AVCHD to best format for web video?
Hi all,
I've been rendering some projects shot with an SR12 to wmv. (Shot in 1920x1080 outputs in 1440x1080, and btw, is there a reason for this? When I output in 1920x1080 the image doesn't look right. Pixel aspect ratio is set to 1.33 HD 1080, which I believe is correct. So there is the image aspect ratio and the pixel aspect ratio to consider.)
My problem with wmv is that it takes forever, even on this new quad-core I just built. I read that wmv is the best output codec for web video in Vegas, and from what I've seen I agree. The Main Concept plugin is too artifacty. But what about things like Divx or Xvid, or some other high quality compression codec (Maybe I should try the QT plugin)? Is there a way to use those inside Vegas and render? Opinions on what the best format is to upload to sites like Vimeo or Blip.tv? And btw, I'm also looking for something that gets the most quality to file size ratio.
David H.