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Old November 20th, 2008, 12:34 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 5
mpg/Vegas/DVDA issue

I've decided to try and "improve" my DVD creation workflow and am running into trouble.

I used to render (from Vegas 8.0) to avi, and create DVDs in DVDA 5.0 from avi files. I'm having issues around interlacing when processing to avi, so decided to take a recommendataion that I read on the forum, and process instead to mpg/ac3 and create DVDs from those files.

Everything seems to work smoothly, until I played the the DVD that was created. The videos look like they are moving at a slightly higher speed (say 110% of original footage).

Has anyone encountered this before? Any suggestions for where to start troubleshooting?

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Old November 20th, 2008, 12:56 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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I'm not familiar with your issue. Wish I could help.

However, just to reaffirm your workflow:

1: Render to Mpeg 2 always using the DVDA not use the generic Mpg settings.

2. Audio use ac3 as you are and do not render together at same time with video, always render separately. (You probably are, but just making sure)

If you make a movie that is to play on the DVDA menu, render that mpeg 2 DVDA template, but change custom settings to progressive.

Avoid the way you used to do it. Using AVIs means architect will have to re-render it...if you render as above it will go onto disc as is and will be high quality.

Good luck
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Old November 20th, 2008, 01:19 PM   #3
New Boot
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Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 5
Thanks for your reply, Jeff.

re: 1 - I am choosing the "DVD Architect NTSC video stream" template w/i type MainConcept MPEG-2, so I think I'm good there.

re: 2 - If I understand your statement correctly, I think I'm good there, too. I've been rendering the footage as mpg, then going back and rendering again with the same filename as ac3 (Dobly Digital AC-3 Pro - although I'm not sure if I should choose Pro or Studio, as both are ac3 options...).

Good tip on the video for the menu. I'll remember that, thanks!
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Old November 20th, 2008, 02:18 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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You seem to be doing everything guess would be the issue is the DVD player...have you tried another player. I've had cheap DVD players play with audio out of sync before.
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Old November 20th, 2008, 03:08 PM   #5
New Boot
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Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 5
It's odd, but it was actually when I played it on my computer that I had those results. I tried on a couple of other DVD players, and the speed was fine. Hm. I'll consider that an unsolved mystery...

Your info about changing to progressive in the custom settings ended up being just in time! I noticed that when I processed to mpg, some hand-drawn icons that were layered in ended up looking like the were drawn with hash marks/broken lines instead of solid lines. I changed the quality to best and switched to progressive, and it solved the problem! Now I've got a great looking DVD that seems to be at a much better quality than what I was creating before. So thanks for the tips!

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