
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Old February 6th, 2004, 01:11 PM   #298
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Vegas plugins?

What major 3rd party effects generator( Boris Red, Pinnacle FXGold etc.) works with Vegas 4.0? Thats the only thing I think that really limits Vegas is the lack of 3rd party support that PPro and Avid has. The transitions selection in vegas are limited as well. What do you Vegas pros think?
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Old February 6th, 2004, 01:57 PM   #299
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Thanks everyone,

I haven't solved the problem yet, but I'm convinced it is a problem with my implementation. I have MyDVD version 4.5 and it came installed from Dell. I will try the uninstall and re-install as suggested.

Prior to buying Vegas 4, I used Pinnacle Studio 7 (yuk). I had the same problem with MyDVD. I attributed the problem to Pinnacle since I couldn't always get a clean MPEG render with their software. Now that I have Vegas and alwyas get a great MPEG2 render, I began to suspect MyDVD as the problem. I really appreciate all the feedback.

Joseph Lawrence is offline  
Old February 6th, 2004, 02:10 PM   #300
RED Code Chef
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Boris has a filter set out for Vegas, not sure which one. But check
their website. I'm not sure about others. Vegas only got a lot
of attention recently (when comparing to the timeline of other
NLE's like Premiere and Avid) and I wouldn't be surprised if more
stuff will start to emerge slowly. It's always a demand and supply

Almost no professional is using transitions because they almost
always look cheesy. If you really need some interesting transition
you can make one yourself with photoshop (don't forget to use
the alpha channels) and gradients in Vegas.

Rob Lohman,
DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef

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