How to add thin logo + text bar on bottom of video? at
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Old July 23rd, 2008, 01:49 AM   #1
Major Player
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How to add thin logo + text bar on bottom of video?

I have some footage of a concert, and I'm trying to add a little thin bar near the bottom of the screen that would include a little logo plus the name of the performing artist. It's kind of like sports game when they have a subtitle bar saying the name of the reporter, except I also want it to have a small graphic logo next to the text.

Any idea how to accomplish this? Thanks!
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Old July 23rd, 2008, 04:48 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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it's called a lower third and it quite simple to do in Vegas.

First insert another video track on top of the current track. Go to Generated Media and place a piece of media on that trck over the video clip (event) you want the lower thirds to cover. You could also make something in Photoshop (or your editor of choice). Lets assume you are using a black media. You will notice the entire image below is covered and can not be seen. Goto the Track Motion button of the track with the Generated Media in it and unlock the button that says "lock aspect ratio" (I think that's what it says-it's very early AM) that way you can resize the media to whatever you need. Do that. Resize it that is. Now in the preview screen click the Safe Areas grid (so you know where to place the media) qand move the media down to where you need it (keep it in the title safe area-it's pretty much the right position) OK you're almost there. Add another video track above all the others bring in the Generated Media TEXT over the lower thirds you just placed, type in the text, choose the font you prefer (try to stay with a sans serif non script text-it shows better, perhaps good old Arial to start with) size the text to fit the lower thirds, position to fit and guess what. You're done. Oh yeah tweak the position of the media (both) to match on the track so it all comes in and goes out together.
I gotta go-early tee time today! :-) see ya.
OH yeah there are a couple of other ways to do it but this works every time.
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Old July 23rd, 2008, 07:19 AM   #3
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Vol 2 #10 of my newsletters has full details on creating lower thirds.
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