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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old January 21st, 2004, 10:18 PM   #181
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I see the slideshow idea, but what I want to do is run the frames at full rate video. So essentially as an animated cartoon.

I haven't tried your suggestion yet, but does "load image sequence" actually load the series of frames as a video stream or do you have to do something special to get that effect?


- GLupien
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Old January 22nd, 2004, 01:34 AM   #182
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Animation is nothing but a fast slideshow.
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Old January 22nd, 2004, 05:05 AM   #183
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Load Image Sequence should load each image as one frame,
thus creating what you call "a video stream".

With the other option you are creating stills that last longer
then one frame.

Rob Lohman,
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Old January 22nd, 2004, 08:16 AM   #184
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<<<-- Originally posted by Gordon Lupien Jr. : does "load image sequence" actually load the series of frames as a video stream or do you have to do something special to get that effect?-->>>

Yes. It will load them essentially as a "video" where each of the images you have will become one frame each. You can also do this manually but using the load image sequence option is the easiest/fastest way.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old January 22nd, 2004, 08:21 AM   #185
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Very cool! Thanks!

- GLupien
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 09:30 PM   #186
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Neon - a plugin for Vegas

Just released: Neon – A plugin for Vegas

The minds that brought you Excalibur have done it again. Neon features 14 new Wizards that will make your editing easier and faster than ever before.

Here is a quick overview:

Save VEG Wizard: saves your project in several places and automatically names each successive save. No more hunting for your VEG directory!

Asset Collector Wizard handles all the rendering and still capture you need to create DVDs: Mpegs, AC3, AVIs and Still Frames....all in one operation!

PBS Wizard instantly turns your boring photo project into a TV-style montage with gentle zooms on all selected images.

Storyboard Wizard gives you a whole new way for you and your clients to see the flow of your project

Overlap Wizard finally gives you a way to quickly overlap events with a specific duration. You also get a stand-alone version so you can overlap with one keystroke!

Radio Fade Wizard is perfect for montages. It takes any set of audio events and realigns them with great sounding cross fades.

Also included are Desquiggle Wizard, Frame Fix Wizard, Goto First/Last Marker Wizard, Find Unused Wizard, Apply Effects Wizard, Tilt Wizard, Four Points Wizard.

For more information go to

A free demo is available for download. You will be able to look over the manual and use the program 15 times.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 08:23 AM   #187
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Keyframing, anyone?

Well, I tried to figure out how keyframing works, or what it is in the first place.

Don't seems to have a keyframing explanation in this forum (did a search) and the manual not helping any.

Just a little quick explanation would really get me going. Thanks.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 12:30 PM   #188
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Let's look at a specific example:

What if you have a 10 second clip that you want to apply an effect to that changes over time. Let's say you want to go from a black & white look and have it slowly go toward full color. Maybe you want the B&W footage to play for about 5 seconds before the color starts to show up. Go to the beginning of the clip and apply a b&W effect with the setting at 100% B&W. A small diamond (keyframe) will appear below the clip on the timeline. Right click on that diamond and choose "copy". Go to 5 seconds into the clip and choose "paste". Then go to the end of the clip and adjust the B&W to 0%. It will automatically create another keyframe there. So what you've just done is let a clip play in B&W for 5 seconds and then, for the next five seconds, it slowly transitioned to full color.

Keyframes just allow you to animate the settings of effects or movement by graphics and such. It's a very useful thing to get the hang of. I hope my ramblings make sense.

"I like Mankato just a little bit better than any other town in the world." -Sinclair Lewis
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Old January 26th, 2004, 01:49 PM   #189
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THANKS. This is great.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:02 PM   #190
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If you start building keyframes from the beginning, you don't have to copy and paste to make the same keyframe down the line. All you have to do is go to that point and hit the plus button to add another keyframe with the current settings. Does the same thing, but it much faster.

If, however, you already have keyframes further down the timeline, you must copy and paste to get the exact same settings.
Joe Sacher is offline  
Old January 29th, 2004, 12:53 AM   #191
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freezing during rendering

I am using VV3 and trying to render my project to a .mov file. The rendering has frozen on me twice. It stopped at 26% both times. I've had no problem rendering .mpeg files. What could be causing the freezing when I try to render to a .mov file?

Dennis Turkmen is offline  
Old January 29th, 2004, 06:18 AM   #192
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I've had a similar occasional problem when rendering to wmv. Just seems to hang (at the same point, every time. Although the freeze point differs from project to project, it's always at the same time). I tried to find something on the timeline that may have been causing the problem but it was all quite tame.

I wondered about it being a lack of disk space (but that wasn't it). Changing the settings (audio/video etc) seemed to cure the problem and let me render OK.

For one project that I really wanted to render as wmv at specific settings, I rendered to avi first then created a new project, put the avi on the timeline and rendered that to the desired settings.

Not an explanation for why it's happening, I know.

Someone here (Rob, I think) suggested I reinstall Vegas. I've done that now and I haven't had the same problem (although it was only very occasionally in the first place, so I don't know if it's cured).

Maybe give that a shot, Dennis? Good luck.
Ian Stark is offline  
Old January 29th, 2004, 07:49 AM   #193
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Premiere AVI to +DVD?

I've put three years into Premiere, and I'm not a young man anymore:( I hear great things about +DVD but don't want to learn Vegas from scratch. Could I import MPEG-2 from the Main Concept encoder into +DVD? Could I feed +DVD either MS AVI or Canopus AVI and have it do the encoding? I assume there'd be some codec conversion involved but it might be worth the time to me. I'm not ready to go to XP from win2kpro and that lets out Encore, which doesn't sound quite ready for prime time yet.

David Hurdon
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Old January 29th, 2004, 08:40 AM   #194
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Vegas uses the Main Concept encoder as well- so that won't be a problem. The thing that strikes me as odd is that you can only get DVD Architect if you buy Vegas. If you have Vegas you my as well learn it- heck, you paid for it. Trust me you'll be glad you did.

What version of Premiere are you coming from?
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Old January 29th, 2004, 09:09 AM   #195
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DVD Architect will use any DVD legal MPEG2 file. It will NOT accept elementary streams, however. So, make sure there is an audio channel of some sort even if you intend to use a separately created AC-3 file for the audio.
Edward Troxel is offline  
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