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Old June 28th, 2004, 08:13 PM   #2086
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Unfortunately, the upgrade from Vegas 5 to Vegas 5 + DVD has now gone up significantly. You could try, as Michael suggested, calling Customer Support to see what they will do for you. Who knows, you *might* get lucky.
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Old June 28th, 2004, 08:40 PM   #2087
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New Sound Forge book.

The new Sound Forge 7 book is shipping now, written by Jeffrey P. Fisher. Amazon has a deal going for $17.50 Good book, low price, great Sound Forge information. Has some information relating to the export/import from Vegas to Sound Forge as well, not to mention the authoring of ACID loops.
Jeffrey is a terrific author, wait'll you see the new Instant VASST book on Vegas that Jeffrey and I are doing together. In the meantime, enjoy Jeffrey's newest book on Sound Forge! This is one book that isn't a rewrite of the owners manual. It's all tip/technique oriented.
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Old June 28th, 2004, 08:43 PM   #2088
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Cool, I can't wait for the Instant Vegas book too.
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Old June 28th, 2004, 09:34 PM   #2089
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Thanks so far for your suggestions.

What does anyone here think of DVDlab?
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Old June 28th, 2004, 10:51 PM   #2090
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My settings are pretty much the default.

I do have the trim right point, left point and exit edit on the 3 buttons above the wheel. makes it easy to jump to event trim mode, jog with the wheel and exit. This is a great tool. While I can use keys for most stuff, just being able to easily move 1 frame to adjust some footage is great. I wish though that there was something in Vegas that would allow you to "enter" an adjacent trim mode (Not just hold down qualitier and if mouse is over a point, then you can adjacent trim). That way I could use the wheel for that too.

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Old June 29th, 2004, 02:09 AM   #2091
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Keep in mind that all DVD players can playback progressive since
it doesn't know there is any difference. The timing has just changed
between the fields, that's all.

It sounds like all went the way you wanted it to go.

I just checked my WinDVD and I see I can change the way it
does de-interlace, but it looks like I can't turn it off indeed. Hmmm,
I could swear the software supported that in an earlier version.


Rob Lohman,
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Old June 29th, 2004, 02:22 AM   #2092
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I would stick with the big names in DVD authoring Barry. And
first call Sony. Only start looking futher if they are not willing
to help you out.

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Old June 29th, 2004, 04:23 AM   #2093
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What's with the fonts?

I've got Vegas 4, and Vegas 4 has quite a few fonts to choose from. . .

Or does it?

Some of them work fine, and some, when I select them, the text changes in the "edit generated media" dialogue box, but NOT in the Vegas preview window, which I'm assuming means that if I used that font, I'd just get nothing, or, more precisely, the font I selected before that DID change in the preview window. What's up with this?
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Old June 29th, 2004, 05:01 AM   #2094
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audio data rate when rendering - 192 Kbps?

i am trying to make a dvd using vegas 5 + architect.

the way i am doing it is by rendering the project in vegas 5 into 2 seperate files, a video file and an audio file:
1. mpeg-2 DVD Architect PAL video stream (containing only video)
2. AC-3 Stereo DVD (containing only audio)

then i open these files in architect and create the dvd.

i just have a question regarding the rendering of the audio to AC-3 Stereo. in the "DESCRIPTION" box, in the "RENDER AS" dialogue (below the template menu), i noticed that the audio is data rate is set to 192 kbps. by entering "CUSTOM..." i have the option to select a higher data rate in the "Audio Service" tab . my questions are:

1. is there a particular reason that the default is set to 192 Kbps?
2. if i change that variable in the "Custom..." menu to a higher data rate, will i be affecting anything besides the quality of the sound? am i risking anything? will the sound be suddenly out of sinc or something of that sort?
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Old June 29th, 2004, 05:46 AM   #2095
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1. is there a particular reason that the default is set to 192 Kbps?

No, this is a standard set by Dolby Labs. Reason is strorage vs quality

Mainly, this is used for larger projects and the smaller audio bitrate requires minimal disc space.. this is ideal for 2hour + dvd5's

2. if i change that variable in the "Custom..." menu to a higher data rate, will i be affecting anything besides the quality of the sound? am i risking anything? will the sound be suddenly out of sinc or something of that sort?

It will affect the size of the file as well as quality. Think of it as an MP3 (coz thats basically what it is)
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Old June 29th, 2004, 07:55 AM   #2096
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I just ran a similar test last night. We've been shooting in Canon's "Frame Mode" and I wanted assurance that MPEG progressive burned from DVDA2 would work in a standard Home DVD player. The burned DVD has 2 buttons on the menu (1 interlaced and 1 progressive of the same widescreen scene). Playback on a standard DVD player monitored on an NTSC TV was not significantly different for either clip. Motion interlace distortion seemed slightly more noticeable on the progressive clip, but this is probably due to the timing issues brought up by Rob.

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Old June 29th, 2004, 08:06 AM   #2097
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<<<-- Originally posted by Barry Rivadue : Thanks so far for your suggestions.

What does anyone here think of DVDlab? -->>>

Pegasys (same people who do TMPGenc) DVDLab is an excellent DVD authoring app for someone without DVD Architect.... which means I still prefer DVDA as it's selectable data/compression rate, selectable audio format (PCM, AC3 and Dolby 5.1) options give the best looking results while maximizing disk usage. DVDA's interface is a lot easier: i.e. intuitive than DVDLabs' in my opinion, let alone the fact that Vegas will write MPEG2 DVDA format video to make things even easier!!!
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Old June 29th, 2004, 08:26 AM   #2098
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Thanks for confirming my test results. Since my Elura can shoot in Progressive, I was considering always shooting and rendering in progressive. However, my target TVs are mostly interlace and one progressive capable set.

After not noticing much difference, I think I'm going back to shooting in interlace mode.

Another concern I have with shooting in progressive is the original tape footage. It seems like most consumer or pro-consumer miniDV cameras have dropped progressive scan mode. I don't know if my progressive scan tapes will play properly in a camera that doesn't support progressive scan.

I want ensure I can grab a few frames from my original source tapes regardless of the camera I'm using at the time. One of these days I need to run to a store and try one of my progressive scan tapes in a standard camera.
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Old June 29th, 2004, 09:26 AM   #2099
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Lots of our progressive (frame mode) footage shot on GL2s has been downloaded to a computer on a JVC MiniDV with no progressive capability. The footage comes up in the media pool as progressive, so I don't think that should be an issue for you.

As far as the look of progressive vs interlaced, I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. the marketplace doesn't seem to have decided the fate of progressive vs interlaced HD TVs at this point. And as far as prosumer DV or HDV camcorders go, I'm not sure that progressive has been abandoned. It looks like it's here to stay (an opinion).
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Old June 29th, 2004, 09:48 AM   #2100
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How do i stop DVDA from re-rendering files i dont want it to re-render?

I carry a Dolby TSA, so I can use their logo's and stuff.. but when I go to use that as an intro, DVD2 always wants to reprocess/re-render it..

Is there a way to stop this from happening in the disc optimization??

Any thoughts; ideas would be greatly appreciated..

I've used from project, other times I've used PAL (I'm in Pal land) but it always wants to change it.. and when i select to NOT re-render, (from yes to no in the drop down) it automatically switches back to yes..

not happy!!!!
Peter Jefferson is offline  
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