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Old September 6th, 2008, 05:48 AM   #1
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Vegas Pro 8 with Sony HDR-SR12

Hello this would be my 1st post , did a search and couldn't find anything!
I just bought a new Sony HDR-SR12 120 GIG video Camera, after shooting footage , how do I burn onto a DVD disc...
What format do I need to chance for this, I have the softwear that came with my camera (Pitcher Motion Browser) and Sony Vegas Pro 8 for editing .
Please can you help me to burn DVD disc?
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Old September 6th, 2008, 06:20 AM   #2
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The software that came with the camera can do simple menu driven DVD's in SD or AVCHD and burn to normal 4.7G DVD's. There is even a button on the SR12 base unit that will burn a disc automatically. The AVCHD disc's will ONLY play on Blu-Ray players or your PC. For home videos that is what I do from my SR11. I also have a FX1 and to mix SR11 and FX1 I use Vegas 8 to produce a SD DVD, setting markers in Vegas then use Architect 5 to author and burn a disc.

Ron Evans
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Old September 6th, 2008, 06:34 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
The software that came with the camera can do simple menu driven DVD's in SD or AVCHD and burn to normal 4.7G DVD's. There is even a button on the SR12 base unit that will burn a disc automatically. The AVCHD disc's will ONLY play on Blu-Ray players or your PC. For home videos that is what I do from my SR11. I also have a FX1 and to mix SR11 and FX1 I use Vegas 8 to produce a SD DVD, setting markers in Vegas then use Architect 5 to author and burn a disc.

Ron Evans

Hi Ron, I may sound silly but can you pm me with some instruction on how to burn onto DVD disc please.
I do plan on shooting HD soon, and burning onto Blue-ray to watch on my HDTV.
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Old September 6th, 2008, 09:46 AM   #4
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Don't bother with the software that came with the camera, especially if you've got vegas pro 8.

Here's your workflow, plug the camera into the pc via usb, i presume the cam came with usb lead.
Open up "my computer", the pc will now see another drive, your camera, go into that drive and just copy the files to somewhere on the pc.
Safely eject cam from pc.

Open vegas
>folder where you copied files from cam>drag footage into timeline
>edit (if you want)
>render as (top left)
>mainconcept mpeg-2
>choose dvd architect pal widescreen video stream (or ntsc if that what you need)
>audio,,make sure "include audio" is ticked

this will now create a copy of the footage from the cam, making it into mpeg2 (dvd) in the process into the folder you choose.

When done close vegas.

Open dvd architect.
Go to "file" (top left)
>single movie ( don't worry about menus at the moment)
make sure the settings are correct in the boxes in the window, ie pal or whatever and screen size (720x576 here in uk)
>find previously prepared file from vegas and select it.
>make dvd
then just follow the instructions.
Burn at 4x.

Round 2
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Old September 6th, 2008, 10:13 AM   #5
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I would use the Sony Motion Browser Software to copy to your PC for a number of reasons. It will join files together properly if the clip is longer than 2G( about 15mins), creates a good backup on your PC in both folder view and calendar view of all video and stills and will make AVCHD and SD DVD's with menus very easily. Even though I use Vegas and Edius for editing I still use the PMB. Its very quick to find things on the calendar and make a quick DVD just by dragging the clips to the DVD creation screen. For more complex editing Vegas is the way to go but is more involved than just dragging clips and pressing go!!!!

Ron Evans
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Old September 7th, 2008, 01:13 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
I would use the Sony Motion Browser Software to copy to your PC for a number of reasons. It will join files together properly if the clip is longer than 2G( about 15mins), creates a good backup on your PC in both folder view and calendar view of all video and stills and will make AVCHD and SD DVD's with menus very easily. Even though I use Vegas and Edius for editing I still use the PMB. Its very quick to find things on the calendar and make a quick DVD just by dragging the clips to the DVD creation screen. For more complex editing Vegas is the way to go but is more involved than just dragging clips and pressing go!!!!

Ron Evans
Made my 1st SD DVD today using the Sony Motion Browser Software, very impressed with the results...
Now I will attempt to use Sony Vegas Pro 8 to import file then try and edit some!
I also have DVD Achitect Pro , is this used after editing for Burning? Any tips!!!!

With HD footage would I need to burn using a different DISC ( Blue -Ray)?
This is what I like to finish doing, HD burning then watching on my HD TV.
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Old September 7th, 2008, 06:02 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Tony Alba View Post
Now I will attempt to use Sony Vegas Pro 8 to import file then try and edit some!
I also have DVD Achitect Pro , is this used after editing for Burning? Any tips!!!!
Yes you use DVD-Archtiect for burning dvd or blu-ray discs.
See my above post.

The best place for vegas and DVD-A tutorials is youtube.

Round 2
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Old September 7th, 2008, 07:05 AM   #8
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Tony Alba View Post
Made my 1st SD DVD today using the Sony Motion Browser Software, very impressed with the results...
Now I will attempt to use Sony Vegas Pro 8 to import file then try and edit some!
I also have DVD Achitect Pro , is this used after editing for Burning? Any tips!!!!

With HD footage would I need to burn using a different DISC ( Blue -Ray)?
This is what I like to finish doing, HD burning then watching on my HD TV.
Yes open Vegas and drag the files from the folder to the timeline and just edit as normal. You can set markers and name them in Vegas that will be imported into Architect and can be used as chapter points. One advantage of doing it this way is that one can make an SD disc or BluRay disc from the same Vegas timeline and just import the different encoded files into Architect( there are presets in the "Render as" for going to Architect). I must check but I do not think that Architect can make an AVCHD disc on normal 4.7G DVD- or + R. I usually just get Architect to create the files then burn with Nero.
The advantage of the PMB software is its easy and done in one go, will make SD DVD and a AVCHD on normal 4.7 DVD- or +R to play back on a Blu-Ray player like PS3.

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