Video FX to same clip, in multiple places? at
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Old July 5th, 2008, 03:56 AM   #1
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Video FX to same clip, in multiple places?

This is probably an easily solvable problem, but I'm having a little trouble here.

For example, when I have a main video going, and then the main video fades out and then cuts to another clip (with the original main video going to a PIP on the top right of the screen), the media FX that I apply go on both of the videos (the main clip, and the main clip that is now a PIP).

This is troublesome because I like to use a border for a PIP, and the border starts appearing on the original main video as well. I don't want that, because of course having a huge border on a normal full sized video just doesn't look right.

Basically, in a nutshell, if I'm using the same clip in multiple places, I can't apply FX without those effects being applied to every instance of that video on the timeline. What I have to do is make a copy of the original video and rename the file to have multiple copies of it. I have to have the same video file, but multiple copies, and only one of them can have the FX applied (because I don't want them being applied to both).

Is there any way around this?
Jared Gardner is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 5th, 2008, 04:26 AM   #2
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As I understand it you can apply FX at either the media, or track, or the event level. Applied at media level (right clicking on the media in the Project media window and selecting Media FX) it applies to every instance of that media in the project. At event level (the FX button on the event), it applies only to that event. At track level (FX button in track list info) I assume it applies to anything on a track - I haven't used that yet.
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Old July 5th, 2008, 06:31 AM   #3
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Renton is quite correct. Unless you have the FX applied at TRACK level on ALL tracks OR Media level the FX should only show on the events (clips) it is applied to. First I would check the track where you have clip #2-the one you DON'T want the FX playing on and make sure the FX isn't on the track. Then check the MEDIA Pool to see if you placed the FX in there. Remember also though that if the events are from the same package (same clip-perhaps further down the line) KEYFRAMES are your friend. You can keyframe just about anything and everything in Vegas.

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Old July 5th, 2008, 06:33 AM   #4
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Is this the sort of thing you're talking about.

I'm not sure from your post whether you want the original video to continue playing in the PIP (like in my example) or to start playing from the beginning again in the PIP.

There's a few ways of doing it. I put the original even on track 1, put the second one on track 2. Split track 1 where you want it to fade/go to PIP. If you want to repet the first part of the original video rather than for it to continue - delete the event after the split and copy and paste the event before the split.

Right click on the event after the split - select Pan/Crop - resize and move as required. Then add Sony Border - make sure the little triangle next to "Border" in the keyframe section is pointing to the left. Then play with the fade handles on each event.

Hope that helps.

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Old July 5th, 2008, 07:31 AM   #5
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Another common tactic is to split the clip around the section where you want the effect applied. So when it's full screen, there would be no effect. When you want it to be a PIP, split around that section and add the border only to that small section. You may still need to use keyframes as was mentioned to get the effect to gradually appear instead of suddenly jumping into place but you would be dealing with a much smaller section.
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Old July 6th, 2008, 01:42 AM   #6
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I'm going to try these keyframes here.

I've tried the splitting and I'm doing exactly as mentioned here -- splitting the clip, fading out at the first piece, and then fading in on the 2nd half of it, and the 2nd half is panned/cropped to fit in a PIP.... however, if I add a border to the 2nd half of it, it shows up on the first 'main' fullscreen video as well (and of course fullscreen with a border just doesn't look right).

There's also an option to 'create a sublclip', and I'm not sure of exactly what that does, but I guess it's time to learn, right?

I'm going to do some testing in just a few here and I'll let you know of my results =)
Jared Gardner is offline   Reply

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