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Old July 8th, 2008, 08:51 PM   #1
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Changing Preferences after starting project question

I started a project. After adding several clips, audio, text, and edits I noticed I did not match the size preference under the preview window to match the video I am using. I changed it after the fact but noticed now when I play it back in the preview window it lost a lot of quality and the text also looks to have changed. Will this affect the project once burned to a dvd? Please help, this is my first attempt and wanted to know do I need to start over or can I salvage this project?
Thanks in advance,
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Old July 8th, 2008, 11:08 PM   #2
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Vegas is a WYSIWYG app, assuming you're rendering to the same project settings. You want project settings that match your output. If something looks weird in the project window with your project settings at the same value as your output, then'll have problems.
Can you elaborate more on what you're not seeing as being correct, what your media properties are, and what the original settings were?
If you started with odd settings, created titles, and then change the settings, the titles will retain the original settings and will need to be reset to the new settings.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old July 9th, 2008, 06:50 AM   #3
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Thank You for the reply Douglas

Please bear with me this is my first project after just buying Vegas Pro.
To Elaborate, I started a project. The original footage is 1440x1080 x 32 29.970I After adding several events in the time line I then noticed in the Project Preview Window it was set at 720 x480 x 32 29.970I
I set the preferences ( in the preview window) to match the footage being used but only after adding several events and doing several edits. Is that going to matter that I changed it after the events were added and edited?
To make things worse, I tried a test burn onto a DVD and while I was able to figure it out and produce a playable DVD, the results were less than viewable as It looks to have been severly degraded or lessened in quality from the original footage.
I realize I have a huge and very steep learning curve ahead of me. As of now I have the Sony (how to book) Digital Video and Audio Production Book as a guide and I am trying to absorb as much as possible. I appreciate your help Douglas, Thank You.
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Old July 9th, 2008, 07:12 AM   #4
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Change the PROJECT settings to match under File - Properties. It sounds like Vegas was set to a standard NTSC DV project and you really wanted an HD project. Go to the properties and change the project settings and see what you get.
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Old July 9th, 2008, 07:25 AM   #5
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How you preview your project in the preview window is of no consequence to your project. You can either (if you are not using an external monitor) set it to 'Good'-'Auto' which I'd recommend, or you could set it to 'Best' - 'Full' which would match your image size, which is what I think you have done. This would display a full size image of your footage, and normally won't fit on your screen unless you expand the size of your preview window. Setting the Preview to Auto will automatically resize the preview image to the size of your preview window.

However, when I say no consequence it can have an impact on your computer performance (I think). if you are viewing Best Full it could nag at your processor.

Your quality issue sounds indeed like a Project Setting thing as suggested.

One of the more experienced guys here will elaborate hopefully! I'm just a cameraman who edits, not an 'editor'! Vegas is a superb editor, you'll love it! Enjoy.

By the way, This forum is superb and there are some extremely experienced and helpful people here who'll help you along!

Hope that helps.

One other thing. If you want to export a still frame to an image, set the preview to Best, Full so you obtain the highest quality stills!
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Old July 9th, 2008, 08:06 AM   #6
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Thank you to all who have helped regarding this.
So? What I am seeing under the preview window is only the preview quality and settings? It will not effect my project? Whewwwww, Glad to hear that.
Yes, I am quickly seeing that there are some pretty knowledgeable and helpful people here. That is a good thing when you are as green at this as I am. Lot's to learn in deed.
Thanks Again Everybody!
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Old July 9th, 2008, 08:28 AM   #7
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Aaprt from this excellent forum, for vegas tutorials i go on youtube.

Round 2
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Old July 9th, 2008, 01:05 PM   #8
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That's right. It will read directly to the left under your preview window what the preview image size is, and then under that, what the project size is. If the two are the same then you will be looking at a BIG preview image! My Preview window is about a 1/4 of one 20" widescreen monitor. I set it to Good Quality, and Auto Size, so the entire image frame fits in the window and the 'good' quality setting is good enough to edit without affecting performance.

If you have a very tidy and quick machine you could always try setting preview quality to Best and Size to Auto. See how that works.

Go through them all and you'll see the difference.

And won't alter your project settings!

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Old July 9th, 2008, 03:35 PM   #9
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Anything added from the "Media Generators" tab will be created at the current project settings. If you change the project's resolution after generating the media, you must manually change the resolution of the generated media. It won't automatically change when you change the project settings.

Since your project was originally set for 720x480, your text was generated at that resolution. When you changed the resolution of the project up to HDV, the text generator was still generating the text at 720x480 but resizing it up to HDV resolution causing it to go soft. Open your text events and at the top of the window, change the "Frame Size" to 1440x1080.
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Old July 20th, 2008, 06:01 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by John Cline View Post
Anything added from the "Media Generators" tab will be created at the current project settings. If you change the project's resolution after generating the media, you must manually change the resolution of the generated media. It won't automatically change when you change the project settings.

Since your project was originally set for 720x480, your text was generated at that resolution. When you changed the resolution of the project up to HDV, the text generator was still generating the text at 720x480 but resizing it up to HDV resolution causing it to go soft. Open your text events and at the top of the window, change the "Frame Size" to 1440x1080.
Thank You John, exactly what I needed to know. The help, as always is much appreciated!!!
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Old July 20th, 2008, 07:56 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by John Cline View Post
Anything added from the "Media Generators" tab will be created at the current project settings. If you change the project's resolution after generating the media, you must manually change the resolution of the generated media. It won't automatically change when you change the project settings.

Since your project was originally set for 720x480, your text was generated at that resolution. When you changed the resolution of the project up to HDV, the text generator was still generating the text at 720x480 but resizing it up to HDV resolution causing it to go soft. Open your text events and at the top of the window, change the "Frame Size" to 1440x1080.
Would you run into the same problem if you changed the velocity of some clips on the time line? e.g If I have a project that I edited using HD properties for HD out put and would also like to out put to SD?

I tried copying all clips from timeline and paste on to a new project with SD properties but seem to find the clips with velocity changes do not look so good when burnt on to dvd?
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